
June 2009 archive


This morning was finally the last morning I had to spend at the hospital this week. Waking up at 5:45 to get to the hospital by 7:30 and then going straight to work has not been fun. I am  tired, cranky and ugly. The good news is that this is the last GI test ever — unless something new gets invented. No more tests!

But first, I want to describe what happened on the first day of the test I just finished.

As you know, I have had some frustrating experiences with the medical system. Read some of my experiences here and more here. And please read my good friend Phoebe’s eloquent post about her recent experience here.

I am always given the runaround, sent to the far ends of the world and back, forced to do the work of the doctors’ offices and have an impossible time getting any answers. The answers I do get are wrong. So, when I made the appointment for the test I just finished, I called about a month ago and was told that they have June 8 available. I remember clearly since it’s the boy’s birthday, and I reluctantly accepted the appointment with that in mind. The woman I spoke to on the phone, Rose, told me to call her on Friday, June 5 to confirm my appointment. If I do not confirm, they won’t order the materials needed for this test as they are very expensive.

I put it on my calendar. On Friday, June 5, I called Rose. I told her I was confirming my appointment for the following Monday. She said I was confirmed and to arrive at 8 am.

At 7:45 AM I arrive at the hospital and go to Rose’s desk. I  tell her who I am and what I am there for. She checks the wall. She checks the computer. She tells me there is no record of me having an appointment.

WHAT! Not only is she the one who “made” the appointment, but I called to confirm with her the Friday before. Didn’t she check to, uh, CONFIRM when I called?

I brought this all up to her and she shook her head and said, “I don’t know. There is no appointment for you. I’ll have to see if anyone is available to do this today.” I started getting upset, thinking I would have to leave and go through this all again after I took a day off work and CONFIRMED with her! Rose kept acting like she had no idea who I was, as if we didn’t speak just a few days before. I said, “But I called you on Friday. Didn’t you confirm then?” She acted like she had no recollection of that phone call ever happening.

Yet she ordered my materials for the test. Wouldn’t she check to make sure I was actually scheduled for the test before ordering expensive materials??

Sigh. Luckily she told me I could stay, but I would have to start the test an hour late. Fine. So she brought me to a hallway where I had to fill out some paperwork. She took my insurance card to make a copy. I finished filling out the form and Rose came back and handed me my card. She said, “He will be with you shortly to take you where you have to go.”

Not knowing who “he” was, I sat and waited. And waited. A little later, Rose came back and said, “Did you get your insurance card back yet?”

I was confused, being that she herself had given it to me earlier. I said yes and she said, “Great. Come with me.” And then she brought me back to where I was originally.

So here is what I wonder: Who is “he” and why did she think “he” would be taking me somewhere — and did she really make me wait there because she didn’t remember handing me my card a second before she told me to wait there???

Sigh. Anyway, it was all smooth sailing after that fortunately.  I look forward to catching up on my sleep this weekend.

And then I have to get up ridiculously early again on Monday. But this time it is for a better reason — I am trying out a spin class for the first time since starting physical therapy! My PT has been telling me I need to go to spin, aware of my alignment, and see how I do so that she will know what to do with me next, and so she can tell my doctor. She wrote a detailed letter to my doctor explaining her findings, which I found fascinating.

Here are the contents of the letter for your reading pleasure:

Dori has made very good progress. Pertinent findings from the initial evaluation include hypertonic left iliopsas, pes anserine and joint restrictions in the sub-talar, talo-crural and proximal tib-fib jts.

Is any of this English? Anyone know what this all means? Tib-fit jts? Jts doesn’t even have any vowels in it. Is that a real word?

The posterior gluteus medius on the right side tested at 3+/5 on a manual muscle test while the left tested at a 4-4+.

Ohhhhhh. I see.

Functional testing revealed significant internal femoral torsion with associated valgus, worse on the right than the left. Analysis of her spinning technique revealed significant valgus at the left knee joint.

True dat.

Treatment has included soft tissue and joint mobilization as well as corrective exercises (eksusises) to restore mobility and strength. She still displays valgus at the knee but is more aware of it during functional and strengthening tasts. She has yet to test her knee with spinning and running but has been advised to do so over the coming week.

Best physical therapist ever, anyone? She knows so much and her approach (from what I can glean) actually makes sense. She really has a true understanding of why my knee hurts, why I have bursitis, and what I can do to get better. By the way, valgus is when I turn my knees inward; poor alignment. The word sounds much dirtier than it is. It should really be the name of a reproductive body part. It sounds vulgar. Like vulgus. The valgus. My valgus hurts. Valgus.

Anyway. The last time I went to PT for my knee he had me do some planks. He didn’t know what to do for me. The last time I went for my shoulder, she did a stock program that didn’t apply to my specific problems. I am so happy I found such a good physical therapist. And I might have to see her for my shoulder soon, too… I will be having a shoulder/arm MRI soon since the pain hasn’t stopped and the doctor said Bone Marrow Edema shouldn’t last this long. And the pain radiates down my arm. Ouch.

I found a picture of this tired puppy on the internet.

a tired pup

Thank you to all those who helped with my hair decision! I will be getting my hair cut at Devachan on Wednesday where I will learn the best way to grow out my curls, and then next Saturday I will be getting a Keratin treatment to help me transition smoothly. I am excited!

Pop over to Soap and Chocolate to read a hilarious list and enter a giveaway: You Might Be A Health Blogger (Or Reader!)

Immediate Hair Help Needed!

UPDATE: I have made a decision. Details at the bottom.

As you know, my real hair is a Jewfro. I have been Japanese straightening it for years with Liscio products and that has made my life so much easier, as I NEVER knew how to control the curls. And I never felt pretty when I had them. I always felt like my face became uglier.

I would either douse them in gel so they looked wet:

dori curls 2

Or not put enough enough gel so they looked just… bad, parts frizzy.  I would blow dry and flat iron my hair straight, which is AWFUL for the hair. Once I discovered thermal reconditioning, I was thrilled — my life was made immediately simple, my hair dried flat and I didn’t have to pick up a hair iron!

I vowed to do this forever.


(See Missy behind me!)

And then I accompanied my curly haired boy to Devachan. A salon that specialized in curly hair, started by Lorraine Massey, author of Curly Girl — a book that changed the way curly girls thought about their hair, saw themselves, styled their hair — and looked and felt.

Everyone in that salon had curls. The receptionists, the stylists, the assistants — everyone. It was like a cult. As I sat there with my (fake) stick straight hair I just wanted to stand up on a chair and shout, “I AM ONE OF YOU!!!!” I became worried that they would immediately disregard me as a straight haired person and was desperate for them to know the truth — that I belonged! I BELONGED IN THE CURLY HAIR MECCA.

While I was there, I read through the Curly Girl book. I spoke to curly hair specialists. I looked around at all the gorgeous curls and felt a desire to be like them. I started wanting to grow out my hair. Not get it straightened (this weekend). See if by learning the correct technique  from Devachan and Curly Girl, my hair could look beautiful too. If I could have ringlets that surround my face.

There are tricks I never even knew about. Terrycloth towel drying is bad for curls. Microfiber towel or t-shirt drying is much better. Shampoo (I knew not to do it often, but didn’t know to do it NEVER) is a no-no. Devachan makes a “No-Poo” cleanser which doesn’t have shampoo’s harsh sulfates. There are ways to get hair not frizzy without being crunchy. Who knew?

I wasn’t making any quick decisions. That is, until the receptionist said to me as the boy was paying, “We cut straight hair too, just so you know.”

I couldn’t take it. “Actually. . .my hair is very curly. It is Japanese Straightened. But I want to grow it out!”

The receptionist told me that their stylists assist many people through the transition process and teach their clients how to manage hair that is curly on the very top and then stick straight throughout. Yes, it would be a long (about 2 year) process before I even know how my curls would look, but at least if I get it cut there I could learn the best way to handle it.

I was sold. Sort of.

I made an appointment with a senior stylist who deals extensively with relaxing and chemical processes. He is experienced and the best person there to help me transition. I made the appointment for a few days after my straightening appointment, so I could easily cancel if I decided to straighten.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I let it go for a little while. Then I decided I definitely wanted to straighten. And now, on the day I need to decide (have to cancel the straightening today to not get charged) I am torn. I registered at NaturallyCurly.com and read all the message boards. I researched and researched. I learned about Jessicurl.com and watched her video. I think it might be possible, might look nice, to have curly hair. And I read countless reviews of Devachan about people who finally, for the first time in their lives, learned that their frizzy, messy curls are in fact textured and beautiful! They just needed the information in how to style them correctly. What if that could be me?

My face is also a different shape than it was back then. My face used to be round and has since narrowed out. I don’t even KNOW what curls would like like on my new face.

I tried to find out:


But summer is the time I like to wash my hair and go! No styling necessary, leave with wet hair and be freeeee! Of course, after a few months it becomes difficult to deal with on top with the regrowth — until I get it done again and all is well with the world. But maybe — just maybe — I don’t need to spend hundreds a year on straightening and look forward to the date I can finally get there. But I don’t know! But if I am going to grow out my curls, I’d better start now since it is such a long process.

If I do decide to grow out my curls, I will get a good 2-3 inches cut off at Devachan to speed up the process and make my hair grow faster. I will also try and stop using the hair iron so much…. but will I look bad?? For a long time until it grows out??


(About 3 inches of curl on top here)

Also, when my hair is straightened, things like going in the pool are easy and carefree. I don’t know if I want to make these things difficult again! But what if I have beautiful hair that I don’t even know about and am stifling and hiding away??

Please let me know what you think I should do! I need to make the decision ASAP!


**UPDATE: I have made a decision! I will cancel the Japanese straightening appointment, get my hair cut at Devachan on Wednesday and get a Keratin treatment on Saturday. It costs about the same as the Japanese but it willopen up my curls and defrizz my hair, making my transition a smoother one. It only lasts a few months so I can switch to full blown curl at any time. Thank you for your help!

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