December 29th 2009 archive

Core Fusion Challenge – DVD Giveaway Winner

Update:  I no longer take barre classes religiously. Here’s why.

Thanks for your great reaction to my Core Fusion Challenge! I am really excited to begin this weekend. I will also be meeting with Exhale’s health counselor for “before” measurements and photos, as well as nutrition guidance.

I know it was a strange time to have a giveaway, with so many people off work or away and not reading blogs. If you missed this giveaway, don’t worry — there might be another in the future . . . 😉

With that said, the winner of the Core Fusion DVD giveaway is . . . MelissaNibbles!

Melissa said: I’m in! I Netflix’d Core Fusion, but I really want to own the dvd! I’ve recently become “skinny fat” and it’s got me down a little bit. I’m ready to work on my core and this seems like a great challenge. Thanks Dori!

Ah yes, I am quite familiar with “skinny fat.” Melissa, please email me and send me your address. I am excited for you to participate in the challenge with me. I really think you’ll love it.

For those of you who did not win the giveaway but want to participate, the Core Fusion Body Sculpt DVD is only $12 on Amazon or $9.99 on Tower Video. It is eligible for free shipping if your order is above $25 on either site. AND it comes with a free class at Exhale Spa. This is a really great deal, especially considering one regular class is $35.

If you’d like to get it on the challenge, please find the details here: Core Fusion Challenge

You can begin at any time, just let me know when. I plan to send out an email to all participants soon. Still not sure? Check out this trailer of the Body Sculpt DVD:

I plan to schedule out my classes each week ahead of time so I am always prepared. I already planned out next week’s! I will discuss that soon. I am SO excited to commit to improving my core, my strength, my body and my mind in 2010!