DSB Free Core Fusion Class Recap

Thank you so much for your overwhelming response to the free Core Fusion class I invited you all to a few weeks ago. The class filled up quickly and we even got a waiting list! In the end we had about 18 bloggers and readers meet at exhale spa on Madison Avenue in New York City on Thursday, August 12.

I had butterflies in my stomach as I made my way uptown in the rain. I got there early as planned, but then I didn’t know what to do with myself! I wasn’t sure who was there for me and who wasn’t, and I’m not comfortable going up to people and asking. I was too excited to sit still and relax, so I just kind of wandered around.

Eventually I walked to where our classroom was and sat on the ground outside the room when I heard someone call my name. I looked up and there was my friend Missy! You might know Missy from her blog Missy Maintains, but I actually met her exactly three years ago (on August 6 to be exact!) in Israel!

This is Missy (doing flat back abs later in the class!):

I was so happy to have a friend there because I was just so nervous. Right after Missy got there, more readers started arriving. I knew some people, but I was meeting most of these ladies for the very first time. It was hard trying to talk to every person because there were so many, but I tried making conversation with as many as I could.

Everyone had to check in at the front desk where they received a free bottle of exhale’s Mind Body Water. Score!

Laurie was teaching our class. I was excited about this because Laurie is one of the best teachers I have taken at exhale, and her classes always kick my butt. Literally. My butt hurts more after her class than any other. Laurie’s taught Core Fusion for over 10 years and she is the Mind Body Director of the Madison Avenue location.

Laurie helped get the class set up — everyone was to take one or two sets of light weights, a yoga strap and a red playground ball. I took a spot front and center for maximum torture.

After our warmup, we went right to pushups and then a straight arm plank. As much as I wanted to see how everyone else in the class was doing, I didn’t want to miss any of the workout myself, so I stayed focused on my form. After a set of tricep dips we picked up our weights for the arms section (includes shoulders and back too).

One of the reasons I always like taking Laurie’s class is because she does arms for so long! We do so many sets and types of bicep curls, which I especially like, before moving on to countless other moves with our weights. After this class, my arms were sore for DAYS — even though I take Core Fusion all the time!

We stretched and went to the bar for thighs. Normally I am terrified by this time — even after almost eight months of taking class all the time, I am still scared of the thighs section — but on this day, I was giddy! I could not stop smiling. I have never been this happy in a Core Fusion class before, even though I love them. There is something about being in a class where everyone knew who I was. No one was really a stranger. It felt more like hanging out and doing fun activities with my friends than actually taking a challenging (read: slightly painful) exercise class.

And really, I was excited for all of them to be there. Experiencing this thing that I love so much. Getting to share it with people who really want to be there. Excited for them to finally understand why I am obsessed with Core Fusion.

(Laurie in action)

I really like how Laurie taught thighs. While it was hard, everything was doable. That is the sign of a great teacher to me. I want to add that my legs were shaking just as much as people trying class for the first time — possibly even more. The energy in the room was like nothing I have experienced before. Everyone was just working really hard. I was so touched that people came out (some traveled all the way from the burbs) to really make the most out of their experience at exhale.

Laurie kept us all entertained, talking throughout class and making jokes about blogs. She definitely catered to our group.

We did some pushups while keeping one hand on the ball — holy balance! After stretching our legs, we did the glutes section at the bar. Since this is a weight bearing exercise, you really feel it on your standing side too. Especially if you are new to class!

Here is the class working hard on their tushies:

Here is me working hard on my tushie:

(Thanks Erica for taking that pic!)

We stretched some more and moved on to flat back. We started away from the wall, leaning into the playground ball.

Everyone seems so focused, right?

We moved on to flat back abs work against the wall, and then to round back where we scoot down on the wall and lift our legs straight up in front of us.

I am the third one back — look at how straight my legs are! Next to me is Melisse from Well and Good NYC and next to her is Missy.

When I started taking Core Fusion, I was not able to get my legs up! I used to have to stretch each leg with a strap, which some people in this class had to do. This just goes to show how much Core Fusion improves flexibility. I even told one of the other teachers that I know my body, and I know it will never be able to straighten my legs and I will always have to stretch with the strap. Turns out I was wrong. If I can improve this much, anyone can — so don’t be discouraged!

That is Erica in the middle — look how straight and high up she can get her legs! Maggie is on the left of her.

Both flat and round back exercises work the abs. Round back, with our legs up, really gets into the lower abdominal area which is very hard to target otherwise. That is why I love it!

But really, the crux of Core Fusion abdominals is the (in)famous curl. Oh, the curl. The pain and yet. The results.

Abs on fire!

After this we did some fun pelvic tilts and then stretched out on the floor and relaxed in savasana. And just like that, class was over.

This hour flew by! I was having so much more fun than normal because of the situation and everything, even the hard parts, just felt fun. I could not stop smiling the entire time.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to take a group picture, but I did get this great one of some of us:

From left to right: Angela from A Healthy Fit, Rebecca (a reader), Ilana from Happy Healthy Hottie, Missy from Missy Maintains, Erica from Erica Miss America, Nicole from Making Good Choices, me and Maggie from Say Yes to Salad.

I was riding the high of this class for the next 24 hours! The class was fantastic — very past faced and tough without being too difficult. I was sweating and I know everyone got a really great workout. When I got home and read my Twitter feed, what I saw made me even happier (if that was possible!):

@alcuffey: Thank you forb#corefusion class @dysterious!! I’m sore. My outer bum, in particular. Is that a real thing?

@healthyhottie: My legs are so sore from #corefusion last night. love it!
Ohhh I loved #corefusion … Gonna be sore tomorrow! Thank you @dysterious!!
oh hello there abs and obliques – you thought i forgot you? love this burn!!

@erica: a huge thank you to @dysterious for organizing an incredible #corefusion class! i LOVED it!!!
holy sh*t my body hurts, in a good way of course! is it possible that my arms are already more toned from 1 #corefusion class?

@WellandGoodNYC: Just joined @dysterious for a killer #corefusion class/healthy bloggers’ summit @exhalenyc!

@ahealthyfit: Thanks to @dysterious for getting us together for an awesome #corefusion
Thank goodness no one is sitting next to me on the train.#corefusion made me sweaty and stinky!

@TheSaladGirl: Just got out of an awesome #corefusion class with @dysterious@missymaintains and other bloggies!

@missymaintains: Great #corefusion class!! Now time for lychee martinis with @dysterious and Melissa!

Blog recaps that have been posted so far here:

A Healthy Fit

Missy Maintains

Making Good Choices

As more bloggers post their recaps, I will add them!

These tweets and recaps made my heart happy. My goal for this class was to introduce more people to the workout that pretty much changed my life — it not only reshaped my body but it changed the way I think about body image, food, stress and the purpose of exercise, improving our bodies, getting stronger and more flexible. Core Fusion has relaxed me and made me a much happier person. I was never an exercise person, and workout out was always a big chore. With Core Fusion, it isn’t a chore — it is something I crave. I spend hours staring at the class schedule figuring out which class to take at what time, and I don’t think twice about making sure I fit it in my day.

Thank you so much to everyone who attended this free Core Fusion class. It really means so much to me to be able to share my love of Core Fusion with you, and I really hope to see you back at class with me! Having so many likeminded people around me made the class that much better. I had so much fun and I really felt like everyone else did, too.

I also recommend trying out the other classes exhale offers, such as Core Fusion Cardio, Core Fusion Yoga, Core Fusion Sport and Music Yoga Flow. If you didn’t get to attend, I wanted to let you know that exhale offers an unlimited week of classes for $40 — so worth it considering one full priced class is $35. Let me know if you are interested! And, once again, THANK YOU!

19 comments on DSB Free Core Fusion Class Recap

  1. roberto
    August 17, 2010 at 7:13 am (15 years ago)

    I haven’t visited your blog in a couple of months… and you may have mentioned this before, but… Is this a women only class/gym? (I know most guys don’t take classes). My schedule sucks at the moment, but I would love to try it at some point.

    • Dori
      August 17, 2010 at 9:11 pm (15 years ago)

      Guys do take this class — I have brought a few myself! Let me know when you’re ready to try.

  2. Missy Maintains
    August 17, 2010 at 9:16 am (15 years ago)

    Love your review! So cool to see all of the great tweets from after class! I also love that the first picture is me!

  3. Ilana
    August 17, 2010 at 9:55 am (15 years ago)

    1- I didn’t know you and Missy met in Israel!! I love it!!
    2- it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN! I was soooo sore and it was amazing!
    3- So glad I finally got to meet you!!
    Thank you so much for inviting me! It was really awesome.

    • Dori
      August 17, 2010 at 9:12 pm (15 years ago)

      You really are a hottie! Let’s hang out soon please.

  4. Maggie
    August 17, 2010 at 10:07 am (15 years ago)

    I had so much fun Dori! And it was great meeting everyone 🙂

  5. Erica Sara
    August 17, 2010 at 11:37 am (15 years ago)

    Such an awesome class- thanks so much for inviting us! Arms & abs were my favorite part. Didnt realize they offer $40 unlimited for a week- I’ll definitely be signing up soon.

  6. melissa
    August 17, 2010 at 2:11 pm (15 years ago)

    thanks so much for the awesome class. You are such a VIP there!

  7. Robyn @ Wannabe Writer Runner
    August 17, 2010 at 3:47 pm (15 years ago)

    So awesome that you girls did that. Wish I had been able to make it, so I hope there’s another one. Although I’m terrified of the class, I still wanna try it.

    • Dori
      August 17, 2010 at 9:12 pm (15 years ago)

      Robyn, you can try it with me any time. Let me know!

  8. Nichole
    August 17, 2010 at 3:48 pm (15 years ago)

    Cute, cute ladies! What a GOOD burn! <3 these classes.

  9. Janna
    August 17, 2010 at 5:17 pm (15 years ago)

    It looks like so much fun! I really wish I could have gone too!
    Love the picture of all you girls 🙂
    Hopefully I’ll get to come back to NYC in the near future and then I will be ALL about the Core Fusion. For now, I may have to do some online CF vids!

  10. Rachel Wilkerson
    August 17, 2010 at 10:36 pm (15 years ago)

    Look at you in round back!! And love your tushie!

    Wish I could have been there, so happy you got to bring CF to more people! 🙂

  11. Amber
    August 18, 2010 at 8:39 am (15 years ago)

    What a fun event! Do you know if the $40 unlimited special is for NYC only? I’m in Chicago and would love to give it a try.

  12. Maris (In Good Taste)
    August 21, 2010 at 12:02 am (15 years ago)

    Looks like you had a wonderful time! So much fun exercising and taking photos 🙂


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