2011 archive

Running & Marathon News

I’ve got some running news for you on this humid May Tuesday.

  • I went on a work trip to Huntington Beach California earlier this month. Faced with the opportunity to run along the Pacific Ocean, I had no choice but to go for it.
  • Here is some photographic proof of the 10 miles I ran during my three days there. Yep. 10 miles. Two three mile runs at a cautiously slow pace and one amazing and speedy four miler where I finally felt like I was back from my injury:

  • This was not taken during a run, but look at the sunset from this trip:
  • Since coming back to New York City, I have now ran three times. All have gone well and been at a good pace considering I’ve been out of commission for months.
  • Don’t worry! I am taking it easy. I don’t run often, and I don’t push my pace. I just run in a way that feels natural.
  • Someone please explain to me why running is so much easier when there is a destination? For example, when I am running just to go for a run, I am constantly thinking about how long I have been running, how much more time I have left, my pace, my mileage, checking my watch, etc. But when I am running to a destination — like to Core Fusion Cardio this weekend — I can just enjoy my run because I know exactly how far I have to go and how close I am. Why is this? I want to enjoy all my runs in this easygoing way.
  • Case in point: This morning on my 3.5 mile run run, my first two miles were completed in 10:10 and 10:22 respectively. My return mile and a half was completed in 8:09 and 8:12. Because coming back, I had a destination: home.
  • Please explain.
  • Because of my hip injury and the possibility of not making it to the marathon, I decided not to run with Team for Kids this year.
  • I love Twitter. Without the training perks of Team for Kids, I needed a good marathon training plan that allows me to keep Refine Method and Core Fusion in my mix. I put out a request for help to create a marathon training plan. Stacy from Stacy’s Bootcamp created a magnificent custom training plan for me. She is awesome. Go take her class.
  • I am excited to start marathon training in July for the ING NYC Marathon!
  • I am excited to blog about my experience marathon training. How many people get to have a detailed account of training for their first and likely only marathon? I mean, in this world, lots. But in the grand scheme, not so many.
  • I am shocked by how many people commented on my hip injury posts to tell me I should just go ahead and get the surgery even if I’m not in pain. As I explained, I went to two different hip surgeons who BOTH told me I don’t need surgery. One of them was even a jerk! Surgery is their bread and butter, and if they both advised me to NOT give them thousands of dollars, I think there is a good reason for that.
  • My hip has been feeling so much better (knock on wood). I still avoid turning out, but I haven’t felt pain in awhile.
  • I am so happy I did not get surgery.
  • I registered for the Queens Half Marathon on July 30! I was on the fence because I don’t want to pay for a race that I might not be able to run (who knows what will happen with my hip), but it was about to fill up and I’d rather secure my spot and eat the $25. The race takes place in my hometown, so I won’t have to deal with the stress of traveling to an outer borough early in the morning. I can just stay at my mom’s and if she doesn’t want to drive me, it will be a $10 car service ride!
  • I also registered for the Celebrate Israel Run on June 5. Jews! It is a 4-miler, which I am totally ready for right now. I am excited to run in a race again. I will NOT try to PR — especially since my PR for this distance is my fastest race (not counting the 5th Avenue Mile) ever. I am proud to represent my people at my first race back.
  • I am obsessed with analyzing my Garmin maps post-run. I mean, look at this crazy one from last week! I ran to errands, to Core Fusion Cardio and to lunch. As I said above, destination running rules.
  • I will have an exciting announcement very soon. If you live in the NYC area and are around on (I think) Sunday, June 12, I would love you to participate in an outdoor fitness event! More details TK.
  • Even if my hip gets bad again, I am thankful for this time right now when I can run pain free. I am back!


In other news, check out my latest NBC New York GO Healthy NY posts!

Dori’s Quest: Bassett’s Bootcamp


Dori’s Quest: Nicola Yvette Pilates Bootcamp

Ever come back from an injury? Did you jump right back into exercise or were you cautious? I feel like I am managing a nice mix.

Skechers Shape-ups for Girls: Body Image, Safety & Misleading Marketing

Last week, I read a post on Fit Chick in the City about Skechers Shape-ups for Girls. Not girls as in females, but girls as in little girls.

Jess asked the question, “Is this commercial sending the wrong message to girls about body image or is it just encouraging a new generation that being active is important?

Without even watching the video, I responded with my outrage:

Horrible idea. Not just because the shoes themselves are dangerous (they gave my mom a stress fracture in her foot) but more importantly because they send the idea that being fit and toned is what is important — not the actual EXERCISE which encompasses so much more than just looks. Terrible for body image, terrible for message. Children do not need an “easy way out” of exercising. They need to learn to love being active.

And then I watched it.

Uhh . . . this commercial says absolutely nothing about the fact that these are not regular sneakers. I would assume that by now most people — most parents — are familiar with Shape-ups, but what about those that might not be? Those parents will have no clue, based on this commercial, that these shoes claim to: “burn more calories, tone muscles, improve posture, reduce stress on back and legs.” And this is how they claim to do so:

“Designed to improve your life by changing the way you walk, Skechers Shape-ups feature a unique soft kinetic wedge insert and dynamic rolling bottom to stimulate walking barefoot on a yielding surface such as sand.”

To explain, this creates an unevenness and a need to use your muscles to balance, which is where the “toning” work comes in.

NY Daily News - Sketcher's Shape-Ups


It is one thing for an adult to make the decision to try these balancing shoes out (although I have strong opinions about this as well, and they aren’t pretty), but a child? That commercial makes these shoes seem fun and cute. Never mind the fact that there is a warning that come with the shoes explicitly stating NOT to run in them. What young girl in the playground with her friends will know that‽ That’s actually how my mom got her stress fracture with these shoes — she ran for less than 30 seconds in an urgent situation. That is all it took. Less than 30 seconds. Do you really think a kid in recess is going to say, “Sorry guys — can’t play. My shoes are for toning, not running around.” And that is assuming the girl even knows that her shoes are for toning (REALLY?! TONING a child’s legs?!”) and is aware that she should not run in them.

Especially when “Heidi’s got new Shape-ups, got everything a girl wants. She’s got the height, got the bounce. She’s lookin’ good and havin’ fun ‘cuz Heidi’s got new Shape-ups.”

These commercials are being aired on the Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, targeted to children as young as PRE-SCHOOL age.


So let’s ignore the fact that the commercial is totally misleading. Let’s assume that everyone knows what these shoes are for.

For their intended purpose, Sketcher’s Shape-ups for Girls are horrifying on two levels:

1. Body-image

I often feel sad that there is so much pressure to be thin and wonder how things got to be this way. There are so many more important things to think and worry about, and THIS is where we spend our money, our time, our energy? I love working out and I do it for many reasons — being “skinny” at the very bottom of my list, I can’t deny that it is there — and I wish more women would focus on being strong and healthy.

I constantly think about how when I have children, I am never going to say a single word about my body in front of them — unless it is to say how strong I am, or how I am happy with the way I look and feel. They are never going to hear a single negative thought. They are never going to hear that I wish my side-stomach area was smaller. I’ll always think it, but they will never know this. I don’t want them to have a single negative reference when it comes to judging their own bodies — at least none that come from me.

And here we have a commercial targeting babies — BABIES! — for shoes that indirectly tell them they need to tone their legs and their butts. Four-year-olds. Toning their tushies.

Kids should learn from an early age to love exercising.  Love it because it is fun, because it is healthy. Go to summer camp and be active. Join sports teams. Take dance, like I did my entire life — even though I sucked. The benefits to exercise are infinite.

It is one thing for adults to choose to buy these possibly dangerous shoes and try to find a quick fix, an “easy” way to tone up. Kids do not need to be toned. They do not need an easy way out of exercise. They do not need to be sent a message (even though the commercial isn’t clear, it does come down to this) that they need to tone up their legs and butts.

Things are so f*cked up as it is when it comes to body image these days. We should be promoting healthy body image. As Jezebel perfectly says, “Little girls should not worry about toning their thighs and butts.”

2. Safety

People see Skecher’s Shape-ups (and other similar shoes from different brands) as a way OUT of exercising. A shortcut. But there are no shortcuts! You want to feel magnificent and look great? Exercise! That is how I do it. That is how most of us who are healthy and in great shape do it.

There are many claims and at least one lawsuit that these shoes are dangerous and can cause injuries.  My own mom got a stress fracture wearing them! The woman with the lawsuit has stress fractures in both her hips. Maybe it is a fluke and the shoes are not responsible, but we don’t know for sure. Shoes like these have not been out for very long, and we do not know the long-term effects. Is that really something we want to experiment with on children?

Kids do not have the judgement to make that decision.


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