Job, unpacking and getting apartment stuff and organizing, finding time to work out and general laziness, I’ve fallen behind on my Scotland Run 10K race recap (Hint: Surprise PR that I in no way trained for). And about offering any sort of update about my move (Hint: Incredibly stressful and resulted in spending my first night in the apartment in tears).
That said, I absolutely love my new apartment and will leave you with these photos until I can get my shit together to write a proper blog post.
The view from my living room during sunset:
The view from my couch (floor-to-ceiling windows FTW). Watching people play tennis (and basketball at the same time, apparently) along with cricket and other things is like having a second TV, conveniently located right next to the first TV. The second TV actually distracts from the first one, and it never has commercials:
Same view but instead of sitting on my couch, I stood up to take it. The section between the tennis court and playground is side of the pool area. I can see more of it from my bedroom window. Andy hopes to use my dad’s hardcore binoculars to check out girls in bikinis there this summer:
The view from my morning run. I also have a little view of the Hudson River and Manhattan from my apartment, but it didn’t come out great so I’ll have to take it again another time:
Chili’s Bar and Grill is conveniently located just a few blocks from our new home. This pleases Andy very much, as evidenced here on his birthday:
My blog in 3D. Not related to my move, but cool nonetheless: