November 5th 2007 archive

I love my shiny blag

Thanks to my precious little pumpkin Matt Matt, I finally have my very own blog — well, not counting a MySpace blog and Blogspot and LiveJournal accounts. So actually… I finally have my very own fourth blog! Woo hoo!

This one is special because I asked my only young brother to set it up for me, create a URL, name it, and create the look and feel — although he wasn’t able to comply with my request of making the background color “replicate Blankey’s hue.” Oh well, you can’t win ’em all. If you understand the title, I will probably love you forever. If not, remember that you can never be as cool as me and the bruder.

I figure I’ll copy over some of my MySpace blog entries onto here, and also get rolling with fresh new content for the intertubes — which, thanks to the boy, is fully searchable on Google through his own baby site,

So, welcome to my shiny blagoblag. More TK!

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