So, the Superbowl. I watched it — and I mean really and truly WATCHED it — for the first time on Sunday.
I’ve been exposed to it, of course. It’s been on in my presence but I can’t say I ever really paid any attention to that whole football part. This year was different.
It’s funny, one of my most vivid memories of my dad, who died when I was five, was watching the Giants in the living room of our house, with my dad pointing out Phil Simms #11 to me. And for most of my life, that is all the football I knew — and I was proud to be able to spout off “Phil Simms #11” when any football-related conversation came up. Long after Phil Simms was relevant in that way.
And it always impressed the boys. Hello boys.
Watching Phil Simms #11 was one of my few clear memories of spending time with my father (you can read about a music-related memory here) and even though I did not particularly understand or care about football, I considered myself a Giants fan because of that memory. Because my dad loved them and I wanted to preserve that.
My little brother is two years younger than me and was too young to share that Giants memory. He became a Jets fan and even then, I remained aligned with my dad and his Giants. When the Giants won the Superbowl in 2008, I was alone in my apartment with the game on in the background. I was not very cool. But I remember paying attention at the end and I feeling absolutely elated when they won. I called my mom and said “Daddy would have loved this.”
And when I walked past the parade setting up on my way to work that day, I felt pride.
This year was different. I happened to fall in love with a boy from Boston. A boy who happens to be extremely into sports. A boy who works at a well-known sports organization. A boy who desperately wanted his Patriots to win. A boy who has the biggest man-crushes I have ever seen a straight man have — on Bill Belichick and Tom Brady. Seriously. For months, all I’ve heard is how handsome they are.
And while I semi-watched football with my boyfriend all season, for the first time on Sunday, I actually paid attention to the entire game. No Kindle. No computer. My focus was on the TV and I was surprisingly able to follow it and understand most of it.
I rooted against my dad’s Giants. And I may have worn Patriots pajama pants (please don’t hate me, every person I know).
The Giants win is bittersweet for me, but the emphasis is on bitter. But I want so much to see my boyfriend smile, see him happy, celebrate with him. It hurts me that he is hurting. I can’t describe the sadness I feel when in the middle of the night, he wakes up and says only “Poor Andy” before going back to sleep.
I think I know how he feels, because I felt that way after the NYC Marathon.
Because I’m not a girl who ever legitimately cared about sports, I don’t feel like I’m a traitor (my mom tends to disagree – hi Mom!). How can I be a traitor of something I never really cared about? I love my dad, but given that the extent of my Giants knowledge before this year was a player who retired almost 20 years ago, can I really be considered a traitor? Yes, I’m from New York, but really, what is it to me what teams I root for? I never cared much on my own. I always wanted New York teams to win, but again, what is it really to me? I don’t follow the players or the teams. I just wanted them to win for the sake of winning.
And now — if they’re playing against Andy’s teams — I don’t.
And I cannot believe I just wrote an entire post about football. I think next week I’ll talk about my shift away from barre classes. I am still me, after all. Just with a few new alliances.
24 comments on A Topic I Never Thought I’d Blog About: The Superbowl
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[…] day. Who am I kidding? I love Lifetime movies. And since you asked, Iรขโฌโขm still devastated by the Patriots losing to the Giants in the Super Bowl. It sucked enough when it happened in 2007, especially living in NYC, but for it to happen again […]
[…] someone who never thought she’d blog about the Super Bowl, it’s pretty funny that this is my second post devoted to […]
February 7, 2012 at 11:55 am (13 years ago)I’m sure your dad would understand ๐
I feel for Andy. I still can’t believe the Pats made so many mistakes…it’s just…unbelievable.
February 7, 2012 at 12:03 pm (13 years ago)Definitely not a traitor — a little sibling rivalry is fun! And I agree that your dad would understand…he would be elated that Andy makes you so happy!
February 7, 2012 at 12:55 pm (13 years ago)You did both put a year of hard work and training into your respective events only to have an unfortunate finish.
Hopefully the Pats can sign up for another Superbowl in Virginia and feel better about themselves.
February 7, 2012 at 1:44 pm (13 years ago)My situation is almost the complete opposite of yours! I am a Bears fan so (as long as the Packers aren’t in the Superbowl) I’m rather indifferent. But my dad is the ULTIMATE Pats fan – much like Andy, he has a huuuge crush on Tom Brady/ Tom is his favorite child. Yet, I’m dating a legitimate (but not diehard) Giants fan. This game, I decided to wage some friendly competition with the boy and desperately wanted to see the Pats win. Unfortunately, the game didn’t go as well as we hoped and my dad texted me “This sucks.” I feel bad for my stepmom because I’m pretty sure he will be somber for a few weeks.
Anyway, I love the community football brings and the way it bonds fans. I think by rooting for and with Andy, you are finding a new way to connect with him. And that’s great!
February 7, 2012 at 2:44 pm (13 years ago)As the Andy in this story, it was a brutal night that Dori summarized well. She was an eager viewer of the game and didn’t turn away once. Luckily for her, it’s on to basketball season and the veteran Celtics primed for one last run at the title. Can’t wait!!
February 7, 2012 at 4:49 pm (13 years ago)What about Bruins?!?!
February 7, 2012 at 5:07 pm (13 years ago)I also have Bruins pajamas and Red Sox socks!
February 7, 2012 at 3:54 pm (13 years ago)Poor Dori! I used to root for team who had the best colors ๐
Rachel Wilkerson
February 7, 2012 at 4:05 pm (13 years ago)1. I LLOLd at the title of this post.
2. “And while I semi-watched football with my boyfriend all season, for the first time on Sunday, I actually paid attention to the entire game. No Kindle. No computer. My focus was on the TV and I was surprisingly able to follow it and understand most of it.” SAME HERE. It was…odd. But not bad.
Anyway, I just totally get this post.
February 7, 2012 at 4:52 pm (13 years ago)I do not think you are a traitor…just a new yorkers…I am glad you are there for andy
February 7, 2012 at 5:37 pm (13 years ago)I was always a girl with a crush on a oy in a band. Andrew is the first dude I ever spent any time with (er, 9.5 yrs and counting) who LOVES sports. Like, LOVES. I think he and Andy would get along. Not only because of the name. Actually, maybe that would forge a divide, having the same name. Oh, and liking different teams.
Where am I going with this?
OH! I have been forced to watch every major sporting event against my will since I met Andrew. With the exception of the World Cup, sports will always be background noise. But THIS year, Andrew was sooo sosososo depressed that his Packers lost to the Giants, that he boycotted the entire Superbowl. (And by boycott, I mean we watched it in our livingroom instead of at a party). And as per usual, it was auxillary noise.
I don’t think you’re a traitor. If you had LOVED the Giants and then switched teams for a boy, that’s one thing. But to have a fond memory of the Giants because your dad liked them and then to root for the Patriots many years later is totally A-OK in my book.
Relationships are all about compromise!
February 7, 2012 at 6:00 pm (13 years ago)Phil Simms lives in my parents’ town. Just sayin’.
February 9, 2012 at 3:32 pm (13 years ago)This is such a nice post. I love how supportive you are to those you love! I personally loveeee football; I used to work in the NFL and once sat next to Phil Simms on the plane! I was in awe ๐
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