My Hip Injury – Part 2

Thank you for your words of support about my hip after I posted Part 1 of this two-part series: My Hip Injury – Part 1.

So, where did we leave off? Ah yes — I realized I had to stop taking Core Fusion.

Like I said, that one was mentally hard to deal with. I love Core Fusion. I lived for Core Fusion! Part of the reason I was even in this situation to begin with is because I didn’t want to STOP taking Core Fusion even though I felt pain. I worked so hard for the last year taking class 4-5 times a week and was terrified of losing everything I worked so hard to achieve.

It is very strange to go from being extremely unhappy with your body to being amazed by the drastic changes that come from hard work to being terrified it could all disappear just like that.

The bad news was that I could not take Core Fusion. But the good news was that I could still exercise.

The following classes did NOT cause pain (as long as I modified certain moves): Refine Method, Core Fusion Cardio, Core Fusion Sport and, as I very recently discovered, Core Fusion Yoga. So while I still held onto my fear of losing everything (Core Fusion was my basis for everything, and the class I took most) I did feel better knowing I had options.

At Refine, Brynn helped me learn exercises that would strengthen the muscles surrounding my hips. She often tailored the class to my needs, and when there were exercises I could not do, she always had a modification for me. In Core Fusion Cardio, Kate gave me advice on what to do instead of mountain climbers (of which we do hundreds!) and always watched out for me during any knee lifts, which I always modified. I am fortunate to have such amazing teachers who look out for my best interests.

In early December, with a month to go until I could visit a doctor because health insurance in this country is terrible, Brynn recommended her sports massage therapist Danielle DeMaio. I never had a true sports massage before and it was certainly an experience — one I would strongly recommend to all athletes, runners or people who exercise with any regularity. The massage was not relaxing or peaceful. For most of the time, it hurt, but in that good way where you know you will feel a thousand times better afterwards. Danielle would have me do certain movements, like having me press my ankle against her hand, and ask if made my hip hurt, to try and gauge where my pain was coming from and what made it worse. She was so helpful and knowledgeable, and explained so much about my muscles while she worked. I hoped that my hip pain was just a result of extremely tight muscles (and they were all extremely tight) and I would feel better the next day.

While I woke up the following day feeling like I had new legs (after a year of intense exercise, I had forgotten what it was like to not be sore!) but my hip felt just as badly as the day before.

I continued to do those activities that did not hurt me.  I began taking Refine a lote more often. And the more I went to Refine, the more I fell in love. Brynn and her other teachers were so helpful and so wonderful, and I was getting some phenomenal workouts. Refine worked my muscles in an entirely different way than I was used to. Rather than isolate one muscle and work it to exhaustion, we work muscles in combination with each other, complementing each other, causing so many more small muscles that I normally ignore to wake up.  I was so lucky to have this option and keep exercising, because as I explained in my Mojo post, I can’t imagine NOT exercising. It is such an important part of my life, a priority, something I need.

January finally arrived and I had an appointment at an orthopedist who specializes in hips. At the doctor, I explained my symptoms and limitations — any exercise or stretch where I turn my knee out or lift my knee up hurts, some glutes exercises hurt, sitting for a long time hurts (once I stand – ouch). I was able to pinpoint the exact spot of pain. And, most importantly, the fact that for two months I discontinued doing the exercises that hurt me, iced and took Naproxen but failed to get any better led the doctor to the conclusion that I likely had a labral tear.

This was exactly the news I was hoping not to hear.

“Could it be anything else?” I asked him. “No,” the doctor told me. “All your symptoms pretty much point to a tear. Anything else would have healed by now.”


The next step was to get an MRI to confirm this. I asked the doctor if a period of total rest would help; no exercise at all. By this point, I was willing to do anything it took to get better; I had a marathon to run in less than a year. The doctor told me that total rest would be pointless and is not a sustainable way to live. He told me to keep doing any exercises that did not hurt, just as I have been. It was then that I officially kissed the half marathon I signed up for in April goodbye — although I already unofficially kissed it goodbye.  Kissing has never been less fun.

And then I registered for the 2011 ING NYC Marathon.

I had to register because I spent time and money qualifying through the 9+1 Guaranteed Entry Program in 2010, and I clearly would not be running nine races again this year. Once you register, you have the ability to defer your entry to the following year — for a large fee, and then you have to pay the entry fee again as well — but it is a really great option to have.

So I went and had the most relaxing MRI of my life (this was my fifth — how is this my life!). The results confirmed the tear in my labrum (and no, Erica Sara, I did NOT tear my labia.)

You know I was still hoping for something less serious, so I felt absolutely shattered when I received the results. The doctor discussed the next steps with me at his office. First on the list was physical therapy and a cortisone injection. If in a month I was not doing better, we would discuss surgery. The surgery would entail cutting the torn area out of my hip. I do not want surgery. I couldn’t believe it even got this bad.

I found a physical therapist who takes my insurance and emphasizes core work and is located a few blocks from me. I am now going there two times a week and getting ultrasound on the area, massaged, stretched, strengthened on a Pilates reformer, electric stim (LOVE — feels like a massage) and iced. There are worse ways to spend an hour. I especially like how many of the exercises we do that I also get at Refine, such as dead lifts and squats. It makes me even more confident that the work I am doing at Refine is helping me get stronger and recover.

As for the cortisone,  I had one big concern that I discussed with my doctor. The injection would NOT heal my injury, it would just mask the discomfort. I asked, “If I get this injection and I can’t feel the pain, can I make my injury worse by inadvertently doing things that are hurting me?”

He said that this is a valid question, but he is not worried. By now I know what to avoid, and he felt that the benefits of the injection would outweigh the risks.

And then my big question: Will I be able to run the marathon?”

He does not know.

I got the cortisone shot two weeks ago. A couple of years ago I had cortisone in my shoulder and I don’t remember it being particularly painful at all, so I went in expecting the same. WRONG. I have been through so much medically and I am not afraid of needles (although I can’t look at them), and I have never cried from pain during any procedure. From humiliation and discomfort, yes, but never from pain. Until this injection. That freaking hurt. The needle was in my body for what seemed like eternity. The tears streamed. And for the rest of the day, I limped. I couldn’t exercise for three days!

A few days later I was fine, but my hip still felt off and I was just as swollen as always. I kept living life as I had been. Fred DeVito, co-founder of Core Fusion, gave me a Thai Therapy treatment which was absolutely wonderful. I will describe this in greater detail in its own post, but, along with the sports massage, this is something every runner needs to experience. Nothing else will loosen you up and refresh your muscles like this.

As soon as I left, I was shocked at what it feels like to not be sore anywhere. After the sports massage, my legs felt new. After the Thai massage, my entire body felt new. I exercise so much I seem to be in a constant state of soreness, so this was a very nice reprieve. And this week, I will get my first acupuncture treatment at exhale spa. I am very excited to share this experience with you in the coming weeks; I will have about four treatments in total. As you can see, I am determined to do whatever it takes to get better.

Physical therapy is going well. I might not enjoy the thousands of leg presses, but that electric stim sure feels nice. As of last week, the swelling in my hip has finally gone down. I don’t know what exactly that means, but I know it is a good sign.

I miss running. Specifically, I miss racing and creating playlists. I miss sharing my race experiences and playlists with you. I was really looking forward to running the Brooklyn Half Marathon for the first time, but that is out of the question. There will be absolutely no running for me while I heal. For me to do the full marathon, I would need to be better by June so I could start training.

June feels so close. At the time I drafted this post, I wrote that June feels too close. But now? Now I am finally starting to feel better. I am really beginning to feel like this marathon just might happen.

I originally planned on running the NYC Marathon for charity, with Team For Kids. Part of the reason was because it is a wonderful charity, but the other aspect was the training they provide. If I trained with them, I would get coached runs three times a week, forcing me to train smartly in ways I wouldn’t know how to on my own, particularly in terms of pacing, hill and speed work, and most importantly, preventing injury. There’s the added benefit of always having other people to run with, and meeting new people.

My charity auction for the NYC Half Marathon last year raised so much money for Think Pink Rocks, I knew that with a lot more time (assuming I started fundraising this past January for my November race) I would be able to get some really amazing products and services from various companies and hold an even better auction, plus fundraise in other ways. But I can’t ask you to donate your money for a race I can’t commit to run.

If, in June, I believe I am truly well enough to train for a marathon — and this will be after extensive physical therapy, more doctor visits, second and maybe third opinions — I will reconsider Team for Kids and determine if I think I can raise $2,100 in a much shorter time period than I planned. And even if I decide not to go the charity route, I will still train for the marathon if I am sure I am better. I have so many friends running this year which is partly why I have been so excited about this marathon. I will definitely have more than enough support to train either way.

If I am not 100% better by June, I will give myself one more month, until July 1 — the absolute final day I would be able to start training –– before officially deferring the race.

And what about Core Fusion? I’m just taking it day by day with that one. Right now I am really loving Refine as my base and Core Fusion Cardio and Core Fusion Yoga as supplements. After giving Sport three more chances, I decided I still don’t love it . And if there is anything you might have learned about me through this blog, it is that I only do workouts that I love.

Were my fears right? Did I lose anything from not doing Core Fusion for so long? The only difference I can really tell is that I lost some flexibility. I especially noticed it in CF Yoga the other day. I plan to take that class once a week now that I know it doesn’t bother my hip, and I hope that helps my flexibility. Otherwise, Refine has definitely helped me maintain the strength and endurance I accomplished last year — and I even noticed some additional improvements in my butt and shoulders.

I still can’t let go of my fears though and I do hope to be able to add Core Fusion back into my life again.  While I am afraid of not taking Core Fusion, I am more afraid of making my injury worse. When I am ready to get back into it, Fred DeVito will meet with me and show me modifications and offer advice on how to avoid hurting myself again (seriously, the people in my life are awesome) so I know I will be OK.

But right now, my goal is to run this marathon. I will avoid everything that bothered my hip at all because I simply won’t risk hurting myself again. It is so important to me to run this race, this year, with some of my closest friends. If that means giving up the classes I love, if that is what it takes, I will do it. And the amazing thing is that this experience opened me up to new classes I also love. I might not have been nearly as receptive to this before. I learned so much more about how exercise and muscle groups work, and I learn even more from the Refine blog. I am taking my new knowledge that I learn from Brynn and using it to help me heal. I am learning that challenging my body in different ways with different types of workouts will help avoid injury from always doing the same thing and using the same muscles. I have been introduced to new experiences (acupuncture! thai massage!) that I might not have gotten to try. This is all amazing.

So while my injury sucks and I can’t help but blame myself for ignoring the pain before it got worse, I believe that in the long run this could be a blessing in disguise. I now know how to exercise smarter and decrease my chance of injury again.

I just want to run this marathon. If I’m not better in time, I won’t. But I believe I will be.

40 comments on My Hip Injury – Part 2

  1. Ali @ Ali on the Run
    February 8, 2011 at 10:45 am (14 years ago)

    Wow, you have gone through SO much. Your mentality toward everything is fantastic, and I give you a ton of credit for staying positive and continuing to take such good care of yourself and your body. Looking forward to following your progress! And DEFINITELY looking forward to the fabulous massage post!

  2. Missy Maintains
    February 8, 2011 at 10:46 am (14 years ago)

    Beautiful post! It sounds like you are taking all the right steps in healing yourself. I hope you can run the marathon too because I plan on holding up a huge poster in the bleachers for you! I’m so happy there are still workouts you can do and love like Refine. Brynn and all of the CF instructors are so amazing and care so much about helping you heal. I’m positive you will be better for the marathon since you are staying so positive about it all!

  3. Cameo
    February 8, 2011 at 10:53 am (14 years ago)

    Oh, Dori! I can so relate to your trials and tribulations. I am impressed and inspired by your determination to HEAL yourself FIRST – that is not a lesson all exercise-lovers can learn! I want to try that Thai Massage, fo sho. xo

  4. Eliz@The Sweet Life
    February 8, 2011 at 10:54 am (14 years ago)

    Isn’t that the injury Kelly Ripa (Physique 57 addict) had? My hips are starting to ache and I do Physique 5-6 times/wk. Yikes!

    • Dori
      February 8, 2011 at 10:54 am (14 years ago)

      No, she has a stress fracture! That is much worse!

  5. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic
    February 8, 2011 at 11:41 am (14 years ago)

    I am sending you my best wishes that you’ll be better in time for the marathon! I can only imagine how bummed you are 🙁 Good luck Dori!!

  6. catie w
    February 8, 2011 at 1:43 pm (14 years ago)

    Great Job love the post! Coming from experiencing a never ending list of injuries, you have the right attitude… You seem to have found a way to keep up your strength, and coming from me (someone who did core fusion religiously, and in the past have taken breaks for injuries and recoveries) once you start again it’s like riding a bike, it all comes back to you.

    These posts make my lunch time (usually spent checking emails and doing work) so much more enjoyable!

    Thank You,


  7. Amber
    February 8, 2011 at 2:18 pm (14 years ago)

    What a great post. My heart really goes out to you. I admire how positive you are through all of this! I think it sounds like you are doing everything right and it is so great that there are still exercises you can do to ensure you won’t lose what you’ve accomplished so far. Also – I can’t wait to read about your Thai Therapy and accupuncture. I feel like I am sore every day too!

  8. Jess
    February 8, 2011 at 6:52 pm (14 years ago)

    Wow. This is an amazing stream of events here, girl. You are being SO SO SO strong through it all, I don’t know if I’d have the same strength. I give you MAJOR credit and I know you’ll come out ahead, as always. I have to say, reading the part about CF and working towards something and fearing you’d lose it? TOTALLY inspires me that much more that adding CF to my life was the exact right decision, you are such an inspiration to me! PS. Fred DeVito is amazing, huh?? PPS. You’ve also confirmed for me that I need to schedule a sports massage, like yesterday.

  9. melina DiPaola
    February 8, 2011 at 6:52 pm (14 years ago)

    what did the teacher have you do to substitute for the cf cardio plank runs? And what about CF open bothered you that cardio and sport did not?
    I just have come to realize how much injuries suck…. i always took my mobility for granted then last week i slipped on ice and bruise my tail bone 🙁

  10. Brynn
    February 8, 2011 at 9:07 pm (14 years ago)

    What a wonderfully thoughtful post! It is so hard to re-group after an injury. Whenever I I ask an active client “does it hurt?” the answer is always “Yes, but when I start running it loosens up..” or “only some days,” but when the answer if “yes” at all you need to listen to your body and take a break. Scary, but so brave of you, Dori!

  11. Sally
    February 9, 2011 at 9:11 am (14 years ago)

    What an ordeal you’ve had to go through. I really hope your hip heals in time for the marathon! Has this injury/experience made you re-think your exercise routine at all? Regular exercise is a good thing, and it’s great that you’ve found your mojo, but is it possible that you’re overdoing it? Rest days are an important part of all exercise routines, and if you are constantly sore and battling overuse injuries it may be a sign that you’re doing too much.

    • Dori
      February 9, 2011 at 9:46 am (14 years ago)

      Thanks, Sally! I tried emailing you but it bounced back.

      I actually take 3 rest days each week and I avoid everything that affects my hip even in the classes I do go to. I discussed this with my doctor and he told me it is important to continue strengthening the surrounding muscles and he thought exercising 4 days a week would be the right balance (cut down from 5-6 before my injury).

      This is actually my first overuse injury (my shoulder and knee injuries happened years before I ever started exercising). Thanks again!

  12. DD
    February 9, 2011 at 11:51 am (14 years ago)

    You have a great attitude and are taking the correct and sane approach to dealing with your injury. I have a question about how your injury occurred: did Core Fusion cause or contribute to the injury, and if so, how? I ask because I love CF, but I can only do CF workouts via DVDs because there is no CF where I live. Because of this, I think there is a greater chance that my form may not always be perfect (even though I really follow Lis and Fred’s directions and pay great attention to my form). I have to say, because of all the stretching I’ve been doing with CF (and now I make time to stretch after my Spinning and running workouts) that my hips and knees have never felt better. I wish you the best in your recovery, and I’m so happy to hear that you can still work out. You are smart to listen to your body, so you can still be exercising and feeling good in your geriatric years!

    • Dori
      February 9, 2011 at 11:57 am (14 years ago)

      Thanks for your comment. I explain my theory on how I got my injury in Part 1:

      The pain in my hip started about 2 years before I ever took Core Fusion, but I believe that by ignoring the pain and continuing to do moves in CF that caused that area to hurt, the injury became serious. I felt that spot hurting but continued to do these exercises that aggravated it anyway. I don’t blame Core Fusion, but I do blame myself for not listening to my body.

      You should always listen to your body and back off if you feel anything wrong!

  13. Sara (Miles and Manhattan)
    February 9, 2011 at 11:47 pm (14 years ago)

    <3 I can't wait to cheer you on! Fingers and eyes crossed you can run pain free. NYC is the best marathon in the world (ok not that i've run others but WHATEVER 🙂 ) and I am so excited for you

  14. Bianca Valentim
    February 10, 2011 at 1:22 am (14 years ago)

    Great post! I was curious to read part 2.
    I know you will get better soon enough to run the marathon!
    You are really taking care of yourself and all your friends are there to help you, you are fine! You will be fine!
    Hope in the long run all of this turns out to be a blessing in your life!
    Love 🙂

  15. MelissaNibbles
    February 10, 2011 at 5:44 am (14 years ago)

    Wow Dori. You’ve remained so strong and determined during all of this. I know it has to be extremely frustrating. I have complete faith that you will run that marathon!

  16. Fit Chick in the City
    February 11, 2011 at 12:08 am (14 years ago)

    I really, really hope your hip heels. You’re working hard to take care of it and right now that’s most important. Selfishly, I want to hang out with you on Staten Island the day of the marathon, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll be good to go come training season.

  17. Nicole @ Making Good Choices
    February 11, 2011 at 6:13 pm (14 years ago)

    I hope you can run the marathon. You are so lucky to have such supportive people in your life! I will keep thinking positive thoughts for you that you heal in time to train and run.

  18. Emily oldak
    February 13, 2011 at 6:32 pm (14 years ago)

    hey Dori, this is a beautifully written blog. You are really special to have such a positive attitude with the whole situation. I know what it’s like being a dancer with numerous injuries and especially ignoring them to get through a show and it is very easy to get down about it, but I commend you for your optimism and bravery. I also now know that when I am feeling pain nowadays, I try to go to my sources and see where the pain stems from and what I can do to alleviate it so that it doesn’t become chronic. I have a hip injury too (no tear I think) that I didn’t take care of for awhile and have been going to a great physical therapist that I would highly recommend to people. There they do similar things you mentioned but I know for me a huge part of the recovery was rest, deep tissue massage by my therapist, exercises that strength the surrounding muscles, and massage with a roller as well as the ultrasound. I am not so good as you to keep up on it, but you have reminded me of what needs to be done if I want to feel better when I begin dancing again. You are a trooper! Because your right that the injury won’t completely go away with only rest. I really hope that you run the marathon and are better by June or before. I will be there when you do, shouting for you!

  19. Lauren
    February 15, 2011 at 2:50 pm (14 years ago)

    I have a labrum tear and FAI and there is nothing that physical therapy, injections, rest can do to heal this injury. I feel your pain. Since it appears that your tear is not due to a mechanical issue (such as FAI) you should just have surgery and get it out of the way. Surgery is the only thing that will ever get rid of a labrum tear.

  20. hstryk
    February 15, 2011 at 3:41 pm (14 years ago)

    Dori, while I think it’s great you are trying to do everything you can and you are seeing a reduction in pain I have to agree with Lauren. You could get a second opinion on your MRI but if you really have a labral tear, it will not go away on its own. Did you have an arthogram with your MRI? (A shot before your MRI of contrast fluid that helps show your hip joint) This is the best way for a Dr to see a tear.
    I was training for sprint triathlons and after my 3rd race, after training one day, I felt the tear happen. I had to give up running (for now) and the races I wanted to do. You think you are being conservative about training, but trust me, you’re not. From June to the race is not enough time to build a marathon run. If your labrum is already trying to heal, this sort of workload will surely do serious damage.
    Please read my blog. Trust me I’ve been through all the self-talk, telling myself “Oh if I’m better by this date…” and I’ve come to learn, your body does not work by your brain’s deadlines. Your body does what it wants to do and you can only do so much. I don’t want to scare you but if there’s anything I could tell past me it’s to go easy and pay attention to your body. I felt my hip problems before the my tear and I wish I took the time to run less and focus on healing and strengthening my hip. Btw I’m almost a year post surgery and with core focus for a few weeks I can already see my abs coming back. Muscle memory is an amazing thing.
    Best of luck.

  21. Lauren
    February 16, 2011 at 6:57 pm (14 years ago)

    Hi Dori-

    I wanted to followup with my previous comment because I suppose I was a little unclear. What I was told by my doctor, a renowned hip surgeon (those are the ONLY type of doctor that you want to see about this, don’t go to a general ortho. or they will likely screw your hip up forever), is that the labrum can not heal itself because there is no blood flow to the tissue. This leaves the tissue unable to regenerate and fill in the tear. It will be there forever unless it is repaired. Without surgery the only thing you can hope is that the bone stops rubbing together causing the pain and you can get about your day to day activity

    My doctor said there are two options when dealing with this injury:
    1. Surgery
    2. Physical therapy and decrease your activity for the rest. of. your. life.

    I’d be okay with #2 but I’m not 70 years old so that is not that route I’m going to take. Frankly, I think that your physician and therapists are misleading you to believe that your injury will allow you to run a marathon. By all means it is your body but the more complicated the tear the more complicated the surgery and the more complicated the recovery process and the less chance of a full and complete recovery.

    Like you said, the cortisone shot will hide the pain. I’m really surprised that your doctor did not give you the cortisone shot during your MRA (if you had one) so that you could know absolutely for certain that a torn labrum is the problem and not mask your symptoms with a shot.

    I always like to remember that A-Rod had a torn labrum in 2009 and was playing baseball 2 months later. If they labrum would heal itself with time then why did surgeons opt to fix him before the season instead of letting it heal or waiting until December for surgery?

  22. riza
    May 2, 2011 at 12:49 pm (14 years ago)

    Well, I hope that you will get better and I’m glad that you faced it with positive attitude. Maybe, if other people will be in your situation, they’ll burst up. Keep that bravery!

  23. Tina
    May 10, 2011 at 12:15 pm (14 years ago)

    I just found your blog while looking up Refine. The main reason for googling Refine? I had hip surgery to repair my torn labrum last year. I tried the shots, PT, rest- you name it. The surgery sucked, and I will never be the same athlete that I once was, but that said, it was the best decision to have it. I tried battling the pain and pushing off the surgery for a year, and it resulted in more damage then you would be believe. My doctor was shocked I could walk let alone do Physique/spin up until the bitter end. My advice- get the surgery now. I gave up my marathon to have it, and looking back, it was the smartest decision. In the long term, the minor set back was worth it. Invest in a good cane and shower stool (trust me), get the surgery, and you’ll be back in no time. I was back at the gym within a month and off my crutches/cane in half the expected time. Good luck!

  24. Angelina
    July 5, 2011 at 7:27 pm (14 years ago)

    Hi Dori,

    I came across your blog during a google search about hip injuries. I had to comment because our stories are so similar. I was diagnosed with a labral tear in February while training for the 2011 NYC Half-Marathon. I was devastated when March 20th came and went without me running the race. I agree with Lauren’s post — this is a serious injury and it’s really important to see a hip specialist with a lot of experience. I haven’t had surgery yet, but I’m no longer allowed to run or do any other high impact activities for risk of doing even more damage. Good luck to you.

  25. siu
    July 9, 2014 at 12:25 pm (11 years ago)

    Neat blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? A design like yours with a few simple adjustements would really make my blog jump out. Please let me know where you got your theme. Thank you

  26. ask
    July 18, 2015 at 4:59 pm (10 years ago)

    Your style is very unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from.
    I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Dori Manela, Dori Manela. Dori Manela said: New post at Dori's Shiny Blog: My Hip Injury – Part 2 ( […]

  2. […] February 15, 2011 at 8:50 am Now you know about Part 1 and Part 2 of My Hip Injury. While physical therapy seems to be helping (the swelling went down! finally!) and […]

  3. […] who specializes in hips who I really liked. As I discussed in My Hip Injury: Part 1 and Part 2, the doctor sent me for an MRI — it showed a labral tear — as well as a cortisone […]

  4. […] then I went and tore my labrum. Read Part 1 and Part 2 of my […]

  5. […] then I got injured. Read Part 1 and Part 2 of that fun story for the […]

  6. […] to two different hip surgeons who BOTH told me I don’t need surgery. One of them was even a jerk! Surgery is their bread and butter, and if they both advised me to NOT give them thousands of […]

  7. […] the last few months, I beat myself up relentlessly over my hip injury (Part 1 and Part 2). I constantly blame myself. I felt the first twinge of pain during a Core Fusion class. When I […]

  8. […] all the obstacles that got in our way over the last 12 months — my hip injury and stomach flare-up and Z’s engagement, wedding planning and new job with insane hours […]

  9. […] injury – You might remember that last year I experienced a hip injury (read about it here and here) that was likely a labral tear. Also, a doctor told me I am too pale to run a marathon. I took six […]

  10. […] classes, I finally explained it to everyone in a two part series: My Hip Injury – Part 1 and My Hip Injury – Part 2Also in February, the amazing exhale spa (home of Core Fusion classes) offered me the chance to try […]

  11. […] I just didn’t think it was a real injury. But it was. (My Hip Injury – Part 1 and My Hip Injury – Part 2).The pain was only bad during specific moves that aggravated it. Unfortunately, a large part of […]

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