September 20th 2009 archive

Best. Run. Ever.

Although “ever” doesn’t mean much since I haven’t exactly run much in my life. But I wanted to get this post in while still on a runner’s high!

This morning I set out for my very first 4 mile run, as advised by my training plan for my upcoming 5 mile run. I was nervous about it for the last few days, since I have never run more than about a 5K and I usually feel so DONE by that time. I decided to run very slowly, which I have been doing on my short runs as well to avoid injury and burning out.

I set up a playlist this morning and took my time getting ready and stretching. I have to say, the most annoying thing about going for a run is the amount of time I have to devote to stretches before I can even leave. That adds so much time on to what should generally be not very long workouts! But I know that my knees and hips and neck all thank me.

I was also nervous about this run since yesterday I had a big Rosh Hashana meal with my family and the boy. FYI – the rainbow cookies my mom got contained no corn and no soy! It was a Jewish brand and I am very pleased with the lack of GMOs in my sugar drenched artificially colored little cakes. Anyway, I ate a LOT yesterday which doesn’t often bode well for my run. I wasn’t sure what kinds of pains might make their way around my belly, which has actually been doing really badly lately (I will post more on that this week – I made an important decision regarding this). Yet another reason to run slowly.

As soon as I started my run, I felt great overall but had to pause my Nike + to loosen my shoelaces. I have a hard time finding the right balance between too tight and too lose. Anyone else have this problem? Once I fixed that problem the pain on top of foot disappeared and my run resumed.

I FELT AMAZING. Seriously, I couldn’t get over how great I felt. I was running slowly, loving my music and singing out loud when no one was around me, which was rare. Usually, I was surrounded by people (it really was a GORGEOUS day) and just mouthing the words. I was taking efforts to breathe out with my lips pursed on the left foot to avoid ribcage cramp — a cramp that never came!

Running slowly made such a huge difference because I didn’t struggle with breathing once the entire time. I wasn’t pushing myself to do more than I can handle, I was just running at the right pace for where I am now. If I thought about something funny or something in a song made me happy, I would find myself smiling. Smiling while I ran! I felt so good and my songs were so fun and I was just happy!

Smiling like this happy puppy:

Santana smile

When I hit mile 1 I felt great! Breathing easy, no cramps, lots of smiling. When I hit mile 2 I still felt great and could not believe I didn’t have any ribcage cramp. At this point my hip pain started (DAMN) which was my sole cause of discomfort during this run. When I finished mile 3 I was at the end of my usual route, but felt no stress at all about having to run another mile for the first time. Usually at this point I am so done, but today it was just no biggie to keep going! I smiled. And I started to run a little faster.

My last mile was during my favorite part of the path by the water because there are lots of unusual constructions to look at and the path isn’t straight, it weaves around and offers a gorgeous view of the water. Running to the end of this section and back is a mile, so timing was perfect. And the best part? I STILL FELT GREAT! Running slowly is amazing! I didn’t get that “I want to stop I need to stop I can’t breathe I am so out of breath and need to collapse” feeling I usually get on runs. I love not pushing myself and just enjoying the run!

I must say, I put together a really great mix of music. Thanks to Melissa, I know about Girl Talk, and thanks to Girl Talk, I will never be able to listen to Jessie’s Girl and Bittersweet Symphony the same way ever again. It is AWESOME to run to! Just try not to sing it out loud as I have a tendency to. If you are curious as to what I mean, get your hands on the Girl Talk songs Here’s the Thing and Once Again and you will be sure to understand. I’d say it on here, but, um, my mom reads this.

The weather was really perfect as well. It was about 70 degrees and bright and sunny. I didn’t get overly grossly sweaty, I was at a comfortable running temperature. Perfect!

When the Nike + lady announced I had 300 meters left, a GIANT smile came onto my face. I couldn’t help it! Of course at this point I finally started to push myself a bit faster. 200 meters left = another smile! 100 meters left and then 4 miles was complete!

I felt like I could have easily gone on longer. So I did! Just another .15 of  mile, to run up the ramp and to the front door. I’m not ready to increase my mileage any more than this, and I was happy to be done because of my hip pain, but I felt amazing! I couldn’t stop smiling. I ran 4 miles with no problem. I am not worried about my 5 mile race next month anymore — I just have to remember to tell myself not to get caught up in competing with people around me. I need to try and stay in my zone and in my own pace and go slowly and only push myself fast when I know I can, and when it is a bit later on in the run.

For the first time, I can understand why people want to run longer and farther. When the conditions are just right, it really is a wonderful feeling!

I came home from my run and made myself a nutritious green juice with half an apple, celery, cucumber and broccoli. After letting the nutrients do their work, I set out to my challah french toast with the leftover challah from Rosh Hashana. I added almond extract and mashed up banana. It was the best french toast I ever made, although don’t ask the boy because he “wasn’t hungry” — what does that even mean?! For me, there is no “not hungry” when there is challah french toast! I wish I could be more like him. But the food that is around controls my hunger, not the other way around.

Anyway, let’s all enjoy some food porn:

IMG_5796 French toast


It tasted even better than it looks!

I know that all my runs won’t be as ideal is today’s, but now I am excited to run more because the more I practice, the more great runs I will have. And hopefully next year when the weather is nice again, I can challenge myself to even longer distances and more races. Especially since I just joined New York Road Runners and received my member number on Friday!

I am really happy having my Nike + iPod even though it might not always be the most accurate (although it was VERY close for my last 5K, it clocked in at 4.96K) because there is no way I would have known even an estimate on what 4 miles was for today’s run. Next spring I will get a Garmin or new Polar, but for now this does the trick!

Speaking oy my last 5K, once again there are no race photos of me! In my first 5K, the person who finished right before and and right after me got photographed, but not me. This time, Megan, who was right next to me the entire time, got a really cool pic of herself — and once again, there are NONE of me. How is that?! It reminds me of the time in Israel we got an official photo of rafting in the Jordan river, and there is no sign of me in the boat at all — the spot where I was is completely blank! Am I a vampire? Did I actually attend these events???

Rafting in Jordan river

I was in that boat, but where am I in the picture?

Edited to add: I forgot to include my stats!

Distance: 4.15 mi
Time: 43:29
Pace: 10:27 min/mi

And I realized when I was almost at mile 3 that I forgot to wear my HRM! Guess I didn’t need it if I didn’t even notice.

Now I know that running can actually be pain free for me! I still need to work on my hip pain, but breathing and chest-wise, wow! What about you? Have you had any really great runs that surprised you?