2010 archive

Greenwich Mean Time. Emphasis on the Mean.

Hi from 5:41 am. I had to work Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) today, which is the time they use in London. They call it that because it is MEAN when someone in New York has to work on their 5 hour later schedule. That means I have been awake since 2:45 am, working since 3:00 am. I am tired.

Time Warner decided three days ago that I don’t need internet connection to be a whole person. True, but I do need internet connection to be an employed person. And that is why I am working from my very gracious friend’s apartment right now. The idea of walking through an empty mall to an empty escalator and into an empty office building scared me, although some told me my fear is irrational others confirmed that I am, in fact, rational.

I really want to write my 13.1 Marathon recap, but I am just too tired now to put any energy into it. I didn’t exactly go to sleep very early and I believe I earned myself a McGriddle. Or, you know, a healthier version. Like, a green juice.

Work is pretty stressful even when it’s not stressful at 5:48 am when all you want to do is sleep. The good news is that tomorrow I get to see my little brother! We are both flying to the Floridas from NY and the Seattles, respectively, to see our cute grandma. Our grandma is SO CUTE. Here’s a little transcript of our phone call the other day:

Grandma: What food should I buy for your lunches while you’re here? Turkey breast?

Me: No turkey, I’m a vegetarian actually.

Grandma: Oh, ok. Do you eat chicken? Let’s go to a chicken restaurant!

Too funny. I don’t even know what a chicken restaurant is. My grandma used to sign her AIM instant messages to me with “Love, Me” at the bottom of each IM. Yes, she had AIM and I don’t know how she figured out how to use it.

Even better is this email I received from her in August 2008:

Hi Dori

I  am trying to send a message.  HOPE YOU GET THIS  I CANNOT GET OUT OF THE CAPS.




Needless to say, I am looking forward to this Florida trip. I’m also looking forward to running in the morning in nice weather! Hopefully I can get my brother to go on a run with me. That is, if the f-ing weather cooperates.

I will be bringing my computer and I really hope to get my race recap posted within the next couple of days! But I will tell you all that I finished my second half marathon and I am so proud of myself for doing it.

And now that it is 6:38 am ET, more of you are awakening on the Twitters. Socialization!

New Aromatherapy Scent: Judgment

I decided my body could benefit from a massage the weekend between the NYC Half Marathon and my upcoming 13.1 Marathon this weekend. I got a good deal at a fancy spa and booked my appointment for Sunday, March 28. I was looking forward to this day for weeks, and even more so after the muscle pain in my legs after the half marathon. I needed it.

The massage therapist introduced herself and brought me into the room. She asked me if there was any area I would like her to focus on and I told her that I recently ran a half marathon and would be running another shortly, and I would love her to focus on my legs.

The massage started and I wasn’t impressed. I actually spent more time wondering when she would move on to the next part because she was pressing down on muscles in my neck and moving them back and forth. It didn’t really feel like a massage, but I didn’t want to ask her to decrease her pressure because I wanted a lot of pressure on my legs, and didn’t want to have to keep requesting things of her. It wasn’t pleasant, but I stuck with it figuring I’d feel great when it was over.

But then, she saw my toes.

As I’ve mentioned, I have been initiated into the hardcore runners club with my first black toenails. I went to the doctor and he drained them. He told me that because I overpronate, I am prone to getting black toenails because of the way my feet hit the ground. He said bigger shoes might help, but I will likely continue to get black toenails regardless.

I did get bigger shoes, and the doctor was right, I still continued to get the blood blisters on top of my toes that turn the nail black. One of my toenails even fell off. Sexy! Luckily, many of my friends have this same issue and they assured me many times it is not a big deal. I also read Runners World religiously, so I know how common this is. The doctor even congratulated me on being initiated as a real runner! And since the nails don’t hurt anymore, the doctor told me there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Aside from the fact that the toe miiiiiight not grow back if the ridge closes, but that is not pertinent to this story.

So the lady, her name was Barbara, saw my toes and I could feel her judgement emanating from her when she was by my feet. I knew what was coming when she started to speak.

“I just need to say,” she began. “I see your toenails and you need a bigger toebox in your shoes.”

“Well my running shoes are actually a full size bigger than the size I wear, I have a lot of room in the front.” I explained.

“No. This is not normal. Your shoes don’t fit.”

I started getting defensive. And annoyed, given I was IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING A MASSAGE.

“I went to the doctor and he said this is common because I overpronate, and it will happen even with bigger shoes.”

“No. This is not normal. You can’t listen to that. People say it’s common, but it’s not. This is very bad.”

I said, “Many of my friends have black toenails too and they’re all fine. It is just something that happens to some people when they run longer distances.”

“What do you mean by longer distances?” Barbara asked.

“13 miles?”

“Hahahahaha! 13 miles is not a long distance!” Barbara laughed at me.

Now listen. I know that running 13 miles does not a long distance runner make. But I didn’t say I was a long distance runner. I said I was running longer distances. And for me, 13 miles is a hell of a long distance. I got really upset that this person who was supposed to be relaxing me was agitating me.

She was acting like I was a poor idiot who doesn’t know better, when it reality I did a lot of research, went to the doctor (more than many runners do), went to a specialty running store and consulted with many other runners. I reiterated that I went to the doctor and that it happens to my friends.

“Any friend that tells you this is common is NOT a real friend.

WHAT. Now the massage person is telling me who my friends are?! Then she went on more! “Are you a member of NYRR Clinic?” she asked. I am a member of NYRR but I had no idea what she is talking about so I said no. She said, “Well you get yourself to NYRR Clinic — they will tell you this is not normal, it is not common and it is a very bad thing.

By this point I was almost in tears.

I have never been so relieved for a massage to end. Usually the hour goes by way too quickly but in this case, it felt like 10 hours of torture. And the massage itself sucked too, not that that even matters at this point.

I want to mention I also had a pedicure and that person was so nice about my situation and said she sees lots of runners there and was familiar with black toenails. After all, it just means that blood is pooled under the skin. NOT a big deal.

I did complain to the front desk. Although I was trying to be nice about it when I spoke to them (I didn’t even give her as bad a tip as I should have), but the more I think about it now, the angrier I get. I should have walked out of the room sooner and not even finished. How dare she? All I was doing was paying for massage and she just couldn’t let it go. Barbara overstepped her boundaries and was completely out of her place and made me so uncomfortable on a day that was supposed to be relaxing at a fancy spa. I know she was trying to be helpful, but that was not the time or the place. She could have approached me later on if she was truly concerned. Instead, she chose to ruin my expensive (even with a deal, it was not cheap) massage.



Update: The spa has offered a complimentary massage to make up for this experience. 🙂

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