Remember when I was lamenting after my 5 mile race that I am never in any race photos? At my first 5K, there were pictures of the people who finished 1 second before and 1 second after me. At my second 5K, my friend Megan, who was right next to me, was in a photo and I wasn’t!
Also of note is the fact that my best friend had camera in hand when I was approaching the finish line at the first 5K and still missed getting a photo of me in my bright aqua blue shirt because another guy was wearing that color too and was slightly ahead of me. She snapped a shot of him. And at the 5 mile, the boy was waiting at the finish land, camera in hand, instructions to look for my hot pink headband. And he didn’t realize I finished until I tapped him on the shoulder after I passed the finish line.
You can imagine my surprise when I got an email from Brightroom a week after my 5 miler and this was in it:
Proof that I DO exist and I DO participate in road races! Finally a race photo of me!