December 2009 archive

I’ve Got Nothing

I have been awful at keeping up lately! I want to blog, I even have lots to say, I just don’t seem to have the time. And when I do, I just want to veg out in front of the TV. I think I am very stressed out because I haven’t been able to sleep the last few nights. My jaw gets so clenched and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to unclench it so I can get some rest. And it hurts so much. Really bad pain. Not sure if this is related, but when I open my mouth wide to yawn my jaw pops out. When I close it, it pops back in. Freaky.

When I told the dentist, he told me I need an $800 night brace. I don’t have $800 and I’m not really sure how much I need it since he barely even looked at me before telling me this. I plan to find out if my insurance will pay for any of it, and I have a doctor’s appointment at an internist this week so I will ask for her thoughts as well.

Oh yeah and I am seeing the surgeon again next week.

Enough negativity, let’s talk about good things. Well, let’s quickly mention good things, because this is another one of those “I have no time to post but here is what I’d like to post about when I do have time to post” posts.

Things I plan to blog about:

  • Seattle (over a month ago already, ugh)
  • My Turkey Day workout FAIL and the rest of my workouts that week
  • Cool machine they have at my new gym!
  • December is my own Back on Track month
  • My 10K that is happening THIS SUNDAY
  • Other race news!

And more. But I don’t have time to tell you anything tonight because I am going to dinner with one of my favorite bloggers! Hers was one of the first blogs I ever read and I am so excited to meet her at one of my favorite restaurants. Any guesses who I might be meeting??

Tomorrow night I have writing class until late (only 3 left — even though I am learning a lot, I am kinda ready for it to be over. I want my Wednesday nights back!) so I hope to get back to you all on Thursday! I also have to do my writing homework that is due TOMORROW (I had 2 weeks, I am such a procrastinator) and a longer writing assignment due next week. And I have to make my 10K playlist!

I have a little giveaway coming up soon as well.

And I want to win these socks. Giveaway.

Thank you all for bearing with me during my erratic posting schedule. You are all wonderful and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the support I get in the blog world!

Now I leave you with something adorable. My brother and Mallory’s pup Santana was boarded at the PetSmart hotel when they were away for a few days. She got a glowing REPORT CARD. How sweet and adorable! Such a good girl, that pup! Everyone loves her.

Santana Report Card

Santana will be enjoying another luxurious stay at the PetSmart hotel in a few weeks. I heard they serve ice cream!

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