Marathon Charity Raffle – Core Fusion & Yoga 10-Class Pack

Excellent news: My hip is back to normal. What happened last week was just irritation from a new workout, and I definitely did not re-ignite te injury. I am now pain-free. I feel amazing. I will not try any new workouts that I am not sure I can easily modify — at least not until after November 6.

So when I got this email, I could not help myself:

Yeah. After a quick approval from my sister-in-law (I cannot make big decisions on my own), I was on the website signing up to run the marathon for charity.

SoleMates is the charity running program for Girls on the Run. Girls on the Run is a life-changing, experiential learning program for girls age eight to thirteen years old. The programs combine training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting workouts. The goals of the programs are to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, and physical development. Our mission is to educate and prepare girls for a life time of self-respect and healthy living. Please check out our website at

To learn more about Girls on the Run SoleMates click here

A few factors that influenced my decision:

  • If I can use my marathon experience for an incredible cause, why wouldn’t I?
  • Speaking of the cause. . . I feel strongly about this one guys. Really strongly. Girls on the Run teaches young girls self-confidence through exercise. (1) How me is that, right! and (2) I get sad when I see how much pressure (even more than when I was younger) there is on these young girls to look a certain way. A way that is not healthy or even possible in most cases. I want so much for my future children to not have this sort of pressure, not feel the way I often feel. I want them to believe they are perfect and lead an active, healthy life.
  • Not a scary fundraising commitment. I initially wanted to run with charities that required a $2,100 donation. While not impossible to raise, the number is daunting and caused some stress. I need to have as little stress as possible right now, especially since I am so busy. So now I can raise money and help a great cause without added pressure of not being able to meet my requirement.
  • Weekly team training runs appealed to me. The really long runs scare me. I worry about feeling bored, wanting to give up, not knowing how to plan a good route. With a group run, I just have to show up and push through. I will be motivate by others doing the same thing.
  • Free yoga sessions sound great too, although I did just buy a Living Social deal for this rooftop yoga studio. Stretching is always a good thing.
  • And from the pictures I saw, there is race day support on the course. I would love to have other Girls on the Run people cheering for me! I will need all the cheering I can get when I run my first (and only) marathon.

So this is where you kids come in. I want you all to donate, but don’t think I won’t try and make it worth your while. Last year’s Dori’s Shiny Charity Auction was a huge success and so much fun, but more time consuming (I had to take a day off work!) than I can do right now.

GOTR Sole Mates

So I am having a raffle! I am raffling an Exhale Spa 10-Class Pack of Core and Yoga Classes ($300-350 value).

At $35 for a single class in NYC (a little less in other locations), this is a really great deal.

Exhale 10-Class Pack Raffle Rules

$5 per entry $10 = 2 entries; $15 = 3 entries; and on and on. The higher you bid, the more entries you get. I wanted this to be accessible to anyone, so as long as you’ve got $5 you have a shot!

Click here to donate and enter the raffle.

Please leave a comment to let me know you entered so I can separate people trying to win with those just donating without interest in the prize. I will announce the winner during next Tuesday’s post. Remember, it is $5 per entry. There is no limit to how many entries you can get.

Exhale Spa
[Photo: exhale spa]

Click here for Exhale Spa locations in NY, Massachusetts, Illinois, Florida, Texas, California and Turks & Caicos.

Thank you to exhale for donating the prize.

exhale raffle 10-pack


32 comments on Marathon Charity Raffle – Core Fusion & Yoga 10-Class Pack

  1. Jenny
    June 21, 2011 at 6:18 am (14 years ago)

    I donated!

  2. Britney
    June 21, 2011 at 6:49 am (14 years ago)

    I donated! I love Girls on the Run. I volunteered at the 5k here in Boston last month and had a great time – I’ve been thinking about fundraising for them myself since the commitment is so small (I wouldn’t potentially be out thousands of dollars!) and I love the mission of the organization.

  3. emily
    June 21, 2011 at 7:06 am (14 years ago)

    i donated! i hope we can still do some running together.

  4. Missy Maintains
    June 21, 2011 at 7:09 am (14 years ago)

    Donated! Can’t wait to watch you run a marathon..and for a great cause! I might love the raffle prize too haha.

  5. Melissa
    June 21, 2011 at 8:45 am (14 years ago)

    I am running the marathon with Sole Mates too!

  6. Michelle
    June 21, 2011 at 9:27 am (14 years ago)

    hi! that sounds like a great charity to run for. Best of luck reaching your goal. I donated!

  7. Carrei
    June 21, 2011 at 9:28 am (14 years ago)

    I’m running with SoleMates as well! Looking forward to it 🙂

  8. Grace @ Balancing Me
    June 21, 2011 at 9:40 am (14 years ago)


    I LOVE Girls on the Run and worked with them when I was in college living in Ann Arbor. You’re right — it’s a completely 100% amazing program and more of it should be available for young girls! I can’t tell you how ridiculously excited I am to read this update of yours.

    You can be sure I’m donating!!

  9. katie
    June 21, 2011 at 9:46 am (14 years ago)

    donated – and you’re going to do amazing! if i’ve learned anything over the past 6 months, it’s that cross training is just as important as the running part of marathon training, and core fusion is perfect for that 🙂

  10. melissa
    June 21, 2011 at 9:52 am (14 years ago)

    Wow! Awesome prize! Training with a team is amazing!

  11. cameo
    June 21, 2011 at 10:47 am (14 years ago)

    I am so glad you are pain free! YAY! I donated. This charity sounds very cool.

  12. Jess @ Fit Chick in the City
    June 21, 2011 at 10:51 am (14 years ago)

    This is so cool! I didn’t even know that GOTR had a marathon fundraising effort. Happy to hear that you don’t have that injury after all.

  13. Mac
    June 21, 2011 at 2:10 pm (14 years ago)

    I have been wanting to sign up for a race for charity, but I know what you mean about the fundraising amounts being daunting! I will have to check out GOTR! Good luck fundraising!

  14. Katherine
    June 21, 2011 at 2:22 pm (14 years ago)

    Ahhh congrats!!! That’s awesome! Running for a charity definitely helps fuel motivation as well.

    Keeps us posted on your training, it’s exciting to hear about.

  15. Sara
    June 21, 2011 at 4:51 pm (14 years ago)

    Donated, you go Dori!!

  16. Caitlin
    June 23, 2011 at 9:37 am (14 years ago)

    This is awesome Dori! Good luck with you training and so cool that you picked such a great charity. I donated! 🙂

  17. Lauren U
    June 25, 2011 at 7:10 pm (14 years ago)

    What a great charity!!!! Best of luck in your training looking forward to hearing about how everything goes! Donation sent 🙂

  18. Ben
    June 25, 2011 at 9:19 pm (14 years ago)

    Excited to run with you (at least the same race!) And excited to win the raffle! Fingers crossed.

  19. Ali
    June 25, 2011 at 9:56 pm (14 years ago)

    Happy to make a donation toward your wonderful cause. You’re a rock star and I’m so excited for you. I think it’s fantastic that you were already in the marathon and didn’t HAVE to raise money for a charity, but chose to do so anyway out of the kindness of your heart. You’re a good person, Dori.

  20. fiona
    June 26, 2011 at 11:29 am (14 years ago)

    I donated – what a great cause!

  21. Christina
    June 26, 2011 at 4:09 pm (14 years ago)

    Hi dori – I donated! good luck, sounds like a great cause to raise money for!

  22. Kristy
    June 26, 2011 at 9:15 pm (14 years ago)

    Hi, Dori! I donated! One of my favorite causes (girls on the run) and one of my favorite things on the world (core fusion)! Thank you for running for them!

  23. jgo
    June 27, 2011 at 11:30 am (14 years ago)

    Run like the wind!!!11

  24. Maria Theodoris
    June 27, 2011 at 12:13 pm (14 years ago)

    your amazing, an inspiration to us all..good luck!

  25. Chika
    June 27, 2011 at 12:36 pm (14 years ago)

    I’m good for two raffle entries!!! Good luck!

  26. Megan @ Life As Megan Knows It
    June 27, 2011 at 4:16 pm (14 years ago)

    Such an inspiration! I am so happy to donate to such a great cause 🙂

    I am good for 4 raffles and since I just quit the gym I could really use it but who knows I might become addicted and then end up spending more money 🙂

  27. Kristine
    June 27, 2011 at 6:24 pm (14 years ago)

    Hey Dori!!! I think this is an amazing charity to partner with, good luck with Marathon training! I will come cheer you on! I would love to win the raffle, I need to stay in shape while I am on the road and core fusion is one of the few things that helps me do that. I don’t know what I would do without their classes!

  28. Jenna
    June 27, 2011 at 9:38 pm (14 years ago)

    Hi Dori! I just donated and tried to hide the comment, but I guess I just made myself “anonymous” instead and my comment showed up! I don’t know if you want remove it from your donation site? A little embarrassing my note! I donated for two raffle entries.


2Pingbacks & Trackbacks on Marathon Charity Raffle – Core Fusion & Yoga 10-Class Pack

  1. […] go head over to Dori’s Shiny Blog and donate to her marathon charity auction! You can support Girls on the Run Solemates and maybe […]

  2. […] June 28, 2011 at 7:32 am Thank you so much to everyone who entered the Marathon Charity Raffle – Core Fusion and Yoga 10-Class Pack! Extra thank yous to the two people who each donated $100 — so generous! I entered every […]

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