February 2008 archive

The language of the computers

I am the proudest big sister of all time. My brilliant little brother is publicly recognized for the computer genius he is. Listen to him sharing his expertise on a podcast (he starts at about 38 minutes and goes through the end): http://www.dotnetrocks.com/default.aspx?showNum=316.

Matt Matt discusses MSDN Code Gallery and his time as a baby intern at Microsoft. He is mucho funnies.

And as if I couldn’t possibly be prouder, the top blogger at Microsoft wrote about my boy! Read this short and very sweet entry right here: http://blogs.msdn.com/saraford/archive/2008/02/20/matt-my-dev-on-dotnetrocks.aspx

If you ever want to read more about Matt’s work and computer interests, read his blog. It’s really interesting and extremely helpful to web developers: http://blogs.msdn.com/matt/

Here is a picture of the cute one:
My baby boy

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