January 9th 2009 archive

This blog – A new outlook

Hi all,

When I started this blog last year, the main purpose was to write about anything that I felt passionate enough about. Me being me, it was scathing observations of what goes on in my life. However, there are only so many people, behaviors and injustices that make me heated enough to go off on a blog about. I also like to post my favorite web comics, but I limited this only to my absolute favorites. For this reason, my blog was rarely updated.

For the past couple of months, I have been religiously reading some healthy eating and exercise blogs, which I will be adding to my blogroll.  These blogs have given me great food and workout ideas, and they keep me constantly entertained. I am truly interested in the lives of the bloggers.

I do not intend to change my original idea and turn this into a food or exercise blog by any means. I do, however, plan to incorporate more entries about food and exercise, because these are things are not only important to me, but that I actually have something to say about! Writing about working out and delicious food will give me more to write so I can update more. I don’t want to take pictures of all my meals, but if there is something that catches my attention, I will snap a pic and stick it in here. And as I am getting more into exercise, and doing everything possible to be less bored by it, blogging should really help me get more motivated and excited.

You also might have noticed that I have been a bit more open about my medical problems. I intend to incorporate some more of my experiences with this as well, as doctor visits, tests, procedures and treatments have become a huge part of my life. Another reason I want to write more about this is because my GI problems prevent me from eating a LOT of the food I would normally eat, the food I love, the food I want to eat and almost all of the food I read about in the other blogs. Most of the food I eat now is a workaround that won’t make me feel awful.

On another note, I am an avid reader and hope to write some more about the books I read as well. But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves!

I just wanted to give a little heads up so you’ll understand the changes that have been happening. But don’t worry – I will not hesitate to post my usual biting commentary as things happen or a hilarious comic as Randall or Ryan post them!

And lastly, I want to say, please PLEASE comment with your input and ideas!

Attempt #1 – Polar F7 + Spin Class

So after yesterday’s post I was really excited to go to a spin class and see my stats from my Polar F7.  Because of my issue with the feet saddles, I arrived outside the class very early so I could peek in the room of the class before and see which bike already had saddles on so I could go downstairs and sign up for that bike. The signup sheet is on the 3rd floor and spinning is on the 5th floor. I saw 2 in the back of the room right away that had saddles, so I signed up for one of them. Smart move! From now on I will always do it this way.

So I went back up to 5 and waited for the other class to finish. Then I went in and adjusted my bike settings — and I must say I did pretty well! I think I will be fine to do that again. And I noticed these 3 women who I see in the gym ALL the time — they all took spin while I was waiting, were drippy and sweaty, and 15 minutes later were taking this spin class too! In a row! How do these people do it?! One class kills me.

Anyway, class started and I started my monitor. It is a teacher who has a reputation for being awesome and playing great music, and I have taken his class before. While I am in class, I always hate it which is why I basically never go.  This time, I was very excited.

So the heart rate monitor transmits information to the bike, which means the little screen on the bike displayed the workout time, heart rate and RPMs. That was really great because the teacher instructs based on how many RPMs we should be at, so it was great to finally have an idea of where I should be and get it right. The music was great, my heart rate was in the 180s the entire time with a couple of dips into the low 190s and high 170s. Even though I was hating it, I was also loving it and enjoyed monitoring my stats. I was looking forward to the end to see my totals.

And then…. one of my foot saddles popped off! I jumped off the bike and tried to get it back on, but it is impossible and I am hopeless. After trying for awhile I had to just leave the class – I was about 30 min in and it is a 45 minute class. Grrr! I was SO angry. I ran down to the locker room (1st floor) and grabbed my headphones, and back to up the treadmill (4th floor). I wanted to RUN!

Of course, that didn’t work out, as the stomach cramps started as soon as I started running, so I did a run/walk and had to stay at the gym longer than I would have if I could just stay in spin!

So now I will be going to another spin class at some point in the next week to try again. I hate the stupid feet saddles!

The good news is, I was dripping with sweat during spin, and the stats of the workout up to the point I stopped make me want to do it again – so hopefully I will get into spinning more and start hating it less!

And to respond to a question from B Healthy from my previous entry – the only difference between the Polar F6 and the Polar F7 is that the Polar F7 has a more comfortable chest strap. The F6 strap is plastic, the F7 is a softer material. Comfort is VERY important to me while working out, so it was worth it to spend the extra $20 on the F7.