January 25th 2010 archive

My Friend

This has been a really tough week for me; a good friend of mine passed away unexpectedly. I was riding high from Tuesday night’s wonderful Core Fusion class when a friend called me with the news. Even though I got practically no sleep that night and worked a long day Wednesday, I decided to go to another class. I figured it would help take my mind off things and really, I had no reason not to.

I wasn’t sure how class would go, how I would handle it. I felt sad thinking about my friend Robin yet I was still able to find something that made me smile. The first plank we do in the beginning of class is a plank we have to hold for a very, very long time. For the first time, on this day, I was able to hold the plank the entire time and not collapse. When the plank was over I let out a small laugh. Despite how stressful the day was, how overbearingly sad, I was still able to find joy in something small like holding a plank. That is because it meant so much more than just holding a plank — it was proof that my hard work is paying off. It was proof that we can all accomplish what we want if we work hard and want it badly enough. It was proof that life does go on and we should live it as our best possible selves — as healthy, as strong, as accomplished as we can be. Yes, part of it was physical — I am physically stronger now than I was before this challenge. But it was also mental — I wanted to hold this plank more on Wednesday than I ever have before. I didn’t let myself collapse. I pushed and forced myself to stay in a position longer than it was comfortable (really though, is a plank ever comfortable?). And because of my commitment over the last 3 weeks, it simply was not as difficult anymore.

The rest of the class was just as good. I was able to up my weights for the bicep curls and use 4 pounds instead of 3. Another improvement; another minor victory. Thighs seemed to be getting better. My abs are have not yet improved the way my other muscles have been due to my struggles with the C Curve, but even that I can feel getting better. These small victories push me to work harder the next time, to keep going, to take an extra class. The more my body improves, the more my mind seems to improve along with it.

I know it is hard to stick with exercises that hurt. And Core Fusion hurts. But how great do you all feel when it is finished? And if you’ve been doing it, do you see any improvements in your body, in your strength? Please let me know. For me, I see major improvements in my body and strength, yes, but also in my outlook. I feel like I am a more positive person and while I am distraught over my friend’s death, and tempted to feel guilty for the times I didn’t see her, I feel like I am handling this much better than I would have been just 4 weeks ago. Those last few minutes at the end of class after we finished the hard part and lie in savasana really makes me appreciate how lucky I am. If you are doing the DVDs at home, you should try just laying down flat on your back and just relax with your eyes closed after you are finished. I’m not usually “one of those people” who talks like this, but I really think it adds so much to the Core Fusion experience.

I hope you all have a great week. And please call a friend or family member and tell them you love them.