August 2011 archive

I Am Really Excited About Everything in the Month of August

Last month when I wrote the title I Am Really Excited About Everything in the Month of July, I was actually saying that exact phrase to people before I decided to make it my post title. And while I don’t exactly feel the same way about August (August = end of summer, NOOOOOOOO), I do think that listing what I am excited about will help me maintain a positive attitude before and throughout the month. And since writing this post, I have been a lot more excited about this month! I think this will be a monthly feature. I added a category for it and everything.

{} A week off

Sadly, the luxurious week between jobs is over. Even though it wasn’t exactly a relaxing week — I spent most of the time running around like a crazy person doing a zillion things, including, actually, running around like a crazy person. Because what sane person chooses to run 14 miles, really?

Thanks for the photo, Ashley.

I did have one especially fun, vacation-y day with my boyfriend at Splish Splash Water Park.  I grew up going there every year, but he had never before experienced such an extensive collection of water slides. The day was perfect. After my long run around the Central Park Reservoir —

— I got to drive (I love and miss driving) out to Riverhead, Long Island — with a stop at our favorite bakery Teaspoon Bake Shop along the way. There, we went on many fun slides and ate Churros.

I love not working.

{} My Apartment (And Backyard Party)

I spent quite a bit of time organizing, cleaning and pretty much finding a place for all the crap that was all over my apartment overwhelming me, giving me anxiety and piling higher and higher each day. I mentioned some of my ideas last month, and now the project is complete (aside from still having a few small things to find places for). Thanks to Katherine who read my post and happened to be selling the exact makeup table I posted, I got to buy hers for so much less than I was about to spend. Sometimes blogging is even more amazing than we realize.

I am really happy with my “new” apartment and I am happy I got the bulk of the work done in time for my second annual backyard party next weekend.

It is guaranteed to be a fun time, if we can go by this photo of me and Missy at last year’s extravaganza:

{} My new job 

After a way-too-fast week off, it is time to re-enter the working world. I started my new job yesterday. On Sunday night, I took to Twitter with my excitement.

I am not typically an outfit-sharer, but I took a picture this morning to send to Andy to prove that I can, in fact, look decent if I spend hours trying really, really hard. But since the photo exists, I might as well show you all how I looked for my first day of work:

{} More Running

Marathon training started off rough. Really rough. Every run was hard. My legs felt heavy. The air was thick with humidity. I was pushing so hard and barely getting an 11:00/mile pace.

But then my last short run of three miles before the Queens Half Marathon was surprisingly great. My pace was faster and it just felt easier. I didn’t know what to expect for the race, since long runs have been scaring me this time around but the Queens Half ended up being the best run of my life. I was able to maintain a sub-10:00 pace almost effortlessly. And since then, training has been amazing!

Three days after the race I set off on my scheduled six mile run. I used to be totally derailed after a half marathon for at least a week because of soreness and knee pain, but I felt so good on that next run. And for my very first run longer than half marathon distance, my first 14-miler last weekend . . . I also did great!

I was nervous about this distance, but luckily I had Ellen to keep me company which not only helped the time go by but she pushed my pace much farther than I would have on my own. We ran into Jess and Ashley too, which also boosted my spirits. I finished that run in 2:20 — faster than one of my half marathons!

So I’ve been feeling pretty great about marathon training. And now my weekly mileages will be increasing, so I will be running a lot more.

More running also means opportunities to take photos like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Perhaps I should focus more on running and less on picture taking.

{} Summer Streets

I loved running on Summer Streets last year and I am excited to do it again this weekend! Just like last year, I will run another eight-miler down the middle of Park Avenue.

Summer Streets - Dori's Shiny Blog

{} Top-Secret Thing I Said Would Happen in July But Hasn’t Happened Yet

Last month I mentioned I would share the reason I got profesionally made up and looked like this at Refine Method:

Obviously that didn’t happen. I think/hope I can share why this month!

{} Unlimited Month of Yoga

A new yoga studio opened near me a few months ago, and at $12 a class and rooftop classes, I was so excited to try. But I’ve been busy and I also have yoga at exhale so I didn’t get a chance to make it. Then Living Social had a deal for YoYoga! for an unlimited month for $20.

Going just twice would get me my money’s worth! And there is no better time for yoga than during marathon training. I also wanted to redeem this while it is still nice outside for the rooftop classes.

I went for the first time right after my 14 mile run, to an indoor class. I loved the studio and I loved the class. I definitely won’t be able to get the most out of my month (I already don’t think I can get there this week) but if I go just two or three more times I will be happy. I wish they had earlier morning classes, but they do have a good weekend schedule and some evening classes. I absolutely must get to an outdoor class!

YoYoga! NYC outdoor deck
[Photo: YoYoga! NYC]

{} Dave Matthews Band Caravan

I will be spending an entire day on Governor’s Island for the Dave Matthews Band Caravan. Outside. In the summer. Surrounded by water. For a whole day. With Andy. DMB and other good music. I. Cannot. Wait.

{} A Baseball Game

Still waiting on confirmation on this, but there is a chance I will attend a baseball game with Missy and Andy this month. I love any outdoor summer activities. I am excited.

The last time I went to a game was in 2009. The last time I took a photograph at a game was with Missy in 2008:

{} Joining a Gym for Marathon Training

The expensive fancy gym next door to my apartment sent me a card offering a three-day guest pass and zero initiation if I join by August 25. I was actually planning on joining in September anyway, for two months, so I can do my early morning “medium” runs (up to 8 miles) in the safety of the gym when it becomes dark outside early — which, based on this morning, already started. I have no intention of remaining a member (I prefer Refine and Core Fusion classes), but I am looking forward to having the treadmill available, and I am excited for the gorgeous roof deck and the option to take yoga or spin classes if I so choose.

And lastly, a quick correction:

I wrote and published last week’s recap without having any time to read it over. While I don’t care too much about my careless errors (like leaving the word “link” in to remind myself to link to something, or calling this my first half marathon when it was really my fourth) I do care about one huge oversight. Thanks to an anonymous commenter, I was made aware of my error:

Anonymous on August 3, 2011 at 6:51 pm
I want to know more about this cute boy. He sounds dreamy. And how nice of him to wake up so early to support you. What a catch!

Oops. In my rush to get this post up before rushing out the door for the best day ever at Splish Splash, I completely missed mentioning that Andy, the cute boy who cheered me on and took pictures of me at the Queens Half Marathon woke up very, very early on a Saturday morning and took three subways to get to the park. So, in response to the comment: Yes, yes and yes.

Please tell me what you are excited about this month — or write your own post and share the link!

Queens Half Marathon Race Recap

I ran the Queens Half Marathon on Saturday. This was my first time running this race. It was also my first half marathon post-hip injury. I registered for this race not knowing if I would even still be running by July 30. I had no idea how my hip would hold up to the demands of marathon training. But it did, and at 4:59 AM on Saturday, July 30, I was up before my alarm excited to run.

I woke up in my mom’s house actually, because she lives less than a 10 minute drive from Flushing Meadow Corona Park, where the race was held. I drank a green juice and a coconut water, ate a Shot Block, got dressed in a hot pink plaid headband, purple compression sleeves and my slick new running shades. Also, a shirt and shorts. I peed 5 times in a one-hour time period. I am a nervous peeer.

The car service arrived right on time at 6:05 and we headed to the race. I thought I was being extra early, but as it turned out I wish I left even earlier. I got to the starting area and waited on the Porta Potty line. After I used it, I got right back on the line because, as an experienced nervous peeer, I know it would be stupid not to go for round 7. This time, the line was much, much longer.

By the time I got to the front, it was close to 7 am — the time the race was supposed to start! I was getting nervous because New York Road Runners always starts on time and I wanted to get into my corral without extra anxiety.

I made it right on time. I don’t know which corral I entered, if it was even mine, because there was no policing and all the color bibs were mixed together. Still, it seemed like as good a spot as any. Then I waited waited. And waited. The race started at least 15 minutes late! And by that time, I needed to pee again (sexiest blog post EVER. Hello boys) but I couldn’t risk it. I would have if I knew we’d be so delayed.

I had some interesting characters in my corral with me. One older man with scraggly long hair who sang along with the National Anthem in a high pitched voice, and then, after it was over, turned on a small tape player and played America the Beautiful.

Finally I heard the horn that signals the start and we headed to the start. And we were off!

I felt like I was running slowly at first. I mean, I wanted to run slowly. I planned to keep my pace around 10:30 for about the first 10 miles, conserve my energy and hopefully speed up a bit for the last three. I was treating this like a regular long training run, and those have been on the slower side. But I felt uncomfortably slow. As I got around the people surrounding me and sped up a little, I looked down at my Garmin and saw I was somewhere in the 9:30ish range. Too fast! SLOW DOWN, DORI. I really did think that to myself.

Suddenly, I approached the first mile marker. Already??! I was shocked that the first mile felt so short. Usually in races they seem so far.

I looked to my left, the race’s parking lot, and there was my mom’s car pulling in to a spot. At the exact time I ran by! I waved my arms wildly in case my mom happened to look over from the window. She didn’t. It’s just too bad I didn’t go by when she was already out of her car and could have heard me call out to her. Still, that is awesome.

Oh by the way, this is my playlist. Spoiler alert: I ran much faster than expected and I ended the race at #31.

So my music — which I started slow on purpose — got really good, really fast with the Bag Raiders and Feist. I didn’t know how I felt about the race before it started. I am still nervous about my long runs and I just didn’t know what to expect. But my music lifted my spirits and I was feeling so great.

After mile 2, I thought, “11 miles left. The same as that really long distance I ran last week that felt like I was running forever.”  The beginning of a half marathon is so daunting. I can’t imagine what it will feel like during the marathon: “2 miles done, 24 to go — ummmm.” “Hittin’ All The Spots” has been a favorite mashup of mine lately — partly because it includes George Harrison, but also because it is just really fun and incorporates lots of good songs.

Slight problem: Every time I looked down at my watch, my pace was in the 9:00-range. It felt totally natural, not at all like I was pushing. In fact, it felt easy. I was worried that I would push it early on and not be able to maintain it and suffer for the last 6 miles or so. I was concerned my knees would start to hurt, which has happened in my other three halfs. I was concerned about my hip.

But slowing down was almost impossible. Every time I’d try, I would succeed for a little, and then look down at my watch and be back at 9:18. Eventually it just seemed silly to try and fight it. I didn’t feel like I was running fast. Something about being around so many people all running makes it easier to be faster. Running is so mental.

On all my training runs, even the short three-milers, my pace has been on the slower side, close to 11:00/mi. They’ve all been very hard for me. I’d feel like I was pushing hard only to look down and see I was running a 10:40 pace. It has been disheartening because I never struggled like this before. So for these miles to suddenly feel so easy, it was strange.

It was sometime during the third mile that the race had a little detour around deep puddles and mud. I still managed to step my right shoe right in the deepest mud, splashing my leg in the process.

It was gross but I didn’t mind that. What I did mind, however, was the anxiety that the mud covering my D-Tag would prevent it from registering at the finish. Common sense told me that is silly, that lots of races get run in the mud, and the D-Tags must be commonly used in those. But the other part of me knows for a fact that they work in the rain, so at the next water station I poured a cup of water on my shoe to get the mud off.

I was still slightly anxious about the D-Tag, and I repeated that action at about two more water stations, but after that initial mile or two after it happened I stopped worrying so much.

During mile 4, my mom happened to get to a spot she didn’t plan on being at the exact time I ran by! She shouted my name but I had my music on and for the first 8ish miles, I was VERY into my music. Smiling and laughing and mouthing the words. Like when “Final Escapade” came on — great mashup — and as soon as I hear Final Countdown within it I think: “But where did the lighter fluid come from?”

But where did the lighter fluid come from?

Then I laugh.

Stuff like that.

We ran on an out-and-back to CitiField. I always feel a little defeated by out-and-backs because you see so many people who are so far ahead of you. I was happy to reach the turnaround point, and kept an eye out for the other bloggers I knew running this race. I glanced away, but when I looked back I spotted Katherine. It seemed like she was waving to me and by the time I noticed she had given up on me and was looking ahead, but after talking to her it turns out that is not true at all. She didn’t even see me!

I continued on, counting the miles excitedly until mile 8, where I knew a very cute boy and also my mom were instructed to find me. As I approached the 8th mile marker, my favorite unnamed Core Fusion Cardio song, Cardio 6, was playing and exactly right there was the very cute boy. I was so happy.

Evidence of happiness here:

Of course my spirits were boosted after that. I was happy the long trek to the Q-boro worked out and that he got to the right place. And did I mention I was still maintaining my 9:30-ish pace?

After a turn I was heading to mile 9, and I knew that (1) I’d see the cute boy again and (2) I’d definitely see my mom, who I was sure situated herself at 9 only.

It was the ninth mile and I still felt fantastic. I was still running fast. It seemed that every time I looked at my watch, my pace was 9:18. I couldn’t believe I felt no signs of pain or tiredness, and had just run nine miles at this speed. And my favorite part of Girl Talk’s “Triple Double” helped.

And sure enough,  there the cute boy was. I waved. His face was blank. I waved some more. Still blank. At first I wasn’t sure if he was just pretending not to see me — after all, I was wearing a hot pink plaid headband and purple compression sleeves, how could he miss me — but when I realized he really didn’t see me I started yelling his name. Then, finally, he noticed me.

There I am.

A few minutes later I saw my mom on the other side of the road (by the way cute boy and mom, thanks for wearing bright green and bright pink) and she also didn’t see me. I started waving and screaming “MOM! MOM!” But I am invisible. The guy next to me helped with the yelling: “MOM!!!”

And then my mom saw me. And I was happy. For about 30 seconds, because then the side stitch/ribcage pain that killed me during a four-mile race a few weeks ago began.

I think it was all the yelling that did it. Yelling the cute boy’s name, yelling Mom . . . it caused something (diaphragm?) to spasm.

The race became a whole lot more difficult.

The pain was brutal and even though I was not far from the finish, I knew the last few miles would feel the longest. I was already missing what a great time I had just moments before, missing how easy it was to run.

Ow ow ow ow ow. I stopped noticing my music, and when that happens it is usually very hard to come back. But I just did not want to lose my pace. I was so close.

So I held it.

On our second loop around the lake, the sun was out in full force. For the first time, I felt hot. I was ready to be done. The hill after the lake, a highway overpass, didn’t seem so bad the first time early in the race. Now, this hill felt like the Harlem Hills in Central Park. I slowed a little but did not stop running. I was disappointed to see the photographer who was perched on the hill during the first lap, who I missed because I ran up the sidewalk rather than the street, was gone by this time.

We all know I love my race fotos.

At the 13 mile marker a volunteer was cheering. He said, “Make it your goal now to finish in under 2:10”

His words really hit home for me. For the last 5 miles or so, I had been looking at my watch, counting up by 10s and thinking if I maintained 1o minute miles for the rest of the race I could finish in under 2:10. But a sub-2:10 half was something I thought I would never see in my life. Sounds dramatic, but I’m totally serious.

I kept pushing. On another out-and-back, this time by the big fountain globe, I felt extra discouraged. All these people were so much closer to being finished than I was. I just wanted to be done. No more. I had no choice but to push. On my way back I saw Katherine again, and this time she saw me! We waved to each other that little sighting perked me up and I felt much better to push through to the end.

I tried to smile here. I really did. I just could not care at this point. I didn’t have energy to smile but I did have energy to give it a final push to the finish.

As I got to mile 13, I saw the cute boy again. And as I approached the finish line, my mom. I sped up and before I knew it, I finished my fourth half marathon. I finished my first half marathon since my injury. I finished a half marathon for the first time in my life with no knee pain. My hip felt fine. And I was a few songs away from the end of my playlist. I didn’t even get to hear my running mantra song, Son’s Gonna Rise, with the line “In a mile you’ll be feeling fine.”

But the words were still true. And then I crossed the finish line.


And, I finished my fourth half marathon faster than I ever thought I would.

Official time?


It felt good to be done.

A MAJOR PR!!!! My first half was 2:18:53. My second, 2:24:18. And my third, 2:14:44. I did not know I had this in me, but running this race felt much easier than the others. I never in my life thought I would see splits like these, with every mile in the 9:00 range:


I loved the Queens Half Marathon. I loved the course and I loved everything about the race. I loved the misting stations. I loved running in my hometown. I loved that my knees never hurt even though I maintained a sub-10:00 pace for 13 miles. I loved that my hip never hurt, not during the race, and not after. I loved the confidence boost this gave me for the NYC Marathon. And finally, I loved being a runner. Because for the first time ever, I felt like one.


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