2009 archive

Organic Avenue LOVEdeep: Day 4

Yes, I got lazy.

Click here for recaps from Day 1 and Day 2 and Day 3.

I last left you after my delicious Young Love on Day 3. I did manage to get the masters tonic down and moved on to the highly anticipated carrot ginger soup. I hated it. Seriously. I really enjoyed the soups of the first two days, and I look forward to the soups as they are thicker and really do feel and sit like a meal. I did my best to get the carrot soup down but I have to say, it was not easy. I think the reason I was looking forward to it was because I was (stupidly) expecting it to taste like my former coworker Erik’s carrot souffle that he made for many work occasions. I was madly in love with that souffle and would devour as much of it as I possibly could. Of course, that had sugar and who knows what else in it! So it was par for the course that this soup would not taste like Erik’s souffle.

And really, I am not a raw carrot fan. I don’t mind it when it’s part of a juice with other veggies but when I can taste it too much, I don’t like it. Once I tried juicing carrots in my green juice and had to pour it out. For the next few weeks, ALL my juices tasted like carrot no matter how often I ran the juicer parts through the dishwasher!

Moving on. Knowing that my almond mylk substitution for coconut water wasn’t starting until the next day, I stopped at the West Village Organic Avenue on my way to writing class to drop off some of my glass bottles and pick up an almond mylk for the night. I was SO tempted by all the food there! And the mint chocolate chip shake! I decided I will pick up dinner and a drink at Organic Avenue every Wednesday before my class. While it is expensive, it will make for a nice weekly treat.

I still had some time to kill before class so I forced some more carrot ginger soup down. During the halfpoint class break I forced a little more. At this point I made the choice to forego the Veg 8, being as I had absolutely no appetite for it whatsoever. And then I opened the almond mylk. And then I fell in love.

HOLY YUM this is amazing. I’ve had some very good almond milks before, but this was by far the creamiest and most amazing. I recommend you all go to Organic Avenue and buy yourself a bottle. Don’t stress about the price — you get a $2 refund when you turn in your bottle to them. So worth it!

And I was full! And I felt great. And if I did the 3 Day LOVEdeep like I had wanted, or if I did Blueprint Cleanse again, I would have been DONE.

But alas, I had two days to go.

Which brings us to Thursday, Day 4.

The menu:

  • LOVE DEEP #1. (approx. 8/9am) Chlorophyll Elixir FYI: In his book Chlorophyll Magic From Living Plant Life, Dr. Jensen mentions several cases where he was able to double red blood cell count in a matter of days merely by having patients soak in a chlorophyll – water bath. (The Wheatgrass Book, Ann Wigmore)
  • LOVE DEEP #2. (9/10am) Grapefruit/Orange Juice: FYI: It is well established that citrus and citrus products are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber (non-starch polysaccharides) that are essential for normal growth and development and overall nutritional well-being. However, it is now beginning to be appreciated that these and other biologically active, non-nutrient compounds found in citrus and other plants (phytochemicals) can also help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #3. (11/12pm) Young Love: (Spinach, cucumber, celery) FYI: Spinach contains high levels of potassium and folate. Spinach may reduce the risk of cancer, help avoid and relieve anemia and may protect against eye degeneration and heart disease. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #4. (1/2pm) Masters Tonic: (lemon, purified water, yacon, cayenne) FYI: Lemon water is a good morning drink to start the process of removing impure chi in the body. It cleanses the digestive system and relieves symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching. Also, it controls constipation and diarrhea by eliminating waste more efficiently. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #5. (3/4pm) Cauliflower Soup: (cauliflower, olive oil, cumin, parsley, pine nuts, lime juice, garlic, coriander, tumeric, sea salt) FYI: Cauliflower contains allicin, which can improve heart health and reduce the risk of strokes. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #6. (5/6pm) Fresh Pressed Veg 8* (Swiss chard, spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, romaine, carrot, tomato, green apple, lemon, lime) FYI: Cucumber has a cleansing action within the body by removing accumulated pockets of old waste material and chemical toxins. It might help in the treatment of arthritis since it helps eliminate uric acid. Cucumber’s liquid has the reputation of being a rejuvenator and makes us feel and look young. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #7: (7/8pm) Thai Coconut Water: FYI: Coconuts are rich in lauric acid, which is known for being anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal. Coconut oil is used by thyroid sufferers to increase body metabolism, and assist in weight loss. (read article)
  • *Dori’s note – I had Almond Mylk in place of Thai Coconut Water.

Another work from home day.  I woke up and was very angry to see my early morning call was canceled and I woke up early for no reason. I couldn’t fall back to sleep and was very grumpy. All I wanted was some FOOD to calm me down and make me feel better. I just. wanted. to eat. Is that too much to ask?! But I knew I couldn’t. I got up from bed after declaring sleeping a failure and started on my day.

Chlorohpyll first, check. Next was an orange/grapefruit juice. I was a little nervous about this one because I have hated orange juice my entire life. To the point where if I even smelled it I felt nauseous. When we were children, my brother’s sippy cup had orange juice while mine contained apple juice.

But I had a reason for hope. I generally like oranges. I don’t like TROPICANA orange juice. But orange juice made from just oranges? Maybe I’d like that! And this one had grapefruit mixed in as well.

I decided to take a few sips to fuel me for my 3 mile run.

OMG THIS WAS DELICIOUS. So refreshing and just . . . yummy! I gave the bottle to the boy to taste and even he loved it — and he dislikes all juice/unsweetened. But he does enjoy fresh squeezed orange juice and he said that this was by far the best of all the juices I’ve had.

I left for my run and it went very well! I know some of you are thinking that after 3 days of not eating solid food, I could not possibly have had enough energy for a 3 mile run. Well, my friends, you’d be wrong. It was a nice and easy 3 miles using my recently calibrated PolarRSX300x.

came back and finished the orange/grapefruit juice. Yum! Young love, yum. Masters tonic, okay. Got it down. Cauliflower soup — AMAZING! Wow. This was, without any hesitation, the BEST of the soups on this fast. I didn’t expect to like it more than the cucumber basil but it was just so creamy and the flavors so delicious. And it was the first of the days I was actually able to finish the soup! The soups are so filling that I couldn’t get through even the ones I liked, but this one was so good that not only did I finish it, I would gladly walk into Organic Avenue and buy it again. The soup, which I expected to be white, was green. And so yummy. Mmmm. I miss it!

Once again I chose to forego the Veg 8. The tomato makes this juice less than desirable for me, but the good news is that these last 3 days, so I would be able to drink my Veg 8s on Saturday and Sunday morning, saving myself from having to make my own juices yet when the fast is over.

Almond Mylk could not have come soon enough. I mean that too — I even dug into it much earlier in the day for some sips of much needed deliciousness. When I decided to have it for real it was so great and so filling I had to put it away and have it in parts. But don’t worry — I finished it. Oh, yes, I did.

Which left just one day left. ONE. DAY. LEFT.  I did expect Thursday to be easy like Tuesday since I was home, but it wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped. I think this is because the boy was home as well and when he ordered lunch I went into a major frenzy. I might have sneaked another teeny tiny bite of bread. ARGH. No big deal. Right after I was back on track for my final day! One more day and then I can EAT FOOD again. I couldn’t wait.

I will be back tomorrow with my Organic Avenue LoveDEEP Day 5 recap along with my reflections and thoughts on the entire 5 day fast.

And just a few days left until I announce the winner of the Core Fusion and Physique57 DVDs. Click here to enter!

Organic Avenue LOVEdeep: Day 3

Note: I wrote this post midday Wednesday but am first getting around to posting it Thursday morning. I will write a Thursday post that picks up where this one left off.

Click here for recaps from Day 1 and Day 2.

Hello from Day 3 of the Organic Avenue 5 day LOVEdeep. The day that would have been the last day had Organic Avenue not convinced me that 5 days would be much, much more beneficial to me. And then offered me a discount on said beneficialness.

Yesterday did go much better than Monday. Part of the reason was that I was working from home, so I didn’t have as many external cues taunting me – no people carrying food, no office lunchtime smells, no counting the hours until I leave with such intense boredom the only thing that could possibly pass the time is food…

So, yeah. Much better yesterday. I even drank more juice! I drank about ¾ of the Masters Tonic yesterday. The cucumber basil soup was out of this world delicious. I finished almost all of it. And while I felt okay, I did have a tiny bite of bread. Out of habit. A habit I established on Monday. I really hope I am not completely messing this all up…

Both nights so far, the soup ended up being my last juice. Really, it is supposed to be the fifth. The first day was all screwy for me, as you know, and yesterday I had to change the order around to accommodate my dentist appointment. I didn’t want to arrive at the dentist with green teeth, and I didn’t want to stain my new filling green after, so I waited to have the chlorophyll elixir and also drank the Veg 8 earlier than advised as a way to avoid the master tonic. I really hate lemon/sour.

I felt fine and once again, slept deeply. If you are ever craving a deep, long sleep, I recommend juicing the entire day. Seriously amazing sleeps as a result. I had not an ounce of energy left, all I wanted was bed.

The only juice I did not drink yesterday was the coconut water. I want to like it, I really do. I just can’t stand it though. I gave that one away. I wish, oh how I wish that the last drink was a nut milk instead of the coconut water. I just emailed Organic Avenue to find out if it is possible to replace this last juice with something different. And guess what? They said that going forward (ie, the final 2 days) they will replace the coconut water with their almond mylk! PERFECT! I am mad at myself that I didn’t think to ask them this yesterday! I might just stop in there and buy one later though . . .

Waking up this morning was hard. But I woke up a little early to make sure I had all my medical records in order so I could get them uploaded to the computer. Ah, technology! I am seeing the surgeon on Monday, so I need to have everything as organized as possible.

Next week is Spa Week. I have an appointment for a $50 deep tissue massage. A much needed deep tissue massage, as my entire body has been hurting for awhile now. Especially my feet and back. I blame the back on the boy’s computer chair which is not so much as a computer chair as it is a dining room chair. Dining room chair + working from home more often = ouchie back. A new chair and a deep tissue massage should resolve this all.

Today’s menu is as follows:

  • LOVE DEEP #1. (approx. 8/9am) Chlorophyll Elixir FYI: Chlorophyll can cleanse the body, fight infection, help heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune, and detoxification systems. It also contains components that are nearly identical to hemoglobin, therefore increasing red blood cell count. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #2. (9/10am) Fresh Pressed Green Apple Juice with Alkalized Water FYI: Apples have WHOLE-BODY HEALTH BENEFITS: Lowers blood cholesterol, improved bowel function, reduced risk of stroke, prostate cancer, type II diabetes and asthma. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #3. (11/12pm) Young Love: (Cucumber, spinach, celery) FYI: Cucumbers are rich in silicon and sulphur, making it an excellent hair growth aid. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #4. (1/2pm) Master Tonic: (Lemon, Purified Water, Yacon, Cayenne) FYI: Lemon water is a good morning drink to start the process of removing impure chi in the body and cleansing the digestive system. It relieves symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching. Lemons also control constipation and diarrhea by eliminating waste more efficiently. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #5. (3/4pm) Carrot Ginger Soup: ( Carrots, orange juice, shallots, coconut, agave, miso, cumin, water) FYI: Carrots are an excellent source of antioxidant compounds, and the richest vegetable source of the pro-vitamin A carotenes. Carrots’ antioxidant compounds help protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer and also promote good vision, especially night vision. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #6. (5/6pm) Fresh Pressed Veg 8* (Swiss chard, spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, romaine, carrot, tomato, green apple, lemon, lime) FYI: Spinach is loaded with energy-promoting iron and folate, a B vitamin that prevents neural-tube defects in the fetus. It is also important in red blood cell formation, protein metabolism, growth and cell division. The leafy green is also one of the best sources of lutein, an antioxidant that benefits eye, skin and cardiovascular health. (read article)
  • LOVE DEEP #7: (7/8pm) Thai Coconut Water FYI: Coconut: promotes heart health, promotes weight loss, supports immune system health, supports a healthy metabolism, provides an immediate energy source, helps keep skin healthy and youthful looking, supports the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. (read article)
  • *Dori’s note: I had Almond Mylk in place of Thai Coconut Water

I smartly drank the chlorophyll at home before coming to work today so I could brush and floss away the evidence. I was pretty hungry when I arrived at work and the apple juice was perfect! By far my favorite of the fruit juices so far. Once again I loved the young love (cucumber, celery, spinach). I am up to the master tonic now and trying to get it down.

I realized that I did something stupid without thinking this morning. Before leaving for work, I took the coconut water out of the case and left it at home. As much as I don’t like it, I am going to be in my 3 hour writing class from 7-10 and I will be going crazy!

I am very excited for today’s carrot ginger soup. There is still quite a bit of time until I can dig into it though… I have to say, this is getting harder. Yes, there are only 2 days left after today. After today I will be more than halfway through. But I really, really, really miss food. And breaking the fast doesn’t mean eating french toast either. It means sticking to a mostly liquid diet for days. This fast is a commitment that exceeds 5 days. But I do believe it will lead to something much better.

I am concerned because I am going through the juices must faster today than I have been. I am nervous about sitting in class for 3 hours while other students eat. I hope no one brings anything to share because honestly, I can’t say I could resist it.

When I think of upcoming days/events, my thoughts always go to “At that time, I can eat  food again!” Next week’s work event? Can eat! The Seattles at the end of October? I can eat! Time is divided between days I can and can’t eat. Crazy. I’m ready to be done.

2 days left. I can do 2 days, what is 2 days? I did BPC for 3 days! 2 days is less than 3 days. Right? Yes. I can do this.

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