So busy again — sorry about that. I will have to figure out a better posting schedule. Just wanted to wish you all a very HAPPY HENRY DAY!
2009 archive
No time! There’s never any time! Very busy, but will leave you with this gem that IÂ find absolutely hilarious. No offense meant for anyone, I am tolerant of all lifestyles — except lifestyles of murder and rape and animal cruelty. Let’s rephrase. I am tolerant of all food lifestyles. Anyway, I really like this and it made me laugh loudly for a long amount of time. People are just so funny and I wish I could be funny like whoever posted this sign:
Thanks Mallories for sending this! You can find it here.
P.S. Yesterday Santana wore a dress to sleep all day! A DRESS! Unfortunately, she didn’t move from one position the entire day so I didn’t get to see much of it. But still. A DRESS!