May 2010 archive

Marathon Dreams

I had a dream last week that I signed up for a 5K, and there was also a full marathon going on there too. At the end of the 5K, I was feeling really good so I decided to just run the rest of the marathon course and run my first marathon. I got a little concerned during it that because I wasn’t registered for the marathon my results might not count but I figured since I was wearing my DTag timing chip from the 5K it would go through. I was also having some reservations because I had wanted the NYC Marathon to be my first and only marathon, and running this one would obviously change that. But I decided to do it.

I was doing really great and along the way a coworker who I’ve never met in person but who I chat with about running (he sticks to treadmill only) was next to me; he was running the race too! Only he was trying to trip me with his feet. He didn’t want me to beat him and he was sure that I would. So he was trying to take me out of the race.

Even though my colleague slowed me down, I guess I got away from him. I had heard a rumor that even though the course was USTAF certified, it was actually only 20 miles. But THEN the marathon ended at what I thought was 15! But I finished and I was so happy that I finished an impromptu marathon with no training!

I even ended up placing 2nd in my age group because so few people ran!

Any dream interpretors? Besides the obvious, what do you think this means?

Update: Last night, after setting this post up, I had another dream that I had to leave work on a rainy gross day at 2:30 to make it to my 3 pm MARATHON. Obviously I was cutting it way too close and then there were airport (??!!!) issues. Crazy!

Don’t forget to enter my Core Fusion: Lean & Toned DVD giveaway!

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