December 2009 archive

Beautiful Blogger

. . . so says fellow bloggers Melissa and Lindsey!

Thanks ladies for the award. To accept the award, I need to share 7 random facts about myself and then give the award to 7 other bloggers.

My facts:

  1. I am a spelling bee champion. In 8th grade, I won my school spelling bee. Then I went to the District championship and I won that too. Then I went to the New York City championship and there were so many people I didn’t even bother trying to win. I snagged myself a very cool bright shiny blue jacket with gold trim that says “Daily News Spelling Bee Champion,” and a plaque. I use this as a fact in every “fact list”, but it is my only claim to fame.
  2. I am the laziest person ever. I have no problem staying in pajamas, unshowered, for days at a time. I only consider a weekend good if I had at least one day of “doing nothing” — literally, sitting at home all day. I neglected the blog because I was too into relaxing after my busy schedule. My dream in life would be to do nothing all day, every day. The boy says I am the only person he has ever met lazier than he is.
  3. I can’t remember what it was like to eat food and feel normal after. When I eat a meal now, my stomach bloats and my clothes don’t fit. That’s just how it is. I sometimes try to think really hard about the days a few years ago where I put on jeans, ate three meals, and still felt fine. I can’t comprehend that ever being possible for me. It was, but it is so far out of what I can understand. I also can’t imagine ever feeling that way again. I miss salad so much it hurts.
  4. I have never taken a full week off work. Even though I work full time, I am considered a “consultant” and get no benefits or vacation days. I am in desperate need of a whole week on a Caribbean island. I’ve been working full time for 4 years with no vacation.
  5. I used to have a 10 Facts “About Me” list that I loved. I searched everywhere for it so I can borrow some for this list here — my computer, my gmail archives, my external hard drive, two flash drives and the boy’s computer. I can’t find it anywhere.
  6. I would never have considered taking up running if it wasn’t for reading blogs. Never. Running was not something I ever though twice about, not something I ever cared to do. When I worked on a teen tour in 2005, the people I worked with discussed going on morning runs together and I just said “count me out.” Thanks to reading blogs where many of the bloggers are runners, I decided to try it out myself — and ended up falling in love. No other exercise can ever compare for me.
  7. I want a puppy. Really, really badly.

I’m supposed to nominate 7 other bloggers for this award but I think by now everyone has been nominated. If you haven’t, consider yourself nominated by me and knock yourself out.

I almost added something about food and changes to the way I’ve been eating to the list, but I realized it is very blogworthy and needs an entire post on its own. I’ll try to get to that this week!


The Core Fusion DVD giveaway ends TOMORROW. Click here to enter! And I really hope you all decide to jump on this challenge with me.

I am so excited to start my Core Fusion challenge. It will be so tough but I really do believe it will be rewarding. If I get into the NYC Half Marathon (I want to get in so badly, you have no idea) the month will get even tougher since I will have to train! If I don’t get into the NYC Half I will probably look into another half to do in March. If I have the surgery, I don’t know if I will be able to run long distances after and I really want to achieve this half marathon goal before I go through with it.


And I’ve been working on the pages on my blog! Check out my Running Songs page which lists all my favorite running/workout songs by categories I made up, and look through my other pages as well. I still have more to do but I feel great that I finally have made some progress. December was a tough month for me and I just had no energy or motivation to blog. January will be better!

Announcing The Core Fusion Challenge & Giveaway


I’m back. For good. I even wrote my 10K Race Recap. It includes the best playlist ever, I suggest you check it out.

Last week, I alluded to a challenge. While initially the challenge was created for myself, I realized it would be much more fun and more motivating if you would all take part in it with me!

If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile, you know how much I love Core Fusion classes at Exhale Spa. I love how Core Fusion is a full body strength workout, because I can’t seem to ever do any strength training on my own. I love how Core Fusion teaches you to stretch after working each muscle  group, because stretching creates long, lean muscles. I love the music; I love the teachers; I love the studio space, particularly at the Central Park South location. While I don’t love how much my muscles burn during the class, I do love how I feel as soon as it is finished —  like I did something really great for myself.

All this information brings me to the Core Fusion Challenge.

After discussing my goals with Core Fusion co-founder Fred DeVito, he came up with a challenge that will help me reach my goals.

What does my Core Fusion Challenge entail?

  • 4 – 5 Core Fusion classes a week
  • Documenting the challenge on Dori’s Shiny Blog about 3 times a week

This can include any Exhale class offerings. I will likely do a combination of the following (read about them in detail here):

  • Core Fusion (this will be the bulk of what I do)
  • Core Fusion Sport (focuses on combining cardio + strength)
  • Core Energy Flow (a combination of yoga and core work)
  • Yoga (I am new to this but enjoyed the beginner class I took at Exhale recently)

Core Fusion classes are HARD. During class, my muscles burn. Sometimes I want to cry. Sometimes I have to take a break from the moves. This is why I am glad there are other classes to try in addition to Core Fusion. That said, Core Fusion will be the majority of the classes I take. Every teacher teaches a little differently and no two classes are the same, so it will never get boring. I’m going to keep my NYSC membership during this time as well and try to get in some cardio sessions as well.

Here’s what I hope to improve:

  • Knee Bursitis & Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome
  • Shoulder AC Joint Osteolysis
  • Recent weight gain
  • Terrible flexibility
  • Weak core
  • No arm definition
  • Soft abs

In addition, I will be working with Exhale Spa’s health counselor, Catherine. I had to fill out a comprehensive health history form for her that even asked for examples of what I ate as a child! Mmmmm, Velveeta. I’m going to meet with Catherine after the holidays to do a “before” session — measurements, weighing, photos — eek! We will also discuss food, although due to my unique GI illness, I don’t expect her to be able to advise much that (1) I don’t already know and (2) I can actually physically do. But, maybe I’ll be surprised and she will have tons of suggestions for me! At the very least, she will hold me accountable. While I do eat cleanly most of the time, it will be good to keep on track with her help.

So now I get to devote a whole lot of time to working on my specific strength & muscle issues while improving my overall health! You’re probably thinking this is great for me, and maybe you’re even a little jealous (I would be!). Here is where you come in.

I want you to participate in the Core Fusion Challenge with me.

It doesn’t matter where you live or if you have access to an Exhale Spa (locations here), because Core Fusion has  really wonderful DVDs. My favorite — and the one most like a Core Fusion class — is Core Fusion Body Sculpt. This DVD consists of five 10-minute workouts, divided into the following groups: upper body, glutes, thighs, abs and stretch.

Core Fusion Body Sculpt


The other DVDs are Pilates Plus, Thighs & Glutes and Pure Abs & Arms. I don’t know where they found the models for these DVDs, but maybe all our butts can one day look like the one on the cover.

Core Fusion Body Sculpt DVD is only $12 on Amazon or $9.99 on Tower Video. It is eligible for free shipping if your order is above $25 on either site.  AND it comes with a free class at Exhale Spa. This is a really great deal, especially considering one regular class is $35.

I’d love for you to all get the DVD and participate with me. I have this DVD and I love it. It’s actually pretty funny because I would do this DVD in my apartment having absolutely no idea that the people I was following and cursing on the screen (Fred and his wife Elisabeth) were  just two floors above me in their own apartment. What a small world!

While Body Sculpt certainly is challenging (OMG THE ABS SECTION), Fred and Elisabeth give modifications for each exercise so you can work your way up. It works out so many parts of your body to exhaustion in such a short amount of time.

What does the DVD challenge entail?

Required: Four to five days a week – full length Core Fusion DVD (Body Sculpt will cover the most. If you use one of the more targeted DVDs, please allow rest days in between) – for one month

Recommended: Yoga (Polly’s videos are great & free, ExerciseTV has free yoga and YogaDownload has free options as well)

Recommended: 30 minutes cardio, three days a week

All I am requiring is your commitment to the Core Fusion DVD. I included my recommendations because I think you will greatly benefit from adding those, but even if you only do the minimum Core Fusion requirement, I am sure you will see amazing results. If you’d like to take before/after photos and measurements, go ahead! I’ll be doing that myself and documenting my improvements here.

If you have a blog and decide to participate, let me know and I will link to your posts about it! If you don’t have a blog, feel free to send me content to post here. If enough people decide to participate, I will create a Core Fusion page in the top navigation of my blog and will include information about Core Fusion classes, links to everyone’s blogs/posts and any valuable resources that might help.


Want to participate in the challenge? Want to get started with a FREE Core Fusion Body Sculpt DVD?

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Leave a comment on this post about why you want to strengthen your core.
  2. Tweet this contest: RT @dysterious Take the Core Fusion Challenge: Enter to win a Core Fusion Body Sculpt DVD
  3. Encourage people to take part — post a note about this contest in your own blog

You will get one entry for each. I will select the winner randomly on Tuesday, December 29.

The challenge will begin around January 2. I will confirm with you all next week. Please let me know if you plan to participate in this challenge — I’d love to hear from you.

I am excited and nervous to begin! This will be so hard — but so worth it.

Edited to add – You can start this challenge at any time, just keep me updated! I will put together a group email and send updates throughout the challenge. We will motivate each other and share our experiences.

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