
2011 archive

New Years Blogger Style

I am not a fan of New Years Eve. I find it unnecessarily stressful. In fact, a running joke between me and my best friend is “What are we doing for New Years?” because this has been a recurring dilemma over the last 10 years, starting as early as the summer some years. The stress of this holiday is not worth it. I would much rather just stay home with some friends and booze.

This year, Missy and I decided to spend the holiday together. She lives far away in Queens and my apartment does not fit two people, so we had to figure out where to go. After some anxiety over our initial options, we decided to go to a local bar in my neighborhood. Only a $10 cover, low key, no pressure.

We were totally content with our plan. Then, on December 31, Jocelyn from Enthusiastic Runner tweeted me about my What I’m Doing Wrong post, saying that she wants to hang out with me. I knew she just meant one day in general, but since she is in NYC I figured I might as well see what she was up to for New Years.

I asked Jocelyn what her plans were for the night and she invited Missy and me to dinner with her and her friend, and then a party after with her high school friends. And just like that, Missy and I had both a blogger blind date AND New Years plans.

Don’t want to bore you with the details so instead I will bore you with the photos:

Strawberry Caipiroska – vodka, strawberries, lime juice and brown sugar at the world’s first certified USDA organic bar:

This is why it is good to crash another healthy living blogger’s New Years dinner.

Organic Vegetable Pizza: zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, yellow squash, tomato sauce & olive oil, and Organic Veggie Burger: lentil, eggplant patty, homemade bun w/side salad & baked sweet potato fries.

The bun was the best part.

Two enthusiastic runners:

My love affair with a pup:

This is what we call “multitasking.”

However, I don’t believe the jello shot was organic.

Friends for three and a half years:

Mid-air ball:

Mozzarella sticks, cheesy goodness:

New Years train crazies:

A fun night. So fun, in fact, that I had to postpone my planned Saturday Core Fusion Cardio class to Sunday instead. But well worth it for a great night with my friend and a new blogger friend.

. . . and her friends.

Happy New Year to all the amazingly supportive readers of my blog! You made me tear up many times with your comments, tweets and emails about my 2010 Year in Review. You guys! Now I’m crying again. What I am trying to say here is: thank you.

While I have goals for 2011, such as workout 4-6 times a week and eat as cleanly as I can, those are my everyday goals anyway. And run the NYC Marathon of course. But I actually have just one new main goal, which is to work harder on writing this crazy website. I might as well put it out there: I want a career where I am writing and doing social media related to health & fitness. I tend to wait for things to just come to me; that is silly. I won’t get what I really want unless I work for it. This year, I will work for what I want and for what I know will keep me happy.

Happy 2011!

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