2009 archive

Popchip Heaven. I’ve arrived.

A BIG thank you to the amazing people at my favorite potato chip brand, popchips, for bringing this GIANT basket of chips to my office so I can share the joy with my colleagues.

 Popchips on display

Can you believe how big this is! Here is the basket of popchips attending my team’s meeting:

Popchips at my meeting

The flavors included are Barbecue, Sea Salt and Vinegar, Salt and Pepper and Original.

My personal popchips story
I first tried popchips last year at the Hungry Girl book signing in New York City. I had heard about them from HG but didn’t know where to find them, so I was excited to snag a few bags at the event. When I tried them I knew I finally found the perfect, healthy chip in a perfectly proportioned bag (100 calories). I was sad that no stores in New York sold them. And then one day I walked into Jamba Juice. And there, under the counter with the other snacks were popchips! I was thrilled to find a place so convenient who had them. They only had Original and Barbecue. I dislike all things Barbecue flavored, so I stuck with the Originals and was very happy.

Months passed. Then one day, I walked into my local Duane Reade and what do I see but an ENTIRE DISPLAY OF POPCHIPS. Really big bags, bigger than I had seen before, ON SALE FOR REALLY CHEAP! I immediately took a picture on my phone and sent it to my good friend Missy who loves popchips (I just checked and I don’t have the pic anymore) and bought a bunch of bags.

Then Missy held a popchips giveaway. Every day she chose a random winner who would receive a box full of Popchips.    Every day I entered, hoping to win. And then on the last day of the contest, a Friday, I get a text from Missy that said, “Omg you actually won!”

When the chips arrived, I was so happy! The boy especially loved them since he is a MAJOR potato chip fan. It worked out since he LOVES barbecue flavor so he ate them all and we shared the rest of the flavors. And by shared, I mean he ate most of them.

But wait, there’s more! The chips started popping up (get it?) at supermarkets! Jubilee, where I do most of my shopping these days, was stocked full of them. Finally I could get my popchip fix anywhere and at any time.

Recently, I received their email newsletter. I’ve gotten a newsletter before from them, but this one was clearly the result of a redesign. It looked fantastic and the writing was energetic, lively and fun. I immediately emailed them to say “Good job” (and to request a sweet potato flavor!) and within minutes the CEO of the company REPLIED DIRECTLY TO ME. Can you believe it? Have you ever heard of a company where the CEO answers customer service emails? He really cares about what people think of his product and tries to ensure that popchips meets everyone’s standards. It really says a lot about their values over at popchips, and proves that they’re more than just a money making vehicle. After all, I am sure the CEO has more important things to do with his time than answer emails — yet that is exactly what he does, and FAST!

The CEO and I engaged in a little back and forth about our love of potato chips, new flavors that are in the works, my sweet potato popchip suggestion and more. (Can you tell I love sweet potato chips?) He offered to send me some coupons for free and discounted chips! He put me in touch with Tory, their new buzz marketing manager. I had read about Tory in the newsletter and was excited to speak with her more. Tory graciously offered to send a popdrop over to my office so I can share with my favorite snackers. A popdrop is something awesome that popchips does where they send baskets of chips to offices so everyone at work can sample popchips. Um, best marketing ever. This company is innovative, creative and clearly loves their product. It also sounds like it would be a great place to work as it reminds me a lot of the theory and environment at Zappos.

My popdrop happened today! A big thank you to Joey who delivered them. As you can see, the basket is enormous. Also, the basket itself is AWESOME. I am excited to use it to hold things when the chips are gone. And the chips, I might add, are going FAST. I already received an email from a colleague who left for the day requesting that I save him some more Barbecue popchips because he loved them so much! Another coworker just told me, “This is really good, I’m gonna take another one.” Then after a few more bites she said, “Where do they sell these? I wish I didn’t know about them because now I’m going to eat them all the time!”

As I sat at my desk, I watched everyone come by and take some chips! Some people took and walked away but many asked me about them. I gladly offered up all the information I have, trying to sell them on the chips. Everyone is curious about where they came from!

And word is spread fast! A few more coworkers came up to the basket to try some chips and chat with me about them. Two ladies told me they heard the chips were here. One said she is watching her weight so these are the perfect snack for her! The other has tried the Salt and Pepper flavor but not the others, so she was excited about that — especially the Barbecue. They asked me where they can find the chips, and I told them what I have told everyone so far — Duane Reade, Whole Foods (which is close to our office!), Jamba Juice, and other supermarkets. They are excited!

And look at the dent everyone made after just 45 minutes:


I just tried the Barbecue flavor for the FIRST TIME EVER. The verdict? HOLY YUM HOW DID I NOT EAT THESE BEFORE.

I thought my favorite popchip flavor was Parmesan & Garlic (tastes like pizza!) which was not included in my basket, but wowwww the Barbecue is good. The barbecue flavor adds sweetness in to the chip. I never, ever liked anything like this before, but now Barbecue popchips are officially my favorite flavor!


For those of you not familiar with popchips, here is some amazing information on this healthy snack:

all the flavor.
where’s the fat.

Introducing an all-natural chip like you’ve never tasted before. We don’t fry it (unhealthy). We don’t bake it (undelicious). We take the finest ingredients, like wholesome potatoes, apply heat and pressure, and pop! It’s a chip. Then we use an artful blend of natural seasonings for a snack so tasty, crispy and dip-able, you won’t even notice it’s (we hesitate to say) healthier.

What’s out? Half the fat of fried potato chips, trans fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol. All gone. For good. What’s popped in? Only what’s natural, tons of delicious, and plenty of crunch.

I like my food as healthy, natural and low calorie as possible. Popchips meets these standards — plus, there are lots of chips in the bag! I didn’t get to put them out until the end of the day, so I need to get some more office reactions tomorrow. I stored the chips under my desk and I will put them out again in the morning so everyone has a chance to take some. And save some Barbecue for myself.

Don’t forget to enter my Free Doormat Giveaway Contest! It ends Friday!

Giveaway Contest: Win a Free Doormat!

You all know that doormat theft is somewhat of a common occurence in my family. I myself have been a victim of doormat theft twice. I have also been a victim of doormat reward sign vandalism. Sad but true. Doormat theft, as I have said, is no laughing matter.

Actually, it kinda is.

Which is why I was thrilled to get this comment on my doormat theft blog entry:

You won’t believe the number of people who order doormats from us saying their mat got stolen! Almost once a week we get a call from a doormat theft victim like yourself. I think you should get one of our ‘Oh Shit Not You Again’ doormats to give the perp a message!

Oh Shit Not You Again doormat

How funny is that! Doormat theft is common and doormat companies are aware of the problem affecting lives every day. Maybe we should hold a Fun Run?

Fun Run

Even funnier is that they found my blog entry and commented — what a fun company they are! I immediately email Coco Mats ‘N More  to thank them for the comment and we developed a little back and forth. They were extremely generous and offered me a coupon code for 25% off my next doormat — that can be used 3 times over the course of 3 years!  That means that I can give it to a friend, or use it when my next one gets stolen, or give to a reader. I wasn’t going to buy another one, since it would likely get stolen — but how can I resist now that I have a discount!

Especially when they have such funny doormats on their site. Some of my favorites:

Wow! Nice Underwear doormat    I used to be Mat. Now I'm Shelly doormat   

Doormat dog Day 751

There are many more great ones! Click here to browse through Coco Mats ‘N More’s entire selection.

So I had decided to use one of the codes myself, give one to a friend and offer one out to a reader. But when I discussed this possibility with the wonderful people at Coco Mats ‘N More, they offered to donate a FREE DOORMAT to one of my readers!

Who ever would have thought my doormat story would turn into this! There are four ways to enter the contest. You can do each and receive multiple entries. The most entries you can receive is 5 because there are 4 rules and one of them can earn you double.

The winner can select any doormat under $20 from Coco Mats ‘N More.

Doormat Giveaway Contest Rules

(1) Visit Coco Mats ‘N More’s website and leave me a comment telling me which doormat you like best.

(2) Leave a comment with your own idea for a funny doormat. This will earn you double points.

(3) If you have a blog, add my NEW URL to your blogroll (and leave a comment to let me know): http://dorishinyblog.com 

(4) If you have a blog, link back to this contest in your own entry.

I will select the winner at random on Friday, April 24 — so please get your entries in before then! A BIG thank you to Coco Mats ‘N More for their generosity. And please follow them on Twitter: http://twitter.com/doormats.

You can also follow ME on Twitter: http://twitter.com/dysterious.


Preview: Another Contest Later This Week!
A Woman’s Infinite Confidence

Last week I attended a Blogger Cocktail Event at Townhouse Spa. The event was called “A Woman’s Infinite Confidence.” I will provide a full recap later this week, but let me just say that I had an amazing massage. I met wonderful health, wellness and lifestyle bloggers. I learned about Dr. Rebecca Booth’s Venus Week and womens’ hormones and bodies. I also learned about Always Infinity pads (and saw an awesome presentation involving coffee). I ate delicious foods, drank champagne and came home with an incredible gift bag.

I think you will be really interested to hear all about what I learned and about Dr. Booth’s book, which I can’t wait to read! I think maybe 84% of the women reading this might especially enjoy what I learned about Always Infinity. I’ve got event pictures and other fascinating information. I am excited to write an entry with all this information, but with all the blog server issues and the doormat giveaway and other overall business, I want to wait until I can give my review the attention it deserves.

And I need to mention that quite a few people at the event came up to me to speak about my doormat situation! Who would have thought this would incite so much interest?!

So please check back later this week for the new contest information! Hint: It involves the gift bag!

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