2011 archive

I Am Really Excited About Everything in the Month of July

I am so happy.

As I look at my calendar and see everything I have going on this month, I am so excited about all of it. July is already my favorite month of the year; it is what I consider “real” summer. June is not yet summer. August is a sign that summer is almost over (I get nauseous as August approaches for just that reason. Yes, I know I am nuts.) But July . . . July is REAL SUMMER.

Here’s why I am even more excited than usual about July this year:

{} The Fourth of July – this happened last night and I went to a rooftop in Brooklyn and spent hours outside. I love spending time outside in as little clothing as possible, with alcohol. I don’t think I could ever be happier. Enter gratuitous photos of me standing around being happy, with alcohol.


[Photo: Anonymous]

And the gorgeous sunset:

P.S. I never feel a need to carry my camera around anymore. The iPhone does just fine. One less thing to have to shove into my pregnant-looking purse.

{} Marathon training – This officially starts on July 11 (although I started half marathon training for Queens on 7/30). I am SO excited! I have never stuck to a real training plan before. The marathon’s getting real, guys. Stacy from Stacy’s Bootcamp helped me create an awesome training plan that only has me running three times a week (I fear any more will cause injury) and lets me keep Refine Method and Core Fusion in my weekly plans.

It also means running! I miss running. I miss exercising outside. Last weekend I ran along the water and it was beautiful.

Then I stopped at a dog park with a tiny doggie fountain.

Then I tackled the biggest hill ever.


{} FITist – I am trying out the FITist Rookie plan this month! I get two Core/Pilates classes, two Yoga Classes and two Cycling Classes. I will also get to try two Performance classes if I can fit them in. I am very excited to try some new workouts and studios. I already started with a spinning class at FlyWheel on July 4! It is a little challenging balancing their classes with marathon training and my own classes, but I am doing my best. I will share my entire experience with FITist after this month.

{} My apartment – I officially have the apartment to myself. My (ex) roommate and I will be doing heavy man-like things like trying to slide Midge, our fridge, out into the hallway to make room to see if we can get my desk and wardrobe from my room into hers. Our kitchen is a narrow L shape, and it connects our rooms to each other, so the trick is getting these large items around the corner without anything getting stuck or crumbling to pieces (which has happened before. Damn you IKEA. But also, I love you.)

I am so excited to organize all my stuff and for once in my life have space to PUT things. Our apartment is 320 square feet and does not have any closets. With my roommate’s stuff out, I will have more storage space and places to put things. I wish I had photos to share. Maybe I will take some while we are moving and organizing. That would make for a fun Tuesday blag sometime.

I’d also like to move my bookcase to her room and put a nighstand in its place next to my bed. Can you imagine? A place to put stuff I need at night and in the morning in easy reach! I am thinking my alarm clock, a book, my iPad, things that need to be washed like dishes and my cell phone.

Now those things won’t have to live in my bed with me.

I also want to get a vanity table where my wardrobe currently is so I can move my makeup and hair products from their current home on the floor to on top of a table. With a mirror! This way I can see my face as I apply my makeup.

IKEA Vanity Table

[Photo: IKEA]

Then if I have a desk in her room, I can have a chair. THAT means I can have a place to sit and write! Right now I have to write from bed and as you can imagine I am extremely unproductive.

I also hope this gives me some space for push-ups.

{} Top-Secret Thing – I can’t wait to reveal to you mid-July the reason I am at Refine doing these things:

Or at the gym at Chelsea Piers doing this thing:

{} Boomer’s Cystic Fibrosis Run to Breathe (10K) – On July 9 I will once again tackle my favorite race distance, the 10K. I had an incredible PR on this distance at the Women’s Mini 10K in 2010. I am not going to try and PR because I am taking care of my hip, but I am excited to be in a race nonetheless, even though it means missing my first Girls on the Run Solemates group training run that happens to be the day after the race. I will be running with my friend Z, who I also plan to run 26.2 miles with in a few months. Last weekend we ran the Central Park Loop together and just talked the entire time. It made 6 miles feel like nothing. I met Z through this blog, so it is all pretty amazing.

{} Queens Half Marathon – This half is July 30 and I won’t say I can’t wait, because then that means July is almost over and the dread of August comes. But I am happy to be running a half! It’s been so long since I ran 13.1 miles surrounded by lots of people. I am nervous because I am coming back from injury and all, but I have been feeling great and I am more excited than scared anyway. I am not sure what I am more excited for: the race, or the post-half marathon French toast tradition.

{} Running Music –  I am loving my new running music, especially the mashups of DJ Cobra. They are really awesome and also free and might even give Girl Talk a run for his money. I don’t know. That is a bold claim that I am not prepared to make. But DJ Cobra is fantastic. There are many songs I spot in these mixes that I never would have considered for a mashup! Thank you Gena for knowing me so well.

{} July 29 – My baby brother’s birthday. Loves.


{} Discovering the best story ever - Dog accidentally runs half marathon for cancer – This made my summer. I love this story so much! Dozer escaped from his family (the sad part) and ran into a University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center charity half marathon (the happy part). Excited by all the people running, he kept running right alongside them. Watch the video. Every time Dozer crosses the finish I get all teary. And he is so regal as he accepts his medal. What a great dog! He ran back home to his family the next day, so all ended well. I donated to his fundraising efforts. He earned it.

Speaking of fundraising efforts, I raised over $1,000 for Girls on the Run! Thank you so much to everyone who donated.

Now it is time to announce the winner of the RoadID raffle! I can’t say enough about how crucial it is to run with this form of ID. Please consider getting one if you spend time outdoors running, cycling or even walking.

The winner of the $35 RoadID gift certificate is

Mazel tov to Mallory & Matthew. I promise no nepotism was involved. They stacked the odds.

And lastly, here are my two latest NBC New York GO Healthy NY reviews:

Dori’s Quest: Core Fusion Boot Camp

Dori’s Quest: Stacy’s Bootcamp – Ultra-Challenging but Effective


Happy July, kids!

Runner Safety & RoadID Charity Raffle

Thank you so much to everyone who entered the Marathon Charity Raffle – Core Fusion and Yoga 10-Class Pack! Extra thank yous to the two people who each donated $100 — so generous! I entered every entry into a spreadsheet and then used the Random Number Generator to select a random winner.

The winner is

What the hell? When does “1” get chosen??

Congratulations on winning a Core Fusion 10-pack Michelle L!

As you can see, I am very close to reaching my goal. What better time to hold another raffle? This one is for the runners, walkers, cyclists or anyone who has active people in their lives that they care about.

I am raffling a $35 Gift Card for a RoadID.

RoadID is an essential part of runner/cyclist/walker safety.

I first learned about RoadID when Caitlin from Healthy Tipping Point detailed the story of Lindsay, who got into a cycling accident and did not have any identification on her. The hospital refused to treat her and she had to wait in excruciating pain until they received her information.

After reading Lindsay’s story, I entered the Caitlin’s giveaway, saying this: Wow. I was considering it before, but now I am convinced. If I don’t win this I will purchase one – but I’d love to win.

I did not win. So I purchased one. How could I not? How could any runner or cyclist not? I never ran with any ID and after learning about RoadID, realized how crucial it is. If you visit the testimonials section of the RoadID website, you will find story after story of people crediting their lives to having a RoadID, like this one from Shannon:

I cracked my head on the pavement and fell unconscious. Thank goodness I was wearing my RoadID on my shoe- the first responders used my Interactive ID to find out my identity and some very crucial medical information. They knew who I was and that I needed specific care. I’m not sure what would have happened if I WASN’T wearing ID, and I don’t intend to find out!

RoadID comes in different styles. I like wearing the Shoe ID because it sticks onto my shoelace and I don’t have to worry about forgetting it; I just never take it off my sneaker. They also have dog tags (for the hardcore among us), a wrist band, an ankle band and a shoe pouch (good if you want to shove some cash in there).

The RoadID has six lines of space for the following types of information:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • City & State
  • Emergency contact phone numbers
  • Insurance Information
  • Running mantra/motivation/inspiration/quote
  • …or anything else you want

Why Wear a RoadID?

Caitlin detailed the following reasons why you should wear a RoadID:

  • Keeping your ID in your pocket is better than nothing; however, in a serious accident, it is unlikely your clothes will stay in 1 piece or even make it to the hospital with you.  The majority of the time, clothing are cut off by paramedics and other first responders, and an ID in your pocket may get lost in the shuffle.
  • Relying on your cell phone to hold your emergency contact information is not smart — phones may be smashed during the accident.
  • Furthermore, for their own protection, paramedics and other medical professionals will not search bike bags, fanny packs, helmets, wallets, and purses for identification.  Personal belongings are left for the police to record in their report of the accident.
  • Your parents, spouse, or friends probably do NOT know your emergency contact information by heart.  Additionally, these people probably know very little about your medical history, medications, allergies, and insurance information.
  • The HIPPA Laws and Patient Privacy Act make it very difficult to track down family members or friends who have been admitted to the hospital.  Hospitals will usually refuse to release any information unless the patient has signed various medical documents.

My RoadID quotes my own running mantra, straight from Citizen Cope’s “Son’s Gonna Rise”: INAMILEYOULLBEFEELINFINE

That is “In a mile you’ll be feelin fine” shrunk down to fit onto a RoadID. I like having that with me every time I run. It is so true.

[Screen shot from RoadID]

And as I learned the hard way, do not put any information on your RoadID that might not be permanent. My old one had my ex’s phone number. Oops. Luckily they offer replacement IDs, although if they did at the time I didn’t realize because I just ordered a whole new one!

Raffle Rules

  • $5 per entry – $10 = 2 entries; $15 = 3 entries; and on and on. The higher you bid, the more entries you get. I wanted this to be accessible to anyone, so as long as you’ve got $5 you have a shot!
  • Please leave a comment to let me know you donated and would like to be entered into the raffle
  • If you already entered my Core Fusion & Yoga 10-class pack raffle last week and also want to enter this, all you need to do is donate an additional $5 and I will count ALL your entries towards the RoadID.

Click here to donate and enter the raffle.

I will announce the winner next Tuesday morning, July 5.

GOTR Sole Mates

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