
2009 archive

What Did You Do To Your Hair?!

I was standing at the former bestsellers bargain section at Barnes & Noble last night, holding a couple of possible purchases in my hands and browsing through some more. While my head was down, reading the back of a book trying to determine if I wanted it, I hear a guy say “Excuse me” and I turn to the left where the voice came from.

The guy does a double take, startled.

“What did you do to your hair??!!” he asks, shocked.

Now, I would understand if someone who saw me all the time with straight hair was surprised to see me curly now and asked what was going on. But. This man never saw me before. Yet he was taken aback by my fro. He seemed as though a big mess of hair was the last thing we was expecting in his encounter with me.

“It’s curly,” I responded. Wrly.

“How did you get it like that??” he sputtered,  with a look of surprise still on his face, clearly confused as to why I would ever go out of this house looking like this. “It’s . . . natural?” he ventured.

I told him it was natural and then he went on to his real reason for speaking to me. Once he recovered from his surprise at my appearance (do I really look that bad? I kinda thought I look nice…), he explained that he is looking for a book for his little sister’s birthday. I look like a big reader; do I have a recommendation for a  really great book?

I asked him how old his sister is (I’m thinking in her 20s FYI) and he started laughing. “When I said little sister, I didn’t mean younger! I meant little, like you.”

Yes, I have a small frame. That doesn’t mean my younger brother goes around calling me his little sister. Generally, that is a term reserved for the younger sibling. I opted to not bring this point up.

I told him to get the Time Traveler’s Wife and assured him he can’t go wrong. He looked around, confused, and I explained that the book would be in the Fiction section, that the author’s last name is Niffenegger and he could go to that section and find it.

He still didn’t get it.

First he wanted the details about the book. Is it dorky sci-fi? No. Is it, like, about time travel? It is about a guy who can time travel and a girl who can’t, they meet when she is 6 and again when he is 29, it is very cool, it is my favorite book of all time, everyone I know who has read it loves it. He looks skeptical. Come on, I was just doing him a favor. If he was so doubtful he should have just walked away.

Instead, he asks me if the fiction section is on the floor we were on. I don’t know, go find it. He didn’t go. Instead he kept talking. And talking. And talking.

He told me he really wanted to get his sister a book but didn’t know what to get and wasn’t impressed by the trashy novels on the bargain table.

The novels on this table were by authors such as Alice Hoffman, Amy Tan, Anite Shreve. Not trashy. But whatever.

He told me about how he could tell that I am a super intelligent reader (then why was I at the “trashy” table?). He said at first he thought I was an artist, but when I looked up and saw me he knew I was a banker. I am not a banker, I quickly informed him. Yes, you are a banker; you look like a banker! No, I am not a banker, I said again. Then what do you do, he asked.

Uhh. I work at a bank. But not as a banker!

I need to add — why did he think I was so smart? Because I was holding a couple of novels in my hands? Anyway.

He still wouldn’t. stop. talking.

The boy was waiting for me downstairs and we were going out to dinner. I also wanted to check out the books down there. I started glancing longingly at the escalator wondering how I could make my escape. He noticed my escalator directed glances and asked if I was meeting someone. “My boyfriend is downstairs,” I said. “Oh, ok,” the guy said. He then continued talking to me. Talking on and on and on. It was painful. What was he saying? I don’t even know! It was really, really weird. I tried ending the conversation by saying in a wrap-up voice, “So, the author’s last name starts with an N, I’m sure you’ll find it there…” But that just made him question me once again on the location of the fiction section. Just because I was physically in a bookstore does not mean I know the layout of the 4-story bookstore!

And then he was still talking! It was getting really creepy because he just wouldn’t let me go. I know, I know, I could have walked away. Instead, I was fake smiling and acting kinda weirded out and looking around trying to figure out how to get away but didn’t want to just walk away because I am too nice of a person. I was hoping the boy would come looking for me and find me but that didn’t happen. I really wish I could tell you everything he was saying, but I wasn’t even paying attention. I was too busy planning my escape route. Also, I think I blocked some of it out of my memory for protection.

I once again brought the conversation back to the Time Traveler’s Wife and this time noticed the fiction section was right in front of where we were standing. I pointed at the racks and wished him luck.

I decided not to get the book I was thinking about getting yesterday. It also belongs in the fiction section. The author’s last name is P, which is a little too close for comfort to the N.

And I jumped on the escalator and away I went. While I was on the first floor, my eyes kept darting around, worried he would reappear. Or that he would follow me.

Neither happened.

Ebbs and Flows

You might remember that a few months ago I was addicted to working out. Really obsessed. And then I had my knee injury and things just kind of trickled off… I would work out every now and then, take a Core Fusion class here, go to the building gym there, but it was never constant. I would go days upon days without doing a single eksusis. I wasn’t too down about it since my weight didn’t go up and I knew the rut wouldn’t last forever anyway. This is because of something the boy and I discussed about working out:

It goes in ebbs and flows.

You’re basically either in a phase of working out all the time, loving it, craving it, missing it, wanting it — or you’re barely working out at all and not really missing it! We both go through these phases and I’m sure many of you do as well.

Well, I believe I have exited the ebb and am back into the flow!

I had the opportunity to work out at a VERY cool boutique gym on Sunday. I am going to provide an official review later this week or early next week with more details, so I won’t go into it much now. But that experience is what pushed me back into the flow! Not because of yesterday’s workout alone (although it was wonderful) but because of what happened after.

At the end of yesterday’s workout, I made another appointment with this gym for 2 more trial sessions on Wednesday! More info on that in my review too — but let’s just say I am MAJORLY looking forward to my Wednesday evening workout. So feeling the workout euphoria from how great yesterday’s was, combined with my excitement for Wednesday, started to set me back on the path to the flow.


Working out on Sunday and Wednesday hardly a flow makes. (Is that a sentence?) Yesterday afternoon I had planned to go for a run with the boy, but because of the unexpected cardio aspect of the gym workout on Sunday I was tired and just wanted to bask in the sun while he ran. So that is what I did, but while I was laying there enjoying the practically summer weather (still not QUITE hot enough), I was wondering if I should have just sucked it up and went on the run.

It is summer. My knee seems okay. I wanted to be able to run outside. If I wait longer, I will lose the warm weather opportunities to run outside.

But laying directly under the sun felt so nice. It was the first time all summer I’ve done this and that is another thing I don’t want to miss out on! I knew I made the right decision in not going for a run, but I decided I would go for a run — early in the morning on Monday. I actually wanted to get in another workout before Wednesday.

My friends, I was officially on a flow.

Which brings us to today. I woke up at 6 am (something I have not done in a long time to workout) and went outside for a morning run on the river. It felt very strange for me to be doing this since I had planned to run outside in the mornings all summer long; plans that dissipated after my clear inability to run due to a knee injury. I figured running was just not something my body could do. But then I tried running last week and felt great, and I wanted to do it again. So this morning I did.

  Running Cartoon

As soon as I started running, it felt different than all my other runs. It didn’t hurt. I don’t mean my knee or any other joints, I mean that feeling in my chest. I had no problem breathing and no ribcage cramp. It felt easy and pleasant. I began to understand that all the blogs I read with girls who run long distances all the time feel THIS way when they run. The chest pain is not universal. No wonder people can run marathons. No wonder they love running and do it all the time! The fact that I ran first thing in the morning before eating really helped too. It felt great to run without the weight of the food jumping around.

For 15 minutes I felt great! It was the easiest, smoothest, freest (word?) run of my life (of all, like, 5 of them). About 15 minutes in I spotted a water fountain and stopped for a sip. Shortly after I resumed running, that old ribcage cramp resumed. Same spot. I didn’t know if it happened because it happened, or if my drink of water brought it on? Is that possible, could drinking water have caused the cramp? Maybe just a coincidence. Let me know if you know if water can cause cramps!

It hurt but I ran through it, remembering my last run where the pain eventually went away. My run became much harder at this point. It stopped being easy, free. It was no longer painless. I started having trouble breathing and feeling overall chest pain/weakness. Sigh. I kept going though since I wasn’t even at my halfway mark yet! I reached the end of the loop and turned back around, slightly disheartened to know that I had just as much to finish as I already ran. But I went on, pressing into the cramp with my fingers when I could. The cramp eventually stopped hurting but the ease of the run never returned. It remained difficult to the end, when I ran back up the ramp to the street and then I was DONE!


Time: 32 minutes (didn’t pay attention to the seconds)
Miles: ~2.82
Avg HR: 179
Max HR: 195 (uphills are HARD!)
Calories burned: 319

I felt GREAT! Yes, it became difficult during the run but for almost half the run it was amazing! And for the entire run I experienced absolutely no knee pain or hip pain! I CAN RUN!!!

I won’t overdo it. I’ll run once or twice a week. I love being able to do it in the morning. It was so so so so so much better running on the path while it was basically clear. On weekends I am navigating through bike riders (and hoping not to get run over), other runners, walkers, rollerbladers — going in both directions. This morning I dealt with none of that. At 6:20 am the paths are clear! And the weather was perfect, gorgeous but not at all hot. There were more people on the path on my way back (they were going in the opposite direction) but at my time it was pretty empty. I loved it!

I was so excited about my morning’s run that I signed up for a 5K!

I will be running the Komen 2009 New York City Race for the Cure. My mom had breast cancer when I was younger (she is completely OK now) so it is a cause has a lot of meaning for me.  I never did a Komen event before. A few years ago I volunteered at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Queens (I was one of the people cheering the runners and walkers on!) and last year Missy and I did that same walk in Manhattan. Now that I can actually run I am very excited that I can contribute in this way — and get a chance to practice my new abilities!

I JUST signed up so I don’t even have any donations yet — but feel free to contribute! I would really appreciate it and it is obviously an important cause, as I am sure you all know at least one person who had to deal with breast cancer. You can donate to my personal fundraising page here.

Missy signed up as well and Melanie might too, and then we can start an official team! If you want to join our team and participate in the run, let me know!

I have a lot to look forward to in September! The 5K, U.S. Open, Snow Patrol at the Beacon, anniversary, who knows what else!

I love the flows! But you know what? I learned that ebbs are not such a bad thing, and certainly nothing to get down on yourself about! If your body needs a rest, it needs a rest. A few weeks or even a couple months off is not the end of the world, and when you feel strong enough to workout hard again, you will. You don’t need to feel guilty (as I have in the past) for going any amount of time without regular workouts. Do what you can when you can, and it will all ebb and flow naturally. It happens to everyone. I will no longer fear the ebbs. But I will embrace the flows more than ever — and treat my body right during them. No overdoing it, no injuries, no pushing myself too hard. We only have one body and we have to treat it as best we can.

Charity Marathon

And for now, I am excited for Wednesday and then to be able to tell you about my fantastic workout experiences this week.

And I have a free 3 day guest pass at another gym, where they have this machine that I want to try! Have you heard of a treadclimber??



I got the guest pass a couple weeks ago but it doesn’t look like it expires. I think next week sounds like a great time to use it! Plus I have about 7 more Core Fusion classes left in my package — and 2 Physique 57 classes coming up! I got an email from them with a special offer — 2 classes for the price of 1. That is a BARGAIN at Physique 57! Those 2 classes are scheduled for July 30 and August 10.

Let’s enjoy the flow!

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