November 2nd 2010 archive

Rockin Models

I’m beat, kids. My first day at my new job was yesterday and I still don’t know where the bathroom is. It got to the point where I couldn’t even ask because it would have been like “What? You haven’t peed in over 6 hours?!” I mean, I know the general area where it is, but none of the doors seem to be labeled. Other than that, the gig seems really great and just what I needed. I might even get to meet my favorite imaginary friend Rachel (who coined the term ‘imaginary friend’!) later this month because of work-related travels. And I am taking this new job as an opportunity to reinvent myself as someone who wears mascara.

I ran the NYRR Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff 5 Mile race on Sunday. Perfect perfect perfect. That is all I have to say right now about the race, the weather and the PLAYLIST. Full recap next Tuesday once, you know, I get my official photos. I might be the vainest runner out there, but at least I own it. I run for professional photos of myself. Racing is my Glamor Shots.

Now is probably a good time to tell you about a fun and hard workout class I tried back in September called Rockin Models thanks to Bess. When I met Grace Lazenby, celebrity personal trainer and talent behind the class (and DVD), my first thought was “How does she get her arms to look like that?” My second thought was “I can see her abs THROUGH her shirt.”

Grace Lazenby

[Source: Beauty News LA]

The class was great! A very fun change of pace from my normal routine and luckily I had my Missy next to me. I am always more comfortable to workout with the support of my friend. We started the class with a burlesque style warmup. While the moves were fun, my body is so awkward and stiff when it comes to any type of sexy dancing (unless I have my vodka, in which case I AM AN AWESOME DANCER) that I just had to smile and go with it. I knew Missy understood. Even though she is better than I am at the sex dance, she isn’t that much better and I knew she felt my awkwardness.

The rest of the class was a mix of fast, sweaty yoga flow with periods of intense pose holding; difficult thigh moves reminiscent of Core Fusion but with a body bar instead of a ballet bar and seductively swaying our bodies down it in plies; challenging glute work that left me feeling sore; a nice abdominal section and even more burlesque — legs straight up in the air, legs wide open, legs back up in the air. Any workout where I get to spread eagle is my kind of workout.

Grace was nice enough to offer me a DVD to review as well. The DVD is actually pretty awesome. The music is exactly the same as in the class and it is outstanding! You guys know how I love my music, and this did not disappoint. As each new section and song begins, a credit appears on the screen just like a music video. Mad props to Grace for securing some awesome music. Workout DVD music can sound not unlike porn music because it is hard to get the rights to the big songs, but Grace secured some great ones. Also of note in the DVD, the fun lighting and the use of top hats as sexy props. Well done.

Rockin Models

A couple of minor issues I had, however. We did almost no upper body work in the class. When I take class with someone with arms like Grace, I want to do the workout she does to GET those arms. I still do not know what type of arm workouts Grace does because we didn’t do a single one in the class. Not even a stray pushup or a plank, aside from during the yoga flow section, but those poses weren’t held for long. I would be OK with this except that Rockin Models markets itself as a full body class.

The thighs section was very good, but there was no mention of form. From my extensive Core Fusion experience, I know how important form is for these types of body weight as resistance exercises. It is all the difference between effective workout and injury. I knew the correct form, so I wasn’t worried about myself during class, but I was concerned about the other people as I looked around the room. I saw a lot of poor form and there were little to no corrections.

That said, Rockin Models is a fun, different workout. I recommend the DVD. You will work up a sweat, get a fantastic abs, thighs and especially butt workout and learn some fun burlesque. The best part — Grace is not in any way annoying! If you are someone who likes exercise DVD you will enjoy this one — and still get a tough workout. Just keep in mind when you do the thighs section to track your knees over your second toe and keep ears over shoulders over hips.

You can watch a preview on YouTube and order a copy on Amazon. Read Bess’s review here.

See you next week with my race recap, slow songs playlist (obsessed, still listening, love) and photographs of me.

*Update – today is Election Day in the US. Please go vote. If you don’t vote you can’t complain.