2009 archive

Raspberry Sherbet Pie Recipe, Bike Riding, Rollerblading, Yolato, more…

Happy Memorial Day! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Other than some tummy issues, I had a great weekend. I’ll recap mine:

Friday I woke up Friday morning completely unable to move. My stomach felt like there were weights in it. I literally couldn’t get out of the bed, it felt so heavy. It was partially my fault. The night before, I went to a restaurant I love called Citrus. Citrus has an incredible menu of Latin and Asian foods. I’ve been there a few times and always enjoy what I get. On Thursday, I was there with the boy, one of my best friends since first grade Emily and her boyfriend. The four of us shared a trio of dips (guac!) and the boy and I shared this entree, which I have had before and it is every bit as good as it sounds: Ultimate Roll Combinationone yellowtail with mango & avocado, one spicy tuna with banana and one salmon with cucumber & tempura flakes wrapped in soy infused seaweed, served with a trio of latin inspired dipping sauces.

Normally for me, just splitting that entree with the boy would have been enough food. But I hadn’t eaten in forever and I was starving and I ate some of the appetizer. Some appetizer + half an entree = t0o much food for my poor stomach. I knew I overdid it when we left. I collapsed in bed when I got home and expected to wake up feeling better. That unfortunately wasn’t the case, as I woke up feeling like lead was in my belly.

The experience of literally not being able to get out of bed is scary and extremely uncomfortable and I hope no one ever had to go through it. 

I worked from home and by the evening started to feel better. I couldn’t eat all day though. By dinner, I was able to eat again and the boy and I tried to go eat at the Boat Basin. It was PACKED. The wait would have been about 40 minutes and it was loud and crazy, so we left and walked into the city a little. We ended up sitting outside at a Japanese restaurant where I had a much smaller amount of food than the night before!

Although the day was kinda blah, I did get to finish I Know This Much Is True and I LOVED it. I already ordered Wally Lamb’s newest book, The First Hour I Believed. It won’t arrive for a few weeks since I ordered the paperback version which isn’t out yet, but I am eager to read it when it does. Mallory loved it and I trust her opinion — and I believe Wally Lamb can do no wrong.

Saturday arrived and the boy and I had lots of errands to run. We even wrote a list! But first we wanted to eksusis. He went to the gym while I got on my rollerblades! I haven’t used them since last summer when Missy and I had a rollerblading horror experience. We learned the hard way that we don’t know how to slow down. The boy lives right on the Hudson river where there is a flat path that is perfect for skating. I skated for 56 minutes, but every time there was even a slight dip I would turn around. I remember clearly rollerblading with my friends when we were younger all over our development’s parking lots and sidewalks, where there were hills and dips everywhere. How did I do it? How did I have no fear! The entire time I was skating on Saturday, I felt terrified! I went so slowly, much slower than the joggers. That’s because I know I can’t slow down or stop and I am scared of losing control. I did get to practice and felt more confident towards the end. According to my HRM, I burned 400 calories in the 56 minutes. I’m fairly certain my max HR occurred during times I approached a dip and freaked out.

I wore my helmet, knee pads and wrist guards but I went way too slow for falling to even be an option! Rollerblading wasn’t hard on my knees at all, so I think it is an acceptable knee injury activity for me.

We got our errands done and went to eat at City Grill. Afterwards we did more errands and got my favorite summertime dessert – Yolato! For those of you not familiar, this is yogurt gelato. It is low fat and low cal — and DELICIOUS. It is seriously the creamiest yogurt you can imagine, and the flavors are amazing. Missy and I discovered it last summer and literally went crazy. They even have a Ferrero Rocher flavor! They also have flavors like Tiramisu, Birthday Cake, Nutella, Cookies & Coffee and a bunch of sugar free options. It varies from day to day, so it is worth it to go back.

This is what the yogurt case looks like:

Yolato flavors

Amazing, right! It really is so creamy and amazing. I have been talking to the boy about it and begged him to try it. He was a bit resistant because he isn’t a fro yo junkie like I am. I begged him to at least taste one flavor but he wouldn’t commit! But when we got there he liked the flavor options. He tasted some Birthday Cake and loved it, so he got a scoop of Birthday Cake and Toasted Almond (he loves almond flavored treats), and I  got a scoop of Sugar Free Hazelnut and Coffee N Cookies. Of course, I had a taste of Ferrero Rocher first! I am already excited to go back and try more flavors! The boy has his eye on Strawberry Cheesecake and White Chocolate for next time, but I will see what they have and decide on the spot!

Sunday was a big day for us since we planned to go to a barbecue at the boy’s mom’s house. I made my Raspberry Sherbet Pie the night before so it was all ready to bring! As you know, I had to run around like crazy to get the raspberry sherbet for this pie! I bought 3 containers so I can make this pie twice more over the summer.

As promised, I will now give you the recipe and take you through my pie making process! This is the easiest pie you will ever make and it is the perfect summer treat. It is always a big hit — everyone loves it, and this day was no exception!

Raspberry Sherbet Pie


Graham Cracker Pie Crust,  Cool Whip Lite, Raspberry Sherbet, Semisweet Chocolate Chips and Strawberries



Put the raspberry sherbet in a big mixing bowl


 Start mixing in Lite Cool Whip


 Add semisweet chocolate chips


Keep mixing! Throw in more chocolate chips and cool whip as you mix.


Mix until there are no dark sherbert spots and the entire pie looks creamy. You can ballpark it on how much Cool Whip to use. I used about 3/4 the container. Here is how much Cool Whip was left after I finished:


Your pie is set! This is what it will look like before you add the toppings.


 Put this in the freezer.


When you are ready to serve, remove the pie from the freezer and sprinkle more chocolate chips on top and surround the perimeter with fresh strawberries. You can sprinkle the chocolate chips on top before freezing if you wish. You must serve this pie immediately after removing from the freezer or it will melt.

The boy’s birthday is in a few weeks so we celebrated it here!

Below is the completed pie, ready to serve, with chocolate chips and strawberries on top, plus the birthday candles.


 This is the boy and I with the pie. That is not a crack in his head; it is a curly hair.


This is the inside of the pie. It got extra melty because of the birthday candles!


 After everyone finished eating, this is what was left of the pie:


Everyone hated it.


Like always, the pie was a huge hit. This pie never fails, kids! It is just THAT good. A summer party favorite! If you decide to make this pie, let me know and take pictures and report back to me on what people think!

Just so you know, after making the pie we had this much batter left. Enough for a second pie if you wanted to make two at once!


See how easy and delicious that was?! The perfect summer treat!

Central Park LoopMonday turned out to be the most beautiful day of the weekend! I woke up feeling ill again from overdoing it the day before (I never learn…) but after a few hours managed to feel better. The boy and I walked over to Central Park where we rented bikes, which I had been wanting to do for a long time! I hadn’t ridden a bike since I was young — and again, fearless. I was shaky at first but it really is true what they say. You never forget how to ride a bike.

We rode around the loop and it was hard! I didn’t realize was a tough workout bike riding was. The uphill portions were challenging and my heart rate went up high. Downhills were just as challenging for me since, again, I was terrified — especially when the downhills were combined with sharp turns! I rode the brake during this time, every now and then trying to go a little faster but often getting too scared of losing control. How did I have no fear as a child! It was a great course for bike riding and I loved it. I especially loved how hard I had to work. My heart rate monitor said I burned 300 calories in 45 minutes, with a max HR of 185. We had planned to go around a second time but we were short on time for the rest of the day so we stopped after just one.

Probably not the best activity for my knees, so I was a bit relieved we didn’t go around the loop a second time.

We ended up getting more eksusis as we had to walk all over the city to run more errands. By the time we got home we were pooped! It was also time for dinner, and we went downstairs to eat at the Pier 1 Cafe. It was impossible to get a table since there were so many people, but after some waiting around I managed to snag one right on the water. We had to wait forever for our food because apparently the kitchen never received our order! Eventually we got it and all was good.

The hot dogs and especially the burgers looked SO good there but I didn’t get them since I had those the day before at the barbecue. I wished I did, though. If you ever go there, do yourself a favor and order a burger (they have veggie too) — trust me!  They also had delicious white sangria. Sangria is my favorite drink of all time and I wish every bar and restaurant served it!

Firefly Lane


We got home early and I was able to read a lot more of my current book, Firefly Lane. I am almost finished with it and can’t put it down. I am sure I will finish it tonight.

Then I get to decide which of my many books to read next!

After my experiences with food this weekend, I learned that I really need to cut down the amount. A healthy amount of food for someone else is not likely a healthy amount for me. What used to be a healthy amount of food for me is now way too much. I don’t ever want to feel weights in my stomach again. I don’t want to have to call out of work because I can’t get out of bed. I  decided that starting today, I am making a change.

I decided to replace my breakfasts (usually Chobani with an Erin Baker’s brownie)with a large green juice instead. Lunches will be light, mostly my old breakfast of Chobani and brownie.  I think I need less food in me weighing me down and making me feel sick. This is what I ate today — and it is an experiment and I am determined to stick with it for awhile to see if I feel better.

I want to do everything possible to avoid needing surgery.

Review: SeamlessWeb.com

When the boy and I started dating, we were on the phone and he mentioned that he had to go. His Chinese food had arrived. A few days later, I went over to his apartment so we could order dinner. He pulled out a takeout menu — his only takeout menu. It was from the same Chinese restaurant, where he had been getting almost the same dish over and over.

“What about Seamless Web?” I asked him. He had no idea what I was talking about.

I had him open his computer to a website I was quite familiar with – SeamlessWeb.com. “This site lets you order from any restaurant nearby. You don’t have to talk to anyone! You just select what you want and they bring it here!” I boasted.

The boy was resistant. He didn’t like the idea. He was used to calling in his order to the one place he knew and getting the same meal night after night. He was wary of this whole “internet” thing I spoke of.

“Okay… but how do I know the place we choose will even deliver here?” he asked.

“That’s the beauty!” I replied. “Seamless Web ONLY shows you the restaurants that deliver to your area!”

“How can I be sure the order will be right?” he wanted to know. “How can you ever be?” I shot back.

He still was not convinced. The internet is for news. That is its purpose and that is the only purpose it has. But I pushed it. Promised him he would love it. It’s easy. You don’t have to actually talk to a single person. I’d been ordering from Seamless Web practically since its inception. I remember when it was new and I received a card on the street from someone promoting it. I thought the idea was fantastic and I was hooked!

So I brought up a restaurant we wanted to order from and I showed him how to make his selections. He was not pleased with the fact that he had to enter his credit card number, but both myself and the Seamless Web privacy agreement assured him his numbers would be safe there. You have the option of saving your number on the site, which I love because it makes the ordering process even quicker.

We placed our order. Our food arrived.

The boy could not believe it. “We just check off what we want and then they show up to the door!” he exclaimed. He couldn’t believe how easy it was. And how much variety.

It took a few more times of ordering for the boy to become a full Seamless Web convert. Now he brags to anyone who will listen about how great this site is. He also claims that he discovered it and told ME about it. Uhhh…

Seamless Web

Here’s how it works: you select the restaurant and place your order, and a fax gets sent to the restaurant with your info. If the restaurant has a question they have your phone number on the fax and will call you. Otherwise, they show up with your food — already paid for! And now Seamless Web is offering a pick up option in NYC. Exciting!

The site also allows you to rate and review your order, review your past orders and even save some as a favorite to make for quick and easy future ordering! Aside from the login page, the website itself is user friendly and easy to navigate. I’ve never been a fan of the homepage as the log in link for returning customers is tiny and you are often enticed to try to log in from the Corporate Accounts section just because the user name and password fields are prominent on that side. They really should do something equally as prominent for us returning customers!

SeamlessWeb was pretty cutting edge when they started a few years ago. Just as their idea was cutting edge, so was their business model. In addition to being on Facebook, Twitter, etc long before other companies were doing this, they also have a fantastic food blog! Check out their blog here: http://blog.seamlessweb.com/. The pictures look amazing and there are some great reviews and restaurant options! Their marketing strategy of giving the restaurants Seamless Web branded plastic bags was brilliant as well. Walk down the street in NYC and I guarantee you will see at least one of these bags.

Seamless Web started out just in New York City, but now they serve 14 cities — including London.  I recommend clicking through the site and if they are in your city, try them out.

As for the boy, he is a true convert. He often muses that he doesn’t know how he ever ate dinner without it. What did he do before he knew about SeamlessWeb? Luckily, the boy met me. Now he will never pick up a phone and speak to a live human being again!

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