January 26th 2011 archive

I’m Quoted in the NY Times!

Today is an exciting day for me, which is why I’m posting on a non-Tuesday (the last time I did this was for the Naked Chef Challenge).

I was quoted in the New York Times!!!!!!!!!

I knew this might happen when the Catherine Saint Louis contacted me about my Mojo post, which was all about finding my exercise mojo. We chatted on the phone and then I played the waiting game.

Game over!

I am quoted on page 2 of Full-Service Gyms Feel a Bit Flabby.  You can also find my blogger friends Jess and Theodora quoted as well, which came as a surprise to me.

I did want to clarify that the two months free of Core Fusion mentioned in the article was from my Core Fusion Challenge last year. For those who are new to DSB, I got two free months of membership to exhale in exchange for taking Core Fusion 4-5 times a week and documenting my experiences and results here.

Clarification over. Back to excitement! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!