June 21st 2011 archive

Marathon Charity Raffle – Core Fusion & Yoga 10-Class Pack

Excellent news: My hip is back to normal. What happened last week was just irritation from a new workout, and I definitely did not re-ignite te injury. I am now pain-free. I feel amazing. I will not try any new workouts that I am not sure I can easily modify — at least not until after November 6.

So when I got this email, I could not help myself:

Yeah. After a quick approval from my sister-in-law (I cannot make big decisions on my own), I was on the website signing up to run the marathon for charity.

SoleMates is the charity running program for Girls on the Run. Girls on the Run is a life-changing, experiential learning program for girls age eight to thirteen years old. The programs combine training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting workouts. The goals of the programs are to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, and physical development. Our mission is to educate and prepare girls for a life time of self-respect and healthy living. Please check out our website athttp://www.girlsontherunsolemates.org/.

To learn more about Girls on the Run SoleMates click here

A few factors that influenced my decision:

  • If I can use my marathon experience for an incredible cause, why wouldn’t I?
  • Speaking of the cause. . . I feel strongly about this one guys. Really strongly. Girls on the Run teaches young girls self-confidence through exercise. (1) How me is that, right! and (2) I get sad when I see how much pressure (even more than when I was younger) there is on these young girls to look a certain way. A way that is not healthy or even possible in most cases. I want so much for my future children to not have this sort of pressure, not feel the way I often feel. I want them to believe they are perfect and lead an active, healthy life.
  • Not a scary fundraising commitment. I initially wanted to run with charities that required a $2,100 donation. While not impossible to raise, the number is daunting and caused some stress. I need to have as little stress as possible right now, especially since I am so busy. So now I can raise money and help a great cause without added pressure of not being able to meet my requirement.
  • Weekly team training runs appealed to me. The really long runs scare me. I worry about feeling bored, wanting to give up, not knowing how to plan a good route. With a group run, I just have to show up and push through. I will be motivate by others doing the same thing.
  • Free yoga sessions sound great too, although I did just buy a Living Social deal for this rooftop yoga studio. Stretching is always a good thing.
  • And from the pictures I saw, there is race day support on the course. I would love to have other Girls on the Run people cheering for me! I will need all the cheering I can get when I run my first (and only) marathon.

So this is where you kids come in. I want you all to donate, but don’t think I won’t try and make it worth your while. Last year’s Dori’s Shiny Charity Auction was a huge success and so much fun, but more time consuming (I had to take a day off work!) than I can do right now.

GOTR Sole Mates

So I am having a raffle! I am raffling an Exhale Spa 10-Class Pack of Core and Yoga Classes ($300-350 value).

At $35 for a single class in NYC (a little less in other locations), this is a really great deal.

Exhale 10-Class Pack Raffle Rules

$5 per entry $10 = 2 entries; $15 = 3 entries; and on and on. The higher you bid, the more entries you get. I wanted this to be accessible to anyone, so as long as you’ve got $5 you have a shot!

Click here to donate and enter the raffle.

Please leave a comment to let me know you entered so I can separate people trying to win with those just donating without interest in the prize. I will announce the winner during next Tuesday’s post. Remember, it is $5 per entry. There is no limit to how many entries you can get.

Exhale Spa
[Photo: exhale spa]

Click here for Exhale Spa locations in NY, Massachusetts, Illinois, Florida, Texas, California and Turks & Caicos.

Thank you to exhale for donating the prize.

exhale raffle 10-pack