
2010 archive

2010 DSB Year in Review

When I think back to January 2010, I can’t believe 12 months have passed since then. I just can’t. I started my Core Fusion Challenge on January 2, 2010, which means I have been taking Core Fusion almost every day for a FULL YEAR. How is that possible!

The more I thought about that, the more I thought about my year and how it was documented on this blog. More importantly, I realized how so much of this would never have been possible with this blog. My entire year was shaped by experiences born from Dori’s Shiny Blog.

I hope you will indulge me as I take a look back to the major events that happened for me this year. I owe this year in large part to all of you, and for that I am forever grateful.


On January 2, just a few days after a big breakup and an even more stressful apartment move, I wished my readers a Happy New Year and started the one-month Core Fusion Challenge thanks to the generosity and insight of Fred DeVito. I recruited a group of about 15 blog readers to join at home with the DVDs. These ladies’ positive experiences throughout their challenge helped push me through my own.

DSB Recap Dori in Core Fusion

On January 19, I received the news that one of my very good girlfriends passed away. This was my first real experience with someone my age dying. I still have not fully come to terms with it and I can’t believe it has been almost a year since I’ve spoken to my Robin. I think about her every day. I hope to one day be as good a writer as she was. In fact, one of the reasons I keep writing and blogging is because she said the greatest thing anyone has ever said to me: “I can’t wait to read the book I know you’re going to write one day.”

On January 21, I held a highly successful Dori’s Shiny CHARITY AUCTION to raise money for Think Pink Rocks so I could run the NYC Half Marathon. I chose a breast cancer charity because my mom survived breast cancer when I was 10. I was blown away by the generosity of companies and readers who donated their goods, services and money to my cause. You guys are seriously awesome.

On January 28, I noticed significant improvements after almost a month of Core Fusion.


On February 2, I shared my one-month results from the Core Fusion Challenge. So much changed in only one month — and now I have been doing Core Fusion for a whole year! Yes, kids, it works. Believe me. And if you don’t, just ask the (long) list of boys I can supply you with upon request.

On February 7, I ran the Gridiron Classic race with Meghann, whose blog I had been reading for a long time. I also brought her to Core Fusion and ate at Alice’s Tea Cup for the first time!

Dori Meghann Gridiron Race DSB

On February 10, I opened up a bit about my exercise history and explained why I could never go back to having a regular gym membership again.

On February 20, I ran the Race for Haiti, which raised over $400,000 towards earthquake relief.

Race for Haiti DSB Dori

On February 24, I learned to never say “I can’t” when I realized that Core Fusion drastically improved flexibility in just two months.

On February 26, I discovered my favorite exhale class, Kayleigh’s Core Fusion Yoga. That same week, I tried Core Fusion Cardio for the first time, which has since become a permanent staple in my life.


On March 21, I turned 27 and I ran my very first half marathon – the NYC Half Marathon. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I cried at the start and finish (and around mile 7) of the race from an overflow of emotion. I wish I could relive it!

DSB Dori NYC Half times square DSB Dori NYC Half Finish


On April 3, two weeks after my first half marathon, I ran my second one in my hometown of Flushing, New York. Missy was there taking this video and that video.

DSB 13.1 Queens Half Marathon Dori

On April 7, I revealed to my grandmother that I am a vegetarian.


On May 11, I announced the new DSB posting schedule: Tuesday Blags. This set the stage for the rest of the year, and having this schedule took the pressure off myself to post all the time while keeping me responsible for writing every week. I also disclosed that I spend an inordinate amount of money on clothing my brother’s dog in sweatervests and Obama shirts.

Santana sweatervest


On June 6, I reflected on running without music. And we all know how much I like my running music.

On June 12, I ran a 10K in 56:05 and am still on cloud 9 from this. I realized for the first time that I can be fast when I am willing to push my limits.

DSB 56:05 Dori 10K


On July 17, I completed my final qualifying race for the 2011 ING NYC Marathon. This race also marked the first indication of my hip injury that would plague me at the end of the year.

Dori race july 2010


On August 12, I held a free Core Fusion class for my blog readers. I was so happy to hear that they all loved it. The main reason I promote Core Fusion all the time, to anyone who will listen, is because I really just want other people to experience what I did, get the same benefits and understand why this is truly a mind body workout.

On August 21 I ran on New York City’s Summer Streets for the first time and witnessed the dumpster pools. On August 24, I ran nine miles from Basytr University to my brother’s home in Kirkland, Washington during a fantastic vacation.

DSB Dumpster Pools Dori Kirkland DSB Run Dori

On August 28, I traveled out to the Hamptons to assist with — and be IN — a YogaVibes Core Fusion class. Me on the left:

Dori YogaVibes Core Fusion

On August 29, I went on an Outdoor Bound hiking trip with fellow bloggers Missy and Kristine. We had such a great time hiking 6.5 miles on a gorgeous summer day!


On September 5, my baby brother got married to Mallory in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. Can you believe they let children get married? Seriously, Mallory was already my sister and I am so happy for them, and especially for their pup Santana who is finally a legitimate puppy and no longer a bastard.  (Doctored photo)

On September 28, I finally realized why I am still single.

Awkward Positions DSB Why Dori is single


On October 3, I ran my third half marathon this year, the Divas Half Marathon. I traveled to Long Island and ran with my friends Melissa and Erica — two friends I made through this blog. I PRd this distance, coming in at 2:14:44 despite knee and ankle pain.

DSB Review Diva Dori Dori & Erica Sara Divas Half

On October 24, I posted photos of myself on the internet wearing nothing but an apron as part of Rachel’s Project Tasteless, Naked Chef Challenge. I then sent uncensored image to the list of boys (see February).

Naked Dori


On November 1, I started a new job in social media. Finding the job was easy; finding the bathroom was less so.

On November 7, I watched the NYC Marathon for the first time — and got extra excited to run it next year!

DSB ING NYC Marathon pic

On November 16, I interviewed Brynn Jinnett about her new studio, Refine, a new workout I’ve been in love with since October.

DSB Recap Dori Missy Refine

On November 21, I set a PR for the 4 mile distance with a 33:55 time, drastically improving from my 40:00 time the year before and running my fastest race time/mile not counting a one mile race. When did I get so fast!


On December 2, I held a free Refine Method class for my readers. Everyone loved it. I am so happy to share my new obsession!

DSB Refine DSB Refine 2

On December 28, I announced the winners of the Healing Cooler Giveaway! Congratulations to the best responses (weighted double for those who Tweeted). Congratulations Melissa, Eve, Danica, Chelsa and Ana!

2010 has been a life changing year. As I wrote this post, I thought of the Billy Joel lyrics: “These are the times to remember cause they will not last forever; These are the days to hold on to cause we won’t although we’ll want to.” Thanks to this blog and your support, I will remember these times and I was able to hold on to every single day of the last 365. I was able to do so much this year, from Core Fusion to running races to hiking to Refine Method to appearing in exercise videos to making close friends and more — opportunities I never would have had if I didn’t start a little blog with a silly name back in November, 2007.

I changed so much over the past year — both my body (over 200 Core Fusion classes’ll do that to you) and my entire outlook; the way I handle situations and deal with stress. Compared with this time last year, I am a much stronger person both physically and emotionally.

I am excited to see where 2011 takes us!

Cooler Cleanse: Healing Cooler Giveaway – 5 Winners!

It makes sense that December is the time for giveaways! Before we get to today’s, I will announce the winner of the Core Fusion Bootcamp DVD. I used the Random Integer Generator and I am very happy to announce that Diana from My Marble Rye is the winner! Diana said: My goal is to run a 10k or a half!!! I hope I can do it!!!

OF COURSE you can do it! Congratulations Diana! Email me your address and I will have that DVD sent right to you.

When I did a Cooler Cleanse review and giveaway over the summer, it went really well. I loved my three-day juice cleanse and so many readers wanted to win a free one! So when my friends at Cooler Cleanse reached out to me and told me about their new program. Healing Cooler, I jumped at the chance to help again. The concept and the motivation behind Healing Cooler is dramatically different from that of other juicing programs.

The main difference — and what I especially like about Healing Cooler — is that it is NOT marketed as a cleanse or a fast. Upon visiting the website, you see a montage of pictures with phrases such as “Send help for a speedier recovery.” And their slogan is “A healing gift from the heart.”

What does this mean? It means that Healing Cooler promotes juicing as a way to get vital nutrients to assist with healing.

Healing Cooler Logo

On the What’s Inside Our Juices page, they clearly state the following: Our pressing method means that Healing Cooler juices stay potent for three days when kept chilled. Nowhere on the website do they encourage you to drink all six juices in a day or substitue juices for a day’s worth of food. And while you certainly could (and it is arguably most effective), that is not the main point of this gift. The Healing Cooler is a way to give someone vital nutrients to help them heal, whether it be over the course of one day or three. No matter how you drink your Healing Cooler juices, you will get the amazing benefits of juice!

From their site:

Give a gift of health and happiness to someone you care about. Opening a Healing Cooler, the recipient will find six fresh pressed juices bursting with flavor and nutrition. They’re potent aids for refreshing and reviving the body when it’s down, or boosting its daily defenses.

For centuries, people have used premium fruit and vegetable juices to maintain and build good health. Today’s extremely efficient juicing methods extract the maximum amount of goodness from ripe, organic produce. That makes pressed juice one of nature’s most powerful — and delicious — pick-me-ups.

Whether you send a Healing Cooler to lend your support or just to say “Thank you,” there’s no more thoughtful way to show you care about someone’s well-being than to give a cooler filled with fresh pressed juices.

Designed as a gift, there are four options of juice packages to give:

The Immunity, Strength and Recovery are each designed with specific juices meant to aid in these functions. On each page you can read more about the juices included and why they were chosen. It is clear that a great deal of thought and research was put into designing these programs. The idea is that you give a gift to someone in your life who needs a boost in one of these areas. For $60, it is a very reasonable gift and also very thoughtful — especially during these cold winter months.

You might be wondering how the juices actually taste. I know the idea of vegetable juice might not sound so appealing, no matter how many times I swear they taste better than you think. Healing Cooler sent me a free pack of six juices to try as part of this promotion. I opted for Create Your Own because I wanted to try juices from Immunity, Strength AND Recovery.

First, let me say this is an awesome gift to receive. It gets delivered in an insulated box that acts like a cooler. I loved the ice pack!

The Healing Cooler also includes an optional handwritten card:

I got my own sweet handwritten card from Healing Cooler! I loved it. And how cute is that box.

My thoughts on the juices I tried:

Green Leaf (Immunity, Strength, Recovery) – DELICIOUS. You might think green juice sounds yucky, but I promise you will find this tasty. If you’ve done Blueprint Cleanse, there is a great chance you think green juice is gross. This tastes NOTHING like their green juice — I SWEAR. You can hold me to this. A delicious, super healthy blend of vegetables, lightly sweetened with pear.

Kale & Co (Immunity, Strength) – LOVED. I was nervous about this one because it contains apple, which I thought might be the reason I didn’t like Blueprint’s green juice. But this is totally different! The apple is so subtle and provides just the right amount of sweetness. The watercress really added to this one. I would drink this every day if I could!

Pineapple Kiwi (Immunity) – Very good, tasted much more of pineapple than kiwi.

Pear Mint (Immunity) – I didn’t love this one the way I expected to, but it was a good juice.

Ten Veggie (Strength) – Lots and lots of vegetables in one! Crazy! I wasn’t sure if I would like this because I tend not to like juices that contain tomato, but I really enjoyed this one. The beet and carrot are strong flavors that bring down the tomato, so it is just a really delicious mix.

Red Veggie (Strength) – At first sip I thought “holy tomato!” I didn’t think I liked it, but I am happy to report that as I continued drinking it I got used to this one and ended up really liking it. I wouldn’t choose it over the others greens or the Ten Veggie, but it was much better than I expected it to be considering it contained tomato juice.

I really enjoyed my juices. I planned to drink them all in one day but ended up splitting it up over three. To each her own! That is the beauty of the Healing Cooler.

Hopefully you all think this is as awesome as I do because I’ve got FIVE of these babies to give away.

Giveaway rules:

You can get up to two entries.

(1) Entry one consists of TWO parts:

  • Post on the Healing Cooler Facebook wall to say which cooler you would like in January, and why.
  • Leave the same comment here so we can confirm your entry. Half entries will not be counted.

(2) Once you’ve done that, get a second entry by tweeting the following (you all know how much I love the Twitters):

Win a free @healingcooler of 6 healing juices from @dysterious – details here! http://dorishinyblog.com/?p=5096

I will work with the Healing Cooler team to select the best responses. You will be able to select a shipping day after the holiday season is over, since FedEx is a bit overwhelmed with holiday stuffs.

I will announce the FIVE WINNERS on Tuesday, December 28. Good luck!

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