May 3rd 2011 archive

Texgate lol 2011: The Aftermath

Well! I have to say I did not expect the response I received from Texting and Dating, or Texgate lol 2011. Over 450 people Liked it on Facebook — that is nuts! That blog post reminded me so much of when I made fun of the 1920’s dating rules — and corresponding images — in What I’m Doing Wrong. While the response from that post boosted my Google Analytics and also my self-worth, it did not turn me into an internet sensation as this one did. I am a meme!

And to the commenter John who called me a self-entitled c*unt in the comments section, what I just said, like the actual post, was not intended to be taken seriously. Getting such a comment made me feel like I’ve made it! I am a real blogger now. John was actually writing in defense of commenter Hrmm who noted:

why is it not ok for a 30 y/o man to use lol in a private text message but a critic on a public blog is free to lol all she wants? looks like a double standard to me. hrmm

I really hope for his sake he was being facetious. However, I do not expect that was the case. This makes me sad for our country.

A huge thank you to everyone who shared Texgate lol 2011 over Facebook, Twitter, email and whatever else it is the kids are using. I spent about four days living high on cloud 9, emailing my brother and sister-in-law about every three minutes to say things like “Almost 200 people Like this post!!!” and “360 Likes!! Who ARE these people??!” By the time we reached 450, they asked me to leave the family.

Seriously though, I really love the comments, emails and tweets I got from you all. That did not go unappreciated.

If you are new to this blag (yes, I call it a blag on purpose — don’t cream your panties Hrmm), I want you to know that I post on Tuesdays. It makes me awesome because consistency is awesome and I am nothing if not consistent.

Since I am currently in California for an internet marketing conference, where I will further learn how to trick you all into reading my blog, I am going to update you all on the other writing I’ve been doing but haven’t shared here yet for Blisstree and NBC New York GO Healthy NYC. And then if you want to give me a job, you can.

Core Wha? Top 10 Core Workouts From A to Physique

When You Don’t Have IBS: How My Chronic Digestive Problems Took 3 Years to Diagnose

*Note – Do not read if you plan on trying to have sex with me

Dori’s Quest: FlyBarre at FlyWheel Sports

Dori’s Quest: YogaWorks Cardio Sculpt

And upstaging me as a meme this week — Bin Laden. This is the type of push from the spotlight I can get behind.