Thank you all so much for participating in my survey for a chance to win a Physique 57 or Core Fusion DVD! Click here to learn more about the DVDs and the contest itself. Thanks to you, I got tons of entries and this information is extremely valuable.
I inserted each submission into an Excel spreadsheet. People with multiple submissions (ahem, Missy) appeared on the spreadsheet as many times as they submitted. I then went to to use the Random Integer Generator tool. I requested 3 random numbers and these were chosen:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
20 52 68
#20 – Jonnii
Fact about Jonnii: One of three males who partook in this contest. Other male survey takers include the boy and my old coworker Roberto.
#52 – Cindy from Move It On Out Girl
Fact about Cindy: Cindy’s blog is actually a journal chronicling her food and exercise in attempts to stay healthy. It is interesting to read a real journal as opposed to entries written in more typical blogging style.
#68 – Casey
Fact about Casey: Casey will soon try out a brand new workout video.
Congratulations to the winners! Please email me with your address to claim your prize. If I don’t hear from you by next Tuesday, I will select another winner. And I would love to hear from you once you’ve tried your DVDs to hear how you like them!