December 7th 2009 archive

Hectic Times

I RAN MY FIRST 10K!!! I can’t wait to post my recap and more importantly my amazing playlist, but not tonight. Here’s a brief explanation why.

There was an unfortunate accident involving red wine and my computer.

My writing homework is due Wednesday but I had to ask for an extension due to no computer. I will be working on that the rest of the week/weekend when I have a computer.

I want to give my race recap the attention it deserves! I didn’t run the race half-assed; I will not write the post half-assed.

My stomach is a serious disaster. I hate it. I am miserable. I just want to go have the surgery and not cry about this anymore. I am suffering and I am ready for this to be over. I need this to be over.

I had to cancel the Core Fusion class I was really looking forward to tomorrow morning because of above stated stomach problems. I am trying to do much more strength training and this week’s planned 2 Core Fusion schedule was going to kickstart it. Now, I am only going Friday morning. I hope. Still better than none!

Related to that, the boy has agreed to be my “trainer” once a week for strength purposes.

Work is crazy!! I am working on a major project that goes live on January 1. There is so much to do before then to make sure that day is not a disaster.

I have plans for so many nights over the next few weeks which is so unlike me. I saw a friend yesterday, seeing my cousin tomorrow, the boy’s office holiday party Thursday and two more friends next week. I also have two more 3 hour writing classes (so ready to have my Wednesdays back) plus lots of homework.

I hope to post my 10K once I find out if I am in any official photographs! I really think I will be this time. I smiled at many a camera along the way.

Sorry if I sound whiny or excusey. I am so happy for everything I have in my life, like the ability to run 10K, see friends often, a brother who is mush and take writing classes. I just need a good long rest. And maybe a surgery.

I might be too late but here is a contest at Hangry Pants for a yoga mat I want.

Have a great week!