2009 archive

Lots going on! 30 Day Shred, Hypnotherapy, Puppy Answers & More

I have been MIA this week, but I’ve been mucho busies (that means very busy in the language my brother and I created — our language is actually quite brilliant. more on that another time). So, here are some updates in the life that is mine:

(1) I’ve joined Caitlin — and about 40 other bloggers and readers — on her 30 Day Shred Challenge! I don’t plan to do this every single day like Caitlin does, but I would like to aim for 4 days a week. I spent a lot of time debating whether to get 2 lb or 3 lb hand weights. I am a very weak person. No strength at all — which of course is why I am doing the challenge in the first place. The boy settled my internal debate by definitively telling me to get 2 lb weights. So I will head to Modell’s to pick up some 2 lb weights and a mat.

30 Day Shred

I brought my DVD player to the boy’s since he doesn’t have one and I don’t have floor space in my own apartment. I need to figure out how to hook it up to his TV.

I plan to begin the challenge this weekend. I am nervous because I tend to not do eksusize that hurts. I also have a short attention span when it comes to videos, but I read so many positive things about the 30 Day Shred that I am willing to give it a shot. Let’s see if I actually stick with it… I figure if I write about it here I will feel more pressure to! A big thank you to Caitlin for keeping us all motivated with the Shredder Support Newsletter! It definitely helps my motivation to have a network of people in this with me.

(2) I decided to participate in the hypnotherapy program for GI problems and it begins on Monday, March 30. I am excited — and will be sure to report on it here! It will be every other Monday for 14 weeks. My time slot is 7:15 pm, which means I will have a gap of time between work and therapy. Ideally, I would like to go to the gym during this time and get in a workout. If I don’t, knowing me (and I know me quite well), I will shop and spend money I shouldn’t be spending.

There are some problems with this plan. I will list these problems now, and then I will describe my hopeful solution.

 – I am not allowed to join the gym in the building in which I work for reasons I won’t explain here
 – My gym does not have locations near my work or the psychologist’s office
 – I do not have enough time to get to my own gym, work out and get to the psychologist’s office

Hopeful Solution: I looked into getting free guest passes to a few gyms in the area of the psych’s office, but I think it will be annoying and I don’t like having to learn where things are, having to take a tour and listening to sales talks. I’d rather just find one that I can go to 7 times and be done. There is a pay-as-you-go gym in the city(http://www.monqifitness.com/), but it’s not near this office. There are also spin studios (like SoulCycle where I am finally planning to visit next weekend!), also not near this office.

I do know that NYSC charges a $15 guest pass, and there is one of these a block away from the psych. I need to find out if I would be allowed to do this 7 times, without accompanying a club member. 6 times really, since I have one free guest pass. If so, I will be quite pleased with the arrangement!

(3) Thanks to those who asked to be interviewed! They all gave such fantastic answers, I am so impressed! You can read their wonderful answers here:

 -  Santana, a real puppy 

-  Mallory

-  Sara

(4) The maternity pants arrived and while they feel wonderful on top, I don’t like how the legs look. Returning them. I need to keep looking for pants for work though. On the non-work clothes front, I discovered jeans like this and got so excited! If I get just one really good pair of maternity jeans, maybe I can be a semi-social human being again! Maybe I can actually make plans to go somewhere knowing I have something I can wear. Maybe when the day of an event comes up I won’t be feeling stressed and anxious about getting dressed. Maybe I can go out to a meal. Maybe I can not wear sweats at times I feel like they seem inappropriate. Maybe maybe maybe.

I went to Bloomingdale’s to try some on, since I saw a bunch on their website. When I got there, I was informed that they don’t sell them in the store because, and I quote, “Pregnant people only like to buy their clothes online.” Uhhhh… really, Bloomindales customer service associate who works on the main floor of the flagship location? Because I don’t know if you’ve ever purchased, um, jeans before. But you kinda need to try them on. There are countless styles, as you can see  from the Nordtrom’s link above, in addition to varying sizes that change from brand to brand and style to style.

The always amazing Sara told me about a store in her hood where she’s seen the type of clothes I’d want: Belly Dance Maternity. I think I will need to take a little detour to this area one day in the not-too-distant future. I am dying to try on some maternity jeans to fit my bloated belly! This all sounds so ridiculous when I read back on it — my quest for pregnancy clothes. But I am intrigured – and it could be something really great for me.

(5) I am very excited about the upcoming NYC Blogger Meetups! I will be attending both the dinner on the 14th and the brunch on the 22nd — the menus for both places look wonderful. Of course I will recount my experiences on here after. Thanks again to Melissa for organizing these!

(6) I have been bad. I haven’t moved on to the next vegetable on my list. I will this weekend and report back next week. Pinky swear.

Pinky Swear

Speaking of pinky swear, I have crooked pinkies. The rest of my fingers are normal. I actually have pretty nice hands. Except for my deviant pinkies. I apologize for my ugly nails. I have been talking about getting a manicure for about 3 months now. Maybe this weekend I will actually do it!


(7) I don’t know if I will get to make the Maple Glazed Pumpkin French Toast this weekend after all. Things got busy! Sads.

(8) I plan to write a post at some point devoted to the language my brother and I have with each other. Maybe even write an entire entry in this language. It is crazies!! Until then I will include a sprinkle of it here and there.

(9) Simba has been out of control.  The hyena laughing has been intense. Last week there was a day with a lot of snow, so the office was empty. As I’ve mentioned, these are the days Simba is at his absolute worst. The howling, the strange sounds, the screaming, the repitition on that day were unbearable. Of course, he is out of control and irritating and incites anger and hatred in me every day.

How does no one reprimand him???

***Random memory alert! Random memory alert!***
Mallory baked me banana bread for my birthday 2 years ago. I went to the post office to pick up the box, and had the box opened and the bread in my mouth before I even got to my apartment. People on the street must have thought it was SO strange to see a girl shoving bread into her mouth from a shipping box.

(10) I love my doll Nicole. I thought it would be fun to find another of her, from 1985, and get it. I searched the internets far and wide. I emailed Playmates, the company that produced her. I begged them to search their warehouse for a doll from 1985 who wears a blue dress, has blue eyes and cries when you shake her. No such luck. My Nicole stopped crying many years ago, after being shaken roughly by my two older, male cousins.

Finally, I thought I found the closest thing to her on eBay — her black counterpart! The description said she cries when shook (uhh I don’t think ANY doll company could get away with that feature these days), I recognized the hair (drawn on lines in a very particular pattern) in the photograph, she was born the same year, same brand — it’s her!

So I ordered it! I was in class (grad school - I was, like, 22 when this happened) when she arrived and my brother sent me a hilarious text saying that the doll is not quite what we imagined. I asked him what he means…. and he sent me this picture.


She is a giant! What is funny is that they were definitely from the same batch. Their similarities are apparent. They have a lot of the same features and structure — but why is the new one so big!

Poor new doll remains abandoned in my old bedroom at my mom’s. I adopted her and because she wasn’t what I expected, I abandoned her.

Have a great weekend, all! AND a very Happy Henry Day this Sunday!

An interview with me! And remember, there’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s.

I made a new breakfast today that I thought I would share, since it was sweet and delicious! Since I eat breakfast at work, it’s hard for me to easily make things, and I usually wind up with Vanilla Chobani + Pumpkin Butter (which I love!) Today, I had a new idea. I micrwoaved Egg Beaters to make scrambled eggs and then mixed in ricotta cheese and a little bit of pumpkin butter. YUM!

Anyway, my blogger friend selected me for a blog interview. She chose some questions, and now I will answer them honestly.

Questions for Dori

1) If you could be stuck on an island with only 3 foods, what would they be? 
– French Toast/Pancakes (Yes, I know this is 2, but I count them as 1. Don’t make me choose!)
– Thin Mints
– Nachos with the works (must have lots and lots of cheese)
Nachos. Mmmmm
2)  What is your favorite thing to do at the gym? Least favorite? 
Favorite – Spin. As you know, I have become quite addicted. Speaking of spin, remember when I was debating whether or not to get spin shoes? And I got them? Well, last night before class I realized I left my spin shoes at the boy’s — and rather than go to class with my sneakers, I opted to not go to spin at all! Just because I didn’t have my spin shoes! Silly? Maybe. But I really didn’t want to go knowing what my experience COULD be. I did go to the gym, just not to spin. What are your thoughts on this? 
Least Favorite - Rowing Machine. When I joined my gym they gave me 2 free personal training sessions. I was really excited about this. My excitement faded quickly when the trainer made me do the evil rowing machine SO much, both times. I told him I didn’t like it and would rather learn other exercises, but he insisted that this machine is the only way I would ever achieve my goals. I really, really despised it, Needless to say, I didn’t hire a trainer and I have not set butt on a rowing machine again. And I never will.
3)  If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be? 
David John Matthews
 Dave Matthews
4) What would you do for your dream date with a guy? 
Any date where sweatpants are involved is a dream date in my book.
5) What is your biggest fear? 
Umbrellas turning inside out. I don’t know why, it just scares me! One time, a friend and I were at the beach and it was a windy day. Our umbrella went inside out and I couldn’t control myself — I just began screaming, “My biggest fear!! MY BIGGEST FEAR!!!!”
6) What is your favorite way to eat an Oreo? 
I scrape off the cream with my bottom teeth. Then I eat the cookie.
My favorite way to eat a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (I took the liberty of adding this one) - I eat all the chocolate first and then I eat the peanut butter glob. There is no wrong way to eat a Reese’s.


Mega Double Stuff Oreo
7) If you could be granted one wish, what would it be? 
Right now, although it is selfish, I wish that my GI problems would be over so I can be healthy, eat what I want, feel comfortable in my own skin and live a (relatively) normal life. Also, world peace.
Play along, blagosphere members!

Here are the rules:

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” If a few people want interviews, I will randomly pick one.

2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Hope to hear from you!

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