
January 2010 archive

Exhale Buddha Camp (Core Fusion & Yoga)

Hey hey! I am so behind on blogging. As in, I went to 4 Core Fusion classes and 1 yoga class and have yet to recap. And I will. Tomorrow.

ALSO it has been a whole month of Core Fusion! I got photos and measurements taken today and let me just tell you — WOW. Core Fusion works. I can’t wait to share this with you!

Today, I want to get an announcement out because there isn’t much time left to take advantage of this amazing deal at exhale spa. If you already take Core Fusion classes or feel like starting, you should do it now because they are offering something really great from February 1 to March 31 called Buddha Camp.

Throughout this 8 week period, exhale spa will keep track of the average number of Core Fusion and Yoga classes you attend each week and reward your hard work with great incentives. Here’s the deal:

3 classes

  • Core Fusion Cardio class pass
  • Exhale Mind Body Lounge Music CD
  • Choice of Core Fusion DVD
  • Gift bag of exhale products

4 classes:

  • Core Fusion Cardio class pass
  • Exhale Mind Body Lounge Music CD
  • Choice of GRN manicure or pedicure
  • Gift bag of exhale products

5 classes:

  • Core Fusion Cardio class pass
  • Exhale Mind Body Lounge Music CD
  • 30 minute True Facial or Fusion Massage
  • Gift bag of exhale products

To participate, you must sign up at exhale spa by February 3. That said . . . anyone interested in extending their challenge to take advantage of this?? Because, although I am not eligible for Buddha Camp, I WILL be EXTENDING MY CORE FUSION CHALLENGE!!!

One more month of taking Core Fusion and writing all about it! My amazing results might have something to do with it . . . will discuss in more detail soon! Anyway, please let me know if you’re interested and go sign up! Those are really great prizes.

And if you do sign up . . . I really want to hear about your experience. And maybe you’d be interested in guest blogging here and writing a little about it? I’m excited to find out who is participating in Buddha Camp!

I Love Core Fusion Yoga

I love Core Fusion Yoga. I just love it. I look forward to Sundays because that is the only day I can take it with my schedule. Which works out really well because I am training for the NYC Half Marathon and Sundays are my long run days. So I run for over an hour in the morning, go home to shower, rest and ice my knees and then go to Core Fusion Yoga in the afternoon.

I just want to explain quickly that I have had knee issues for years. An MRI showed patella femoral pain syndrome and bursitis. My physical therapist, upon examination, explained that I have valgus, which means my knees each bend inwards. This poor alignment is likely part of the reason my knees hurt. The other reason? Weak muscles! The muscles around my knee were never strong and therefore not able to support my body. This, in turn, put all the weight of my body on my knees. Not good!

Part of the reason I was so excited for this Core Fusion Challenge was because I knew if anything can strengthen up the muscles around my knees and build stability around my joints, it is Core Fusion. The thighs section is tough and you WILL build muscle from doing it.

That said, I need to stick with Core Fusion longer. My left knee, which I consider my “bad” knee, does not hurt at all. But now I have the same pain in my right knee only after long runs. It gets better each week, though.

So Core Fusion Yoga is the perfect post-run stretch (which I probably wouldn’t do very well on my own) and it is also easier on my knees than Core Fusion. There are some movements in the class that hurt my knees on a long run day, particularly when we are on our hands and knees and stretch one leg behind us, then bend it, stretch it, bend it again. During this, I just can’t bend my leg because the knee hurts, so instead I keep my leg straight and lift it when the class bends. Still a great movement for my butt!

Barbara is just so awesome. She makes me feel very comfortable and gives words of encouragement throughout the class. The hour goes by quickly and I really can’t believe how much I sweat during Core Fusion Yoga. It is crazy! Such a great workout.

When we got to the C Curve, though, I had a very tough time. Even more so than usual. Part of the problem is that we hold the heavy cork yoga block, but even after I decided to abandon it, I still struggled. A lot. I knew I wasn’t in the right position and when I got myself lower, I couldn’t hold myself up. I need more help with this.

And then class was over and of course I felt amazing. Other than my struggles with the abs section, I really enjoyed this class and loved every second of it. Sometimes before class I feel like I’d rather just stay home and be lazy on a Sunday, but as soon as it is over I am just so happy I went.

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