June 3rd 2009 archive

Running All Wrong

Yesterday was the day I brought in my fancy Asics running shoes to Physical Therapy to give a little demonstration of how I run.

The verdict? I run all wrong. My knees — both knees — were bent totally inwards. My pelvis was all over the place. My feet were all wrong as well. And, interestingly enough, my right side was even worse than my left. I do not have the alignment of a runner, which is why I failed in my attempts to be one.

The reason my pelvis is all over the place is because my butt is too weak. Why am I so weak though?! I walk just as much as anyone else; I did spin multiple times a week for months! Whatever the reason, my tushie needs some help. PT gave me lots of butt exercises to do (similar to Core Fusion, Nalini Method, Physique 57, etc), and I’ve got lots of Core Fusion classes to use up.

Another problem was my feet. I now have feet exercises to do. I JUST realized one of them would be easy to do at my desk. I didn’t bring the elastic strap needed for the exercise to work today, but I will be sure to bring it tomorrow! My ankles might be weak. I sprained my left ankle when I was in 4th grade which might contribute.

As for my knees, I need to make a conscious effort to turn my legs outward/forward despite everything in my body pushing them to where they like to go. We did some exercises where I had to balance on one leg while holding my other leg up facing the right way — not my strange incorrect way. I’ve gotta say, it was hard! My leg goes where it’s comfortable — what PT calls “the path if least resistance.” PT wants me to take a spin class and make the effort of keeping my knees where they should be. Then we’ll see if I feel pain and make some decisions going forward. I need to practice this on the elliptical as well. I am going back to my orthopedist next Thursday.

At least now I know why I couldn’t run and why my knees made it impossible to spin. I know why I developed bursitis. I hope to work on this until brain automatically makes my knees face the right direction.

Food news!
I was waiting to be picked up the other day in the village and I wandered into a frozen yogurt place to pass the time. I walked into Yogurtlandexpecting it to be another copy of Pinkberry.I was wrong. Yogurtland is a  self-serve frozen yogurt shop. Here’s how it works: You get a cup, you fill it up with any flavors you want (and there are a LOT) and then you have them add your toppings at the counter.

Kids, there were SO many flavors! You can check them all out on the site. I didn’t have time to get some on Sunday but I NEED to go back there and fill up a cup with a little of every flavor! They also have no-sugar flavors.

Some of my favorites: 
Pumpkin Pie
Double Cookies N Cream
Lychee Tart
New York Cheesecake
Irish Mint Cream
Peanut Butter

OK I have to stop here. This is making me too hungry, but I can’t eat because of something I will be writing about in tomorrow’s post…

Stay tuned!