The winner of the Nalini Method Yonect book giveaway is Wendy Sue. Wendy said:
I am inspired by a woman in my marathon training group. She is in her mid 50′s and didn’t begin running until she was 45! She has since qualified for boston 4 times and her running + cross training workouts are amazing!
Congrats Wendy! Please email me your address and I will get the book shipped to you.
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Over the last few months, I’ve alluded to a hip injury in some of my posts. I didn’t go into any real detail because I was waiting on an official diagnosis and plan of action. Now that I have those things, I’m ready to share. As you might know, my main goal for 2011 is to run the NYC Marathon. I spent all of 2010 qualifying for this race by running nine New York Road Runners races and volunteering at the 2010 NYC Marathon expo. I ran three half marathons and increased my strength and speed in preparation. And now I am told I might not be able to run this marathon that I worked so hard for. Here is my story.
In June 2009 I decided to become a runner. I’d been reading lots of health and fitness blogs, learning about these women who run outside for exercise and participate in races. Until then, running had never crossed my mind as a workout — at least, not running outside. I’d attempted the treadmill a couple of times in my gym-going life, but I never got the hang of it and always went back to the elliptical. Running, it seemed, was not for me.
But as summer started to approach, the idea of being stuck indoors exercising started to repulse me. I wanted to be outside where the weather was nice! So it made sense that I’d combine those two and work out in the sun. I attempted this the year before with Missy through rollerblading but that wasn’t right for me. It is impossible to rollerblade outdoors when you are terrified of every little dip and hill, as I am.
This fear also affects cycling.
With all wheel-sports out of consideration, that left me with running. So I set off to become a runner!
My very first attempt was weak. I had to walk from the west side of Manhattan to the east as part of a commute (it was actually to attend Brynn’s previous class at Sports Club/LA!) and decided to try running there to see how I did. The thing was, I had a small backpack on me — one not intended for running. It had drawstrings and I attempted to string it tight to me, but it kept bouncing and getting in the way. But that was not the main problem. About 15 seconds into my jog, I felt a pain around my right hip flexor. When I stopped, the pain stopped. When I started running again, the pain came back, and it was strong.
I gave up my very first running attempt and walked the rest of the way.
I tried again another day, sans backpack. After a little while, the same hip pain returned. I tried a third time, and it happened again. I asked a personal trainer/dancer that I knew about this and she suggested I try stretching before and after I run. She taught my some hip stretches to do (laying on my black, cross one ankle over the other knee, press my leg toward me and my knee out). The next time I decided to run, I did this stretch first and — great news — my hip did not hurt at all!
I continued to stretch before running, and built up my mileage. I trained for and ran a 5k, 3 miler, many 4- and 5-milers, some 10ks and three half marathons. It was only during one of these 15 races, the 4 mile Run for Central Park in July, that my hip ever bothered me at all. The pain disappeared after that. In August, right before I left for Seattle to visit my brother, I took a Core Fusion class. We did the pretzel position and I felt the front of my hip hurting, rather than my butt working. I didn’t think too much of it, and while sitting on a plane for six hours was not ideal, I stretched a lot after and went to hot yoga. By the time I ran nine miles per my half marathon training plan, the pain was totally gone. That run through Kirkland, Washington was glorious. It wasn’t until the very last half mile that I felt any discomfort in my hip at all, and by then it was time to stop running anyway.
After that race I continued to train for and ran the Divas Half Marathon with no hip issues.
However, that half marathon brought with it other problems. Around mile 6 (out of 13), both of my knees hurt to badly that it hurt to bend them. But because I was mid-half marathon, I had to run about 7 miles on knees that could not function properly. If I wasn’t using my knees, I was using something to compensate. I suspect my hip took the brunt of the work that day. This is just a theory, but it fits with the rest of my story.
Let’s say my hips had to overcompensate for my knees not working. Like many people, I have two hips: left and right. My left hip was in excellent condition and I believe it was strong enough to handle my weight for 7 miles. My right hip, on the other hand, always had some sort of issue as evidenced by my very first attempt at running. While it never once bothered me during this race, I believe it was not strong enough for the pressure I put on it that day.
Once I was all recovered from my half marathon, I went back to taking Core Fusion classes in mid-October. For some reason, a few teachers were choosing that pretzel exercise during this one week — the same exercise that gave me some hip trouble back in August. Again, I felt the work in the front of my hip and not in my glutes. The next time we did this exercise, later that week, I went up to the teacher after class and asked him if this was normal. Looking back, I was not clear about just how much it hurt, because he told me it was normal to feel the work in the hip in this exercise. However, if I specified I was feeling PAIN, I am sure he would have told me it was not normal. I mean — it was pain! Of course that is not normal!
But I didn’t think of it this way. I figured it was just some discomfort and not a big deal. I ignored all the advice I regularly give everyone else — rest, ice, stretch. I ran a few times (including a 4 mile PR and an 8 mile run with J) and felt no hip pain at all while running, which further led me to believe the problem wasn’t too serious. And I continued to take class. And now that the pain was embedded after a few days of pretzel, I started feeling my hip during all glutes exercises. It got to the point where I was unable to perform the knee lifts before class, and after class I would find myself in pain and unable to walk comfortably.
It finally hit me that this was a bigger problem than I realized.
My hip was swollen 100% of the time. Ice did not help. And it reacted intensely to touch. I had to turn down a movie date because the thought of sitting for two hours was more than I could bear. I never experienced anything like this, but I assumed I had something easily fixed like tendinitis or bursitis. I couldn’t go to the doctor to find out for sure because I just started a new job and my deductible was very high, and would just be starting over in January. It made much more sense to wait until January to get a diagnosis, and avoid exercises and activities that hurt my hip in the meantime. I thought about which workouts caused pain and decided to cut the following from my routine: running (even though running hadn’t specifically hurt me, I knew it was bad for the hip, and running has hurt that area in the past), yoga, and — here is the kicker — Core Fusion.
That one was mentally hard to deal with. I love Core Fusion. I lived for Core Fusion! Part of the reason I was even in this situation to begin with is because I didn’t want to STOP taking Core Fusion even though I felt pain. I worked so hard for the last year taking class 4-5 times a week and was terrified of losing everything I worked so hard to achieve.
What happened next? Come back next week Click to read Part 2 of My Hip Injury.
29 comments on My Hip Injury – Part 1
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Dori Manela and Dori Manela, Dori Manela. Dori Manela said: New post at Dori's Shiny Blog: My Hip Injury – Part 1 ( […]
[…] February 1, 2011 at 7:17 am Last week, I posted Part 1 of My Hip Injury and left you with a cliffhanger for this week. Oh the suspense! But then I was quoted in the NY […]
[…] Posted February 8, 2011 at 10:25 am Thank you for your words of support about my hip after I posted Part 1 of this two-part series: My Hip Injury – Part 1. […]
[…] February 15, 2011 at 8:50 am Now you know about Part 1 and Part 2 of My Hip Injury. While physical therapy seems to be helping (the swelling went down! […]
[…] find an orthopedist who specializes in hips who I really liked. As I discussed in My Hip Injury: Part 1 and Part 2, the doctor sent me for an MRI — it showed a labral tear — as well as a […]
[…] tell me I should just go ahead and get the surgery even if I’m not in pain. As I explained, I went to two different hip surgeons who BOTH told me I don’t need surgery. One of them was even a jerk! Surgery is their bread […]
[…] the last few months, I beat myself up relentlessly over my hip injury (Part 1 and Part 2). I constantly blame myself. I felt the first twinge of pain during a Core Fusion class. […]
[…] injury – You might remember that last year I experienced a hip injury (read about it here and here) that was likely a labral tear. Also, a doctor told me I am too pale to run a marathon. I […]
[…] know what they say about hindsight. I just didn’t think it was a real injury. But it was. (My Hip Injury – Part 1 and My Hip Injury – Part 2).The pain was only bad during specific moves that aggravated it. […]
January 25, 2011 at 9:44 am (14 years ago)Injuries are a long journey, and I totally understand where you are coming from. I have a groin pull that I have had for a year and I have not been able to run for almost a year, as well as do ANY core fusion or lower body stuff. I know it sucks that you can’t do CF but aren’t you still doing Refine? You aren’t going to lose that much. Plus, your body doesn’t change that much either–I honestly think my body looks pretty much the same even after not doing much exercise for a very long time. My injury came from doing TOO much exercise, overexercising, and not resting. It sounds like your intense workouts might have exacerbated this problem. I know most women want to have a fit, lithe, “ballerina body” that CF promises, but we need to listen to our body’s signals if we want to pursue athletics in a healthy light.
I wish you the best, Dori, and I can’t wait to hear what is in store next 🙂
January 25, 2011 at 10:03 am (14 years ago)I am SO sorry you’ve had to go through all of this, Dori. I know firsthand how frustrating injuries are….especially when they keep you from doing what you love. I’m anxious to hear what you found out from the doctor. And I really hope you can get back to CF and running soon! You are very smart to be proactive about this now, since I know running the marathon this fall is so important to you. If by some chance you can’t run it, would you be able to defer your entry?
February 1, 2011 at 11:34 am (14 years ago)Yes, I can defer. It is expensive but a great option. I will discuss this more in Part 2!
Ali @ Ali on the Run
January 25, 2011 at 10:03 am (14 years ago)Thank you for sharing — I’m looking forward to reading the follow-up to this post and hearing about the physical therapy you’re going through. My fingers are crossed for you and I have faith that you’ll dominate the 2011 NYC 1/2 Marathon!
January 25, 2011 at 10:31 am (14 years ago)Thanks for sharing, Dori. I can relate, while I never had a serious injury, I did get diagnosed with a genetic muscle disease in 2009 that completely changed my life. I went from running EVERY DAY and lifting weights like a fitness guru, to being told that I should never exercise again…at all. It is scary, but you will get through it! Just keep doing what feels good to your body and don’t stress yourself out about trying to fit into any sort of mold – even if it is one you made for yourself!
Eliz@The Sweet Life
January 25, 2011 at 10:34 am (14 years ago)wow–what a difficult injury. i hope part 2 includes some healing!
miles & manhattan
January 25, 2011 at 10:37 am (14 years ago)obviously I hate your hip injury but it’s amazing for you to put this out there to help potentially many people. and that you have been working so aggressively to find what works for you. my hope is to be cheering for you in November as you run pain free!! 🙂
January 25, 2011 at 10:50 am (14 years ago)Oh my god Dori! I had no idea you were in this much pain. I hope Part 2 brings better news.
January 25, 2011 at 11:47 am (14 years ago)I am so sorry you are going through this but I am so glad you are sharing this! You are really making me rethink some of the various aches and pains that I tend to blow of as the cost of doing business. Thank you for sharing.
Missy Maintains
January 25, 2011 at 2:10 pm (14 years ago)Sorry you are going through this! Thank you for our rollerblading memory (A.K.A scariest moment ever!) Really hope you heal soon. Glad you are sharing it with everyone.
January 25, 2011 at 3:55 pm (14 years ago)I’m not a doctor or nuttin’ but I’ve suffered with hip pain for a while, and I can honestly say that Pilates and the work I’ve done has really helped me correct a lot of my poor occupational alignment (aka, I used to walk with a turnout due to a weak inner adductor, and that caused a whole host of pain and problems on my right side). So, not to toot my own horn or anything, but Pilates realllyyy might help (not just from me – I can recommend GREAT teachers on your little island).
Thanks for sharing this story! I’m really sorry you’re injured but I’m glad you’re doing the things you need to help yourself, rather than continue to exacerbate the problem. Definitely inspiring, because I’m really bad at taking a break when I’m injured.
February 1, 2011 at 11:35 am (14 years ago)Yep, my Physical Therapist is a pilates instructor and most of the exercises she has me do are on the reformer! I totally agree with you and hope I can take your class soon.
January 25, 2011 at 4:30 pm (14 years ago)I am so sad for you! This injury has GOT to be one of the most frustrating things you’ve ever experienced…especially since you got some misinformation/misguidance in Core Fusion where the injury only worsened. SO sad and I wish I could help you!! Hang in there girl, vent as much as you want to, we’re here to listen and help. Sending good vibes your way on a speedy recovery.
Janna ~ Just Flourishing
January 25, 2011 at 5:38 pm (14 years ago)I feel your pain…literally!
Though I haven’t experienced my hip pain for a while now, I am nervous to see if it will come back when I start running further again.
So sorry you have to deal with an injury, but I hope you are on the road to recovery. I haven’t run more than 4 miles since my injury, and it’s been almost a year. It’s a long road, but you’ll get there. And whenever you can go again, I would love to go for a run or to a CF class with you.
Actually, I really want to try the Nalini Method. Do you have plans on going back there? Would love to take a class!
Nicole @ Making Good Choices
January 25, 2011 at 8:19 pm (14 years ago)It is so hard to not ignore injuries and just push through them…I did the same thing and made my ankle sprain worse after my half marathon. We can be so stubborn sometimes! I hope you heal so you can run the marathon. Can’t wait to read part 2.
Fit Chick in the City
January 25, 2011 at 9:23 pm (14 years ago)Ugh… hips are the worst! I really hope that you’re hip is healed by the time marathon season rolls around.
January 26, 2011 at 2:34 pm (14 years ago)Gah…sounds like it’s been a long road to recovery for you; I’m stubborn too, and really good at ignoring pain until it makes me scream. I’m eager to hear about the outcome.
Lindsey @ Eat, Read, Run
January 27, 2011 at 11:15 am (14 years ago)Ohh my – I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the rest of this story. And I REALLY hope you get to run NYC this year – I know how much you want to. I want to know the word from the doc… when is the next installment?!
Bianca Valentim
February 1, 2011 at 10:03 pm (14 years ago)I really hope you get better soon enough to run the NYC Marathon.
I’m having some hip problems as well.
Can’t wait to read part 2.
Feel better 🙂
Sonia Delude
August 30, 2012 at 4:51 am (13 years ago)It’s my job to dont commonly post on many another Blogs, nevertheless Thank you continue the astonishing work. Ok unfortunately it’s once again time to access school.