On Blogging:
- As of November 5, I’ve been blogging at Dori’s Shiny Blog for exactly four years.
- Until the Richmond Marathon surprise recap post, I’d been undecided about the future of the blog.
- Your comments and emails in reaction to that blog post, and the one about DNFing the NYC Marathon, reminded me why I love blogging. Thank you.
[Crossing the finish line at the Richmond Marathon]
On The Exhaustion That Comes After Running an Unplanned 47 Miles in a Week:
- My upper lip twitched for five straight days.
- I tried emailing my brother’s dog. I only realized my error when I started typing her name, Santana, into the “To” field and was surprised when friend Sara’s name appeared rather than the dog’s.
- After all the running and a busy work week, IÂ spent this entire weekend alternating between resting in bed and resting on the couch. I did nothing else. It was perfect.
On Things I Saw While Running the Richmond Marathon:
- IHOP Express — I saw this during the last mile of the race and was very confused as to what it was. I love IHOP, and if there was a way to make it faster I want to know! Then I saw it mocked on SNL and apparently it is brand new and opened around the same time I saw it!
- Many signs and other things I made mental notes to myself to remember. I remember none of these things.
- Lots of beautiful leaves. I normally dislike fall because it means cold weather, but as I ran through Richmond, the leaves were so beautiful that seeing them while running a marathon on a perfect day actually made me happy. Much happier than seeing leaves in Central Park.
On Things That Make Me Feel Special:
- My name in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. I ordered two copies.
- SportsBackers, the organization that runs the SunTrust Richmond Marathon, included a link to my marathon recap in their newsletter (if you found me through there, welcome!)
- I said it before and I’ll say it again: all your amazing comments and emails. I should fail and then succeed at marathons more often.
On My Marathon Time Stats:
- My half split is faster than my first half marathon time on March 21, 2010. And I gave that race my all and was in a LOT of pain for days after — much more than after completing this marathon.
- My 20K split was a very even number. I found this pleasing to myself during the race and as it turns out, Andy enjoyed the roundness of the number when he received my tracking email as well.
- My average pace was 10:25. That is just incredible to me.
On My New Attitude Towards Running:
- Since the Richmond Marathon, I have a newfound love of running and desire to improve. My half marathon PR at the Queens Half Marathon was amazing, and I was content to leave it at that and never try to beat it, but really I was not well-trained for that half marathon. If I can run a 2:06 half on very little training and while coming off a six-month-long hip injury, I am really curious to find out what I’m capable of accomplishing in that distance.
- I think I’ll participate in the NYRR 9+ 1 program next year for the 2013 NYC Marathon. Just in case. Also, I REALLY want to run. A lot. So might as well race.
- I want to find a better mix of my fitness classes and race training. I want to be in almost as good shape as I was when I filmed my Bing: Friends Matter webisode back in June, but I don’t want to abandon running to get there like I did then.
On Visiting Richmond:
- I loved the Richmond Marathon so much that I am itching to go back. I absolutely plan to run the Richmond Half Marathonnext year. At the very least. Cough-IsaidImneverrunninganothermarathonagainbutwhoknows-Cough. I do like spending time outside in the summer when it’s nice out.
- When we are there, spend more time exploring the city. Last weekend, we had to drive back to NYC right after the race because my brother and sister-in-law were coming in from Seattle the next day and we had Jets/Patriots tickets. This year, with some proper planning, we can make a weekend out of it.
- I’m getting ahead of myself, but I kind of want to make going to Richmond a yearly tradition. I wonder if I can convince Andy, who has never run before, to run the Richmond Half Marathon with me? I mean, it’s not like I didn’t just take him to get fitted for running shoes at JackRabbit.
On Things I’m Feeling Sad About:
- That I didn’t think to take a photo with Andy while still in my marathon clothing and medal. I would have liked that for my desk at work.
- How difficult my fitness classes are now that I’m slowly getting back into strength workouts.
- That I have no big goals to look forward to at the present moment. I am not a fan of outdoor winter running — I’ve done it, I trained for a March half marathon on 17 degree February days — I just don’t enjoy it. When I would arrive home after a cold run, even though my body felt fine while running, after taking off my two pairs of gloves I couldn’t move my fingers to turn the key in my lock. I had to stand in my cold vestibule for a long time waiting for my hands to warm up just so I could get inside.
On Future Blog Posts:
- I feel a little lost with the direction I want to take DSB in now that the marathons are over. Failing and then succeeding at a marathon brought lots of excitement to this little website, so here are some ideas for future blog posts*:
- Failing and succeeding at an ultramarathon
- Failing and succeeding at a triathalon
- Highly offensive jokes
- Axing Tuesday Blags. I started my blogging schedule as a way to keep myself posting regularly but not every day. I wanted to hold myself accountable to writing, but I didn’t have time to write every day. It was the perfect solution for me for about a year and a half, but with all the blogging I do now (and MUCH more to come) at my new job it has become too difficult to keep up. Instead of emailing myself all my random thoughts throughout the week to put in my weekly post, I might just start crafting shorter posts around each. Frequency will vary. I am not sure when this will start.
- A website redesign. I have two websites right now, this blog and a personal one that is only half complete because managing two websites is hard. I want one site with all my information — the blog, my writing and other work samples and anything else I have.
*I plan to do zero of these
I said before that I just need to run a marathon once and my running goals will be fulfilled. People warned me that this wouldn’t be my first and only like I said. They promised that I’d become addicted.
While I don’t feel addicted to marathons, my experience in Richmond left me with a desire to see what I can do. I never suspected I had such a strong, fast, injury-free marathon in me. Same for the Queens Half Marathon. How can I just accept these successes and ignore them? What if I am actually sort of good at running? I need to try and work hard and train properly for a half marathon for once, and see if I can PR that distance. Of course, now I know that anything can happen race day and it might not be my day. But for the 13.1 distance it’s easy to find another and try again. While this sentiment is trickier when a marathon is involved, I do wonder what I can do for 26.2 miles with the confidence that I gained from the SunTrust Richmond Marathon.
I am not addicted. At least I don’t think I am, but perhaps I need more time to pass because I am still riding the high of the Richmond Marathon. I don’t have any plans in place to train for another marathon. But I am no longer calling this “my first and only.” It might be. But while feeling this great post-marathon, I can’t honestly say never.
23 comments on Post-Marathon Musings
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[…] have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments, over email or on Twitter!And here are my reflections after the running the Richmond Marathon.If you were a 2012 NYCM runner, did you sign up for another race? Which race and how did you make […]
Kristy Marino
November 22, 2011 at 8:38 am (13 years ago)I love you. That is all.
Nicole @ Making Good Choices
November 22, 2011 at 8:41 am (13 years ago)enjoyed reading your musing Dori. And I’m glad you’re continuing your blog!
November 22, 2011 at 9:01 am (13 years ago)I still have to hand it to you, not ONLY for going back the next weekend and conquering a marathon after your disappointing New York outing, but also for keeping it a secret. (In this social media era, a genuine surprise is so rare!) And I think it’s great that the whole thing re-ignited your passion for running… you really made the disappointment work for you.
November 22, 2011 at 9:44 am (13 years ago)Congrats Dori! You’re amazing. I’m so glad you were able to reach your goal!
November 22, 2011 at 9:54 am (13 years ago)I love the enthusiasm and renewed love of running you got from this marathon experience. I also agree with you that running in the winter just sucks, it’s hard, it’s not fun. I just do not enjoy it. So I will do my running challenge I blogged about and get through the winter, while keeping up some mileage and then see what spring and summer offer for potential races…because I too am back on the ‘never say never’ thing about running a half marathon (for me, not a full), because I want to prove that I can do it better than the last two. So I totally get where you are going with your thinking there. I bet it feels good to get back to Core Fusion though too!!
Pat Smith
November 22, 2011 at 9:56 am (13 years ago)I read your blog for the first time after it appeared in the sportsbackers newsletter! Congrats on finishing so strong after a disappointing failure- and yes come back to Richmond. It’s a great place. I did not make it to the starting line for the 1/2 due to an injury so I feel your pain(an exhileration)- consider the Ukrops Monument Ave 10k in the spring- not as challening, but one of the largest road races in the country!
Jess @ Fit Chick in the City
November 22, 2011 at 1:13 pm (13 years ago)So glad that you’re feeling good, had an amazing marathon experience, and might be blogging more often! This is all around a great post!
Jocelyn @ Enthusiastic Runner
November 22, 2011 at 1:16 pm (13 years ago)Great post! Can’t wait to see what comes next with your blog!
November 22, 2011 at 1:25 pm (13 years ago)Maybe think of a new goal/challenge for the winter that doesn’t involve running? I am sure refine and CF miss you!
Irina G (Fit Flexitarian)
November 22, 2011 at 1:48 pm (13 years ago)I find it really interesting/fascinating that you are no longer saying that this is your “one and only” marathon. I’m just now beginning to seriously think about doing a marathon (currently have my eyes set on NYC 2014) and I think I will only ever do one in my life. But a couple friends that run say the same thing people told you: you’ll get addicted.
I don’t think I’m a good runner. I don’t really even like running, but I really want to do it. Reading your story, though, makes me wonder if I’ll end up in a similar place in a few years.
Either way, congrats on everything! 🙂
Sam @ Mom At The Barre
November 22, 2011 at 2:56 pm (13 years ago)I’m glad you will still be blogging. Don’t stress yourself about the frequency. We will be sticking around regardless!
November 22, 2011 at 3:39 pm (13 years ago)I am glad that you are still doing your bloga dn hope you will continue, I came across it in the Sports Backers new letter and love, I even went back and read some of your older stuff!..You have helped inspire me to do the Shamrock half marathon in Va beach in March and I always do the Ukrops 10k in April…Thanks.
Brian from Richmond
November 22, 2011 at 3:45 pm (13 years ago)Hey congrats. Love how you came back to triumph over the marathon, so excited and proud of you. I am looking for one to do in the Spring to get over my near DNF and 5:18 marathon due to severe cramping. You inspire me. WTG!!!
Missy Maintains
November 22, 2011 at 6:23 pm (13 years ago)Uh oh look at Andy getting fitted for running shoes! I can’t wait to see him run a race! IHOP Express sounds like the best idea ever. Can we go there now that I have my car in NY? Please? And yesss I completely see you running more marathons in the future.
David H.
November 22, 2011 at 9:24 pm (13 years ago)Once again, it’s awesome to see more about your Richmond experience. Maybe I’ll see you there next year.
And the Sports Backers are great — every event I’ve ever done with them stands out as top-notch events.
Steve Burgess
November 22, 2011 at 10:32 pm (13 years ago)I would love to be a point in my work life that I could travel to different cities to do this…there is a Marathon in town each March and it is too convenient to just stay home. Congratulations and…welcome to the club!!!
November 23, 2011 at 10:51 am (13 years ago)Reading your blog reminds me why I love reading blogs. Thanks!
November 23, 2011 at 11:53 am (13 years ago)Hi Dori,
Again, congrats on finishing the Richmond Marathon so strongly. I think it is extremely impressive that you had a DNF in the NY Marathon and obviously had a bad experience, but you quickly picked yourself up, dusted off the tears and came straight down to Richmond and basically kicked it in the Richmond Marathon. And now you are so pumped and motivated. What a great come back and great corrective emotional experienc. You should be very proud of yourself for this one!!!
So come back to Richmond next year. Keep running and Happy Thanksgiving!
From Armistead in Richmond, VA
November 23, 2011 at 1:28 pm (13 years ago)You’re amazing. You are really good at running! However, I always find myself in the same place as you where i can’t balance running with all the other workouts i love–and to be honest, enjoy more. That’s why I never commit to more than 1 every two years!
happy thanksgiving!
November 23, 2011 at 2:53 pm (13 years ago)Great post! I love how your first half of the marathon was faster than your first half marathon! 🙂 You are great at running and this blog has definitely motivated me to run! So thank you!
November 26, 2011 at 3:48 pm (13 years ago)Hi Dori! I recently started reading your blog, I love it! Congrats on the Richmond Marathon. (By the way – if you can convince your boyfriend to start running, please let me know how, haha. I’m trying to convince mine as well but so far no luck!)
I was wondering about your hip injury – I definitely have something going on with my hip and I’m afraid I have a tear or stress fracture. How did yours progress? What did you do to help it heal? I’m so frustrated!!
Best of luck 🙂
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