April 2009 archive

A Yoga Review from a girl who hates Yoga

I’ve gone to yoga a few times. I hated it. Every time. At my last attempt, at my current gym, the instructor told me I am way too young to be so tense. Well, yeah.

I found yoga boring. I found it long. Time seemed to stand still in the 90 minute classes, each pose lasting forever. The poses were difficult for me. I am not at all flexible and I just hated it!

And then my daily Vital Juice newsletter presented a special offer — 2 free yoga classes at The Fierce Club. The VJD description was intriguing:

The atmosphere here is laid-back and boisterous compared to more traditional studios. Still, you’ll get a no-nonsense workout. Their Core Strength Vinyasa class combines cardio and muscle toning with an emphasis on firming your middle.

The Fierce Club

Missy and I decided to try it out last night. Our instructor was Sadie, one of the co-owners. From the website:

If you get bored easily in yoga class, want an incredible workout and are adventurous, whatever your level, this class is for you! Sadie will expand your edge without pushing you over it, with a vigorous, core-centered and creative flow. You’ll sweat, tone, sculpt and burn calories, all without becoming overwhelmed. But you will leave stronger, more lean, flexible and ready to face the day head on. She plays the music you might have on your ipod rather than purely “yoga” sounds, and to this rock and roll soundtrack, you’ll move, play, laugh and learn an incredible amount of the alignment and anatomy in your poses.

Hmmmm let’s see. Get bored easily in yoga? Check! Want an incredible workout? Check! Want to sweat, tone, scuplt and burn calories without being overwhelmed? CHECK! It appeared this class was designed specifically for me.

As soon as you walk in, you’re in the studio. I walked in and told them I read about the free classes on Vital Juice and Shannon, the other co-worker, was sitting there and exclaimed, “We love Vital Juicers!” She was extremely friendly and introduced herself. The guy at the desk was great as well, and explained where I could find the mat and the changing rooms. I got ready and was relieved when Missy arrived. I reserved spots for us and then went up to Sadie to tell her we are new and have no idea what we are doing. I also told her that I am not flexible and that I have taken yoga classes and hated it.

She said, “I used to hate yoga, too, until I developed my own style! Don’t worry — even if you hate this, at least you’ll get a really great workout!” I loved that. So friendly, so open. She understood what I didn’t like about yoga, which is pretty unusual for a yoga instructor! She had Missy and I move up to be closer to her so she could correct us and assist when we needed it.

The class began and we started with abs. It BURNED. So much that when it came time to do a plank my abs were on fire! The class flowed quickly after that as we moved from one pose to the next. None of the poses were strange or boring — they were all strength exercises. They involved holding our bodies up with our arms and supporting ourselves with our core. If a pose was particularly challenging, it wasn’t a big deal since we moved on to the next very quickly. It was tough on the arms, the thighs, the abs. I was sweating.

It really felt more like a strength class than a yoga class. It was nonstop, the music was awesome, and it was a real challenge. I was surprised by how well I did — I was able to do most of the poses! One of the more advanced moves we did was almost impossible until Sadie came and helped; I was shocked to see I was doing it!

My arms burned most at the end of the class, when we did two sets of these 20 jump things, with only our arms to hold us up. By the last 5 in each set I could barely do it, my arms were worked so hard! When they claim to give you more of a workout in 60 minutes than other yoga classes give in 90, they weren’t joking.

And you can all get a free class at The Fierce Club too! Just click here.

The class was incredible and unlike anything I have taken before. I have another free session to use, but there is one caveat — the class brought out my shoulder injury. You must all think I am a big complainer and all I do is talk about what hurts me. But for some reason these things just happen to me.

My shoulder story
One morning a few months ago I felt a sharp, intense pain in my left shoulder. I figured I must have slept funny on it. But it continued to hurt. I experienced that same sharp pain every time I bent my arm back to put on my coat or put on my scarf. It happened if I leaned on my arm. It happend if I turned to the left. I ignored it, thinking it would go away, but after a month it was clear it wasn’t going anywhere.

I went to an orthopedist and he sent me for an MRI. The MRI revealed that I had bone marrow edema in my shoulder. “You must have gotten it from lifting weights,” the doctor said. Nice theory, except that I had never lifted weights. “It seems like post-traumatic osteomitis,” the doctor said. Nice theory, except that I experienced no trauma. So basically I had this shoulder injury called bone marrow edema with no known cause. The orthopedist sent me where all orthopedists send me — physical therapy.

I went for a couple months and then stopped. By this time, the sharp pains had ended and I was left with a constant, dull pain. We did nothing in physical therapy that I couldn’t do on my own. My left shoulder feels very different from my right. I am always aware that it is not as it should be. I feel a tightness all the time. I can’t sleep on my left side — it hurts so much to lay down on that side. I often feel pain but not that initial sharp pain. But I always feel a throbbing. And it hurts. I figured it was just something else I would have to live with — like my knee, like my stomach.

I felt sad and defeated as I mentally made a list of the exercises I can not currently do because of my injuries: running, spinning, yoga, stairmill, possibly elliptical. Sigh. I am just trying to be active and do good things for my body. Is that so much to ask!

Back to Yesterday
I was so focused on my knee yesterday that I completely forgot about my shoulder. I didn’t even think to tell Sadie about it. During class when the pains started I knew I had messed up, but I wanted desperately to continue with the class and get as much out of it as I could. But I felt the pull, I felt the pain, I knew that the class was making my shoulder worse.

I finished the class (trying to put more weight on my right side when I could) but feeling like I really hurt myself. At the same time, I loved the class and was excited and happy about it, wishing I could do it again but knowing that my shoulder wouldn’t let me. I went to talk to Sadie and I told her how great the class was — and how I reignited an old shoulder injury. I sadly admitted I didn’t think I could come back for another class.

“You should have told me before the class that you had an injury!” Sadie exclaimed. “I know,” I said, “But I forgot all about it until the pain started!” Sadie understood. She said that next time I take class, to tell her first about my shoulder and she can help me with poses that will put more strain on my arms (as I think I was supposed to be doing in this class) and less on my shoulders. She told me that there are definitely ways I can avoid straining my shoulders in her class.

Today when I go to the doctor about my knee I will tell him about my shoulder. I got my MRI at the hospital where he works, so he should be able to see the report. Maybe he will have something new to say about my condition. I was even thinking it was a good thing yoga hurt my shoulder because I might have forgotten to mention it to the new doctor otherwise. I am curious to hear what he says about both my knee and my shoulder — fingers crossed!

In happier news, I LOVE my new doormat! Here is a picture of me standing on my new mat. No, i didn’t put it out yet!

Dori with doormat     Doormat

And here is Doomat Giveaway Contest Winner Andrea with her son Logan and her new doormat:

Andrea Logan doormat  Andrea doormat

Andrea loves her doormat as well! And she took cuter pictures! Of course, Logan is adorable. But I didn’t think to hold my mat up like that, I was so intent on it being on the floor. Haha.

Another big thanks to Coco Mats ‘N More for their generosity!

The Bad: Knee Pain. The Good: Henry’s Blend

On Sunday I tried running outside for the second time. I wasn’t feeling so great as it was day 4 of my 5 day medical test, but I really wanted to do it. It was a beautiful day and lots of people were outside. I went to Transfigure but I didn’t get any cardio in and I hate being inside a gym on a gorgeous day.

Mistake – Eating chips as my mid-day snack.

The run started out pretty good. I was going very slow, but I was going. But then I got very thirsty. I could taste the salt from the chips. I am not even a salt lover. But I had seen that Dirty makes Sweet Potato Chips now, and I bought a bag earlier in the week. I was eager to try them, and I was hungry, and they are quick and easy –  which led to the decision to eat them. While I am a Popchip devotee, I must say that I enjoy the fact that Dirty makes two flavors that I hope Popchips will make one day – Honey Mustard and Sweet Potato.

So during my run I was plagued with thirst and had to stop at every water fountain I ran by. Keep in mind it was 90 degrees out.

I had to walk a couple times, which is no big deal. I know that is part of beginning to run. But I think running might be particularly difficult for me for some reason. I wore my HRM and when I looked, towards the end of my run, it was at 193. I wasn’t running fast at ALL — I was  going very slowly. I know I need to practice and get better, but that leads me to my next problem.


I have had knee problems for years. When they started, it would be an intense, sharp pain on the outside of my left knee when I walked down stairs or downhill. It got to the point where I couldn’t go on stairs at all, and the people behind me trying to get down into the subway were probably very annoyed. I had gone to an orthopedist and he did an x-ray and it was normal. He diagnosed me with patella femoral syndrome and explained that my legs were very weak and couldn’t support my body, which in turn put all the pressure on my knees. He sent me off to Physical Therapy to get stronger.

Knee pain

The pains went away on their own but every now and then would return. It primarily happened in my left knee, but my right knee began having the same symptoms as well. Last year the pain became particularly bad. It reached the point where sitting hurt because my knees were bent. I went to another orthopedist.

He gave me the same diagnosis and sent me, once again, to Physical Therapy.

The problem is, the pain isn’t constant and physical therapists have a hard time focusing on what to do when they can’t recreate the pain. So that didn’t last long. I figured I would just deal with it; sometimes I get pains in my knee. The pains go away.

And then I decided to get into running.

For my first few treadmill runs, I was fine. Then one day I did a 45 minute run and during the last 15 minutes I felt the old pain come back. I should have stopped running, but I didn’t. I won’t make that mistake again, but it happened. My knee hurt for a couple days after that and I decided to order the knee sleeves that Caitlin uses. I figured they would hold my patella in place and hopefully my knees wouldn’t bother me too much during and after eksusize.

I have been using them pretty religiously since I got them. I don’t use the one on the right as much, only for running, while I use the left for pretty much everything, including my Transfigure/Core Fusion/Physique 57 classes. I make a point not to squat or lunge far during those classes as those moves also bring on the pain.

On Sunday, midway during my run, I began to experience the same (NOT knee) pain as during my last run. It is on the outside of my upper thigh, right below my hip. It only happens on the right side, but it happened all 3 times I tried to run (the first time, which I don’t really count, was cut short right away specifically because of this pain). The pain is bad, and it hurts to go up stairs and to walk while I am experiencing it. Once that pain gets bad enough, I can’t run at all.

I stretched before my run to try and avoid the pain, but it didn’t help.

Additionally, towards the end of my run (which ended up being 40 minutes including the walking) my left knee pain began. The same old. The outside of my knee. Hurts to bend it.  Once I felt that pain I had no choice but to immediately stop running. 

The rest of the night was difficult for me since we walked to dinner and I was in so much pain. The knee pain subsided pretty quickly, but the upper/outer thigh pain did not.  I told the boy I that running is not for me, and I would not be trying that anymore.

Quit running

Of course, once I saw everyone outside by the water during my lunchtime walk yesterday, I texted the boy and reneged. I love warm weather, and I need to try again.

But it gets worse. I have started experiencing knee pain in spin class. Not the same pain. This pain is not on the outside of my knee, but it is only on my left knee, which is the bad one. This spinning pain is on the front/inside, right next to the kneecap. It is extremely painful during spin, particularly during the sitting portions. The pulling up movement hurts it the most.

It started a little while ago, but has continued. I wear my knee sleeve to spin (despite the sweaty, skin-pinching discomfort) and it doesn’t help. Last night I went to my first 60 minute spin class. The pain didn’t start until the last 20 minutes or so, but once it began it was bad. I had a hard time walking out of the gym, I could barely bend my leg.

And now I am worried. If I can’t run that would suck but since I never ran in the first place it’s not such a big deal. But you all know how addicted to spin I am, how much I love it, how much I crave it. I know a break is in order, but *waaaahhh* I don’t want one!

After last night’s spin experience and Sunday’s running, I decided it is time to once again visit an orthopedist. I need to know that there is no major damage. I need an x-ray. I need to hear that I can spin again. So tomorrow afternoon I am trying a new doctor.

I know that the outside pain is patella femoral, but is that also the cause of the inside pain? Or is it something different? I need to know.

Knees suck. They carry the weight of the world — okay, just the weight of our bodies, but still — that is a lot of pressure for such weak joints! And yes, I know I use my knees a lot. I spin 3 – 4 times a week. I do the elliptical about 2 times a week. Sometimes I try to run. I walk as much as possible. Sometimes I try to do squats and lunges.

Knee pain

But my initial knee pain started BEFORE I did any of those things. Of course by putting so much strain on my knees I am surely making it worse, but I already had knee issues to begin with. I am curious to hear what the doctor says tomorrow!

In other news, my doormat arrived, so quickly! I will take a picture with it later or tomorrow to post. I love it! And thanks to the A Woman’s Infinite Confidence event, I got some amazing chocolate that I will discuss later this week or early next week. I promise it is GOOD. Hint: A combination of crispy and creamy from a brand you are familiar with that is only 1 Weight Watchers point! AND tonight Missy and I are trying a new workout!  I am VERY nervous. I am wearing my workout clothes to work and I am proud to announce that none of my clothes are on backwards. I am very comfortable. I am excited to provide a full report of the workout. Hopefully I have time this week.

And lastly, look what I got!

Henry's Blend

SEATTLE’S BEST HENRY’S BLEND! My adorable little brother lives in the Seattles and his middle name is Henry (which explains Henry Day) and I call him that often, as well as some variations, including but not limited to Henries, Hen, Hens and Henny.

Needless to say, I was thrilled to have gotten a sample of this from an event the boy went to.

From the Seattle’s Best website, here is the story of Henry’s Blend:

Henry the cat
The day we started roasting our first espresso blend in the ’70s, a furry visitor trotted up to our doorstep, sniffing the air. There was definitely something special about this friendly orange tabby that showed up every time the beans hit the roaster. We started calling him Henry, after another Henry with a nose for great coffee. Henry the cat eventually became our official company mascot, dropping by every day to check on the roasts, get some attention and take advantage of his milk-tasting benefits. And when our first roast was ready for a name, the obvious and only choice was Henry’s Blend®-still a popular blend today.

Henry is Seattle mascot!!!!

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